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Guys, Okay, this is where we will do the planning for a return to Vietnam. You guys will please note that I posted this under "5th Comm Business" because that is what this will be - all business. No goofing off, no clowning around, and this means YOU! It even means me. Save the nonsense for screwing up Jack's threads. The first thing we need to do is set a timeline and a tentative date or at least an approximation thereof. We will have to set it far enough ahead so that those of us of limited means will be able to save up enough to make the trip. This means we'll have to have some idea of the cost of airfare, lodging, food, etc. Richard may be able to help us out there, as he as already posted some approximations of those items. Everybody who is making the trip will get a say as to when and how we do this, but in the end, the majority rules. Questions, comments, suggestions, and opinions are welcome. Okay, let's do it! Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
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Guys I don't know if all of you saw the opics Dick Brown sent from DaNang, so check this out (his pics) dawg |
 | | From:  lzstud | Sent: 7/24/2007 1:06 AM |
I would be interested in participating in the trip. I'd be particularly interested in visiting Dong Ha, LZ Stud and Ca Lu. Coincidently, I found more of Richard's 5th Comm Compound photos while googling at lunch today. I remember more sand back then. Tony Mastriani |
 | | From: Rat | Sent: 8/28/2007 2:38 PM |
What part are you going to? |
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Rat, Just like 5th Comm, we'll probably base out of Danang, but all of the side trips will be up to you guys. Wherever you want to go and whatever you can afford in cost and time. This is all up to whomever goes on the trip. This will not be one of those canned trips that goes where they want you to go. We plan it and go and do whatever the Vietnamese will let us go to and do, okay? Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
 | | From: Rat | Sent: 8/31/2007 11:33 PM |
Do you have a ball park figure on costs and time of departure? |
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Rat, We're tentatively set for 2009 and nothing is planned farther than that. Start saving your pennies and we'll see how costs pan out by then. I'm guessing that for a week in PRVN somewhere around $2K-$3K should be more than enough for airfare, lodging, meals, side trips, etc. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
 | | From: Rat | Sent: 9/1/2007 4:36 PM |
Sounds good to me.Thanks. |
 | | From:  lzstud | Sent: 9/1/2007 10:52 PM |
I think I'm getting old. While in Hawaii this week, I went to lunch with a group of customers. I was asked how many times I 'd been to Hawaii. I replied, "Twice recently and once in the middle of the night, on my way to Vietnam". The youngest person at the table asked, "Oh. You do business in Vietnam?" |
 | | From: Jim B | Sent: 9/2/2007 1:37 AM |
Cute story. I was talking to a couple vets some years ago and one of them was wearing a ball cap with the Purple Heart patch on it. A group of youngsters, mid 20s, late teens, comgratulated him on WINNING a Purple Heart award. I forgot that it was a competition for that. I shoulda tried harder. Jim B. RETURN TO VIETNAM
| | From: lzstud | I think I'm getting old. While in Hawaii this week, I went to lunch with a group of customers. I was asked how many times I 'd been to Hawaii. I replied, "Twice recently and once in the middle of the night, on my way to Vietnam". The youngest person at the table asked, "Oh. You do business in Vietnam?" | | View other groups in this
Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games. |
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I always made it a point to get my head down whenever that little dink would get up on the orphanage roof and rounds would start zinging through the camp. Whenever I see someone with a Purple Heart, I'm reminded of that classic Ronald Reagan line after he was shot by John Hinckley - "Honey, I forgot to duck!" Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
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IZSTUD Hope you told that customer YES SF Dawg |
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At 61 years of age I believe it's past time to make this trip and would love to be counted a participant. gpowell 65-66 (Chief, VACO Telecom Group, DVA, WASHDC) |
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I'd love to go back and if this is being planned for 2009, all the better. Count me in on future conversations regading a trip back. Obviously I'm interested in tentative time of year, length of trip and cost. Thanks guys and looking forward to it. |
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Oh yes I'm gonna try to do this one too.
Gotta have another burger on the beach there.
maybe take another ride on the officers ferry
across the river lol
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Martha and I are taking a two week tour of the I Corps area this March that is sponsored by this outfit:
The tour costs $3,000 including round-trip air freight from LA and covers all the places where we had radio relay sites. Especially, there will be two or three days at Khe Sanh. Bruce Myers will be on the trip- he was the Col. who took over from Lounds after the siege.
We will also spend a couple of days near the 5th Comm compound and there will be a special stop at the orphanage.
On a related mattter, I have found (then) Lt Randy Bonner who was, I bellieve, exec to Capt Forman in 1967. I had a nice chat with Randy yesterday. He is a retired Marine Corps colonel and lives near Pendleton. Maybe those of you who remember him can drop him a line at
[email protected]
Maybe we can get him to log onto our data sheet.
Let me know if there is any interest in going on this trip. Particulars are on the above link regarding the 40th anniversary Khe Sanh tour.
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