Luis Mercado
RR Const.Co.5th Comm.bn.
[email protected]
cpl. r/r const.co.1967/1968 wireman was there when danang got hit.near airport air force hammered.also sea bees hit.Remember names gyn/sgt young staff sgt Powell Hess ,stromecki melvin gary vietor.I will try to remember more names.
Tom Murtha
Sgt., (at one time)
[email protected]
Most of my bio, is on the msg. board. The rank listed, may cause someone's memory to jolt. OTD
Andy L Morris
Radio Relay operater
[email protected]
5th comm. Feb.14,1967-Oct. 1968 Shots: PhuBai 3ed mar Div, Hoe An ROK White Horse, Marble Mountain 3ed Am Trcs, Hill 180 phubai- 3ed mar div, camp carroll 9th & 26th marines. M
Joe Russell
Cpl in Nam, Got out a Sgt
Construction Plt. RR & Const. Co.
[email protected]
Was in Const. Plt from Feb 67 to May 69. Transferred to Camp LeJeune to 4/10 Lima Co. Transferred again to Futema Okinawa to HMM-165 helicopter squadron. Went on a 6 month float and at one time, got about 4 miles out from 5th Comm beach. Could see the compound and guys on the beach playing volleyball etc.
Bob Gordon(Lawson 65-66 Vietnam)
5th Comm Bn Hqs, Operations Nov 65 - Sept 66, 1stFLSG comm Plt Sept67-Dec67,5th Comm Bn, comm Plt, Crypto, III MAF, Sept 67 - Mar69.
[email protected]
I remember the raining days the most. I also remember watching puff the magic dragon overhead spitting out death and watching the pink elephants in the trees while on guard duty and feeling the what it is like when a grenade bounches in your bunker. I remember watching the clounds move accross the mountains like it was being poured from the other side.
[email protected]
Harold John Friedrich
PFC to Sgt.
RR Plt., RR&C Co.
[email protected]
Oct '65 to Dec '67. Started out with Comm Spt.Co., HQ Bn., 3dMarDiv.Helped build Hoa Long. Served around Danang, then around Phu Bai and at Khe Sanh. Got to see so many of the scenic spots of sunny I Corps.
Richard M. Porter
l/cpl, '68
[email protected]
5th Comm., 3-68 to 11-68. 2531, Repose net;
TADs 1st ROKMAR, 101st AB/Pipeline, Hue.
Came in country with 9th MABs'fill in for, B 1/27 of RLT 27,2-68. 5th Comm 3-6-68. Burned shit for fun. :-)
George Powell
[email protected]
53 Area (CommCo(Rein), 1stMarDivFMF Mar65 depart Braodway Pier SDIEGO aboard LSD-3 Carter Hall. Couple of months at Hague, then to Da Nangon the LST-1168 Wexford County. Moved from airstrip (swamp side/tent city) near "Dogpatch" across the river (Marble Mountain). Remember Restad, Denny Sargeant, Wise, Wuergler, Prendergast, Crutchlow, Foster, Giles, Santos, Dycus, Schiffers.........Harvest Moon, Prairie, Hastings, Starlight and R&R in Hong Kong. Never left comm, been at it since the day I left the Corps, continued using hooks for 16 years (gets to be hard on the knees)
Pete Miller
Radio Relay Vietnam 69-70
[email protected]
Stationed at Phu Bai, also with the 7th Marines at LZ Baldy. Took command of Radio Relay Site on Monkey Mountain until the 3rdMarines left then moved to MACS 4 on top of Monkey Mountain with Radio Relay shot to Chu Lai.
Service Co. motor -T
[email protected]
Orders out of ITR were to 8" guns 29 Palms Calif. Reported in Oct. 1965. In December 1965 I was transfered to 7th Comm, Radio Relay. The Platoonwas preparing to mount out to Nam to complete 5th Comm Bn. January 66 we boarded the USS THOMASTON (LSD) and shipped out to Nam. Landed at Tein Sha pier on a cold rainy day February 1966. Convoy to the 5th Comm base camp near Marble Mnt. where the Salts commenced to scare the crap out of us with war stories. About 2 months later I was reassigned to Service Co. Motor transport and remained there until I rotated in Sept..1967. Col. Kelly was the Bn. Co. Some of the guys I remember ar Danny Milek (Missoula Montana), Carl Nutt ( Tenn. ) Mike Yslavia (Arizonia) Schollser ( louisana ).
ES Munoz
E2 - E6
Radio Relay Section, 4th Mar Reg, 3rd Mar Div
[email protected]
RVN Dec67-Oct69 4thMarReg3rdMarDiv Comm Section Radio Relay Radio
Bob Yount
Radio Platoon, H&S Co.
[email protected]
I was one of the original 7 marines that cleared the land for the 5th comm camp. I arrived just after the 9th marines in April of 65. I was also one of the 10 people that put in the swimming area and was one of the life guards. About May-July 66. Rotated in July of 66.
Dan Reed
CSC Comm Center Plt
[email protected]
If you look at George Powell's bio,it tells the same story about how we got to the Nam.While at Hague on Okinawa,I was with Radio Relay Plt.Cpl Walter Anderson had a Boonie Hat made for me that had our patch and then below it read "Radio Relay Attache".He is the one who nicknamed me Tank.Walter is now the publisher of Parade Magazine ,you know the Sunday paper mag.He is also the author of a couple of books.I am sure he would really love to hear from some of guys from RR that served in 65-66.I remember Jim Coffee,Joe Lewis,Sgt.Ted Ford,Cpl.Jim Weiman,Cpl.Steve Valarga.Gunny Futch,S/Sgt.King.I have forgotten the names of so many others,but I remember faces as I see them periodically over the years in my dreams.I lost all of my stuff(pictures,etc.) many years ago in a fire.If anyone out there remembers me or has pics of the old guys from 1965 I sure would love to see themThis web site is the greatest ! I have had tears in my eyes and goosebumps since Jim Fowler e-mailed me.Why don't we have a reunion?
Jim Beatty
E4 - E5
[email protected]
Just found out about this great site. Something to be proud of. I hope and look forward to a possible reunion. Hope to find out what's happend to some old buddies.
Douglas D. Rogers
HQ's Company
[email protected]
Arrived in country Sept 1967....left Oct 1968. Remember some of the things that we missed....throwing beer cans at the out door movie screen (4x8 sheets of plywood painted white)...walking guard....patrols....and the great food at the mess hall....I stuck to pound cake and peaches.....And the missions that the Top sent me on........
Theron Page
Cpl in Nam
H &S Motor-T
[email protected]
I was with the 5th Comm. Bn in 1967. My MOS was mechanic in the motor pool and together with a great team, we kept the radio trucks in operation and off the "Dead Line". <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> I went through Motor Transport training at Camp LeJune, then Infantry training at Pendelton, then to Vietnam.<o:p></o:p> While in country, I served for six months at 5th Comm. then later at FLC (Force Logistics Command) on the other side of DaNang.<o:p></o:p> After Nam, I served at the Marine Corp Air Station in Santa Ana, California.<o:p></o:p> Three short years in the Corp., but a whole lot of memories. Here are a few of my photos of 5th Comm.
Joe Koller
66, Pvt, 67 LCpl, Cpl.68 Sgt
5th Comm. Bn gusrd duty for 3 months HQ III MAF 67-68
[email protected]
I spent a lot of time on guard duty in bunker 3, from june 66 to about sept. had to clean up the mess when the Marine blew him self up with a frag gernade, I was his replacement.
Then to IIIMAF HQ as a wireman and switchboards operator.
I am looking for anyone that went through Boot camp at San Diego in Oct 25 Plt. 1010 Please contact me.
TJ Wilkins
[email protected]
I was sent to IIIMAF COC comm ctr from 5th Comm and spent my tour at the III MAF compound in 69-70. I remember when the ammo dump gothit and our mess hall got destroyed plus all the rain, the smells and the trips to freedom hill.
[email protected]
John Callahan
Comm. Supp. Co. (2531) Voice Radio
[email protected]
The way I see it I was promoted 4 times, ..... sorta makes me a Sargeant ?  1/8 A Co. (Radio) Cypress, Med Cruise 1964 1/ 8 H&S Co. Comm. Plt. Dominican Rep. 1965 5th Comm. Bn. V N 1965 - 1966 (Comm. Supp. Co.) Looking for PFC Bruce Brantz (2531 Comm.Supp.) from South Philadelphia.
Gerry Bechen
PFC -> CPL -> PFC :)
Comm Plattoon, Comm Co.
[email protected]
USS Okanogan from Long Beach, CA JUN66 to CHU LAI, JUL66, via Hawaii for a few days. And of course the Typhoon we ran intonear the Phillipines. After a short while, some of us went to DaNang (some nice pictures on this site). Lived at the Beachfront property for a while and then moved to III MAF HQ to work in the message center. All in all I have some fond memories of the time spent in VN. I have a few pictures of the 5th Comm camp and local areas. I drove a jeep and made a lot of courier runs when the lines were down. Not all of them were fun. Approx. tour dates Left Long Beach at end of May 66, arrived Chu Lai about one month later. Left from DaNang about mid July 67.I heard the day after I left, the DaNang AirStrip was hit pretty bad. Would be glad to hear from anyone I served with or any others.
Rodney L. West
Pfc-Sgt. in Nam, retired MGySgt.
Const. Plt. and Comm Plt at III MAF
[email protected]
Took the boat ride on the Thomaston, seasick first four days out till they put me in sick bay. Spilled 5gals. of OD green while painting trucks on the upper deck. Helped camo a MIKE boat in the well deck with that. Went to 8th Comm after Nam, same guys for the most part.
Retired from USMCR as MGySgt. Comm Chief for 4th MAW. Went to the show in Saudia Arabia as a Gunny with a local HUEY unit. Some things never changed.
Kept in touch with Gary Vietor in Michigan and Ralph Haas in Davenport, Iowa, both Const. Plt. troops.
Went to boot camp with Wayne Schlosser in MT, Eugene Telenko Const. Plt. truck driver and Gary Vietor. We all reported to 7th Comm at the Stumps in Nov. 65
CommCenPLT/CommCo//BnS-4/Hqco66-67//OpnsCommCO//opnsComSptCo7thComm 70-71
[email protected]
James R Connor
5th Comm Bn Radio Relay Plt
[email protected]
In Country Nov 65. Bunked in the old compound with the pyramid tents.Walked along the creek to the mess hall to eat the "RED DEATH". In Jan 66 Iflew to Subic Bay boarded ship and sailed back to Viet Nam to partiscipate in a landing. In April 66 I moved to Monkey Mountain and stayed until Jan 67. I moved to the main base in Da Nang and made courier runs until March 67. I am looling for information on David Grubic. His name appears on the MAA list along with others that I knew. Stoney Broadstreet, Johnny Earl Mack, Ollie Oliveras, Prince Murray and Shimmerhorn. May GOD continue to keep and bless each of vou.
Brian Farrell
Radio Plt/Comm Co.
[email protected]
How in the hell is everyone? Man, it has been a long time. Came in country Oct. 67, rotatated back to the world Dec 68. TAD Radar school, 1stMARDIV ; TAD Task Force Hotel' Khe Sanh, TAD POL Dong Ha. Anyone who was there with me, say hello!!!!!
Richard Boyd
RR Plt, RR&Const Co.
[email protected]
Semper Fi Brothers. Wow, it's great to find a 5th Comm web site. My mos was 2831, radio relay repairman. Was in RVN with 5th Comm, from May '70 to Oct '70. I finished out my westpac tour with 7th Comm, on Okinawa. 5th Comm was actually decommisioned in Oct of '70 (don't know exact day), and hasn't been recommisioned. I was one of the last Marines at Camp Hoa Long. An Army Engineer unit moved in after us. Also spent time on 244, Monkey Mountain, and 950. Welcome Home to each and every one of you! I'll be in D.C. for Vets Day, and the M.C. B'Day. Hope to run into some of you there.
Ron Leonard
PFC-CPL Nam. Sgt discharge
III MAF Comm room for war room.
[email protected]
Enlisted for Three.
A P Stromecki
construction plt; rr & construction
[email protected]
Departed 29 Palms with Capt Wilhelm.Boarded the USS Thomaston in San Diego for transport to RVN. In country from January 66 to February 67. Slept in our pup tents the first night in camp.
Dave Hildebrand
Wire Platoon, CommSptCo
[email protected]
Jan 66-Feb 67
Adrian A. Lopez
Motor "T", Headquarters
[email protected]
5th Comm - 21 Dec 66 to 4 Apr 68 Arrived a 6 months cherry-san and left a casualty at the end of Tet '68. Geat mix of old salts and new guys. I had a lot of great driving runs with the Bn and the best were the convoys up north for FLC. Of the Motor T bunch I remember Monzie, Ballard, Carter, Harris, Reno, Yslava, Meracle, Schlosser and Gunny Garrett. I am still looking for that hi-compression grease and sky hook. My last three years of a 2nd enlistment was as an Marine Security Guard with the USNATO/Embassy Detachment, Brussels, Belgium. Now it has come full circle, we have a Corpsman-son with 1/7 in Iraq. Semper Fi.
John Keller
63 -67 Pendleton, RVN, LeJune,final rank SGT
Radio Plt., CommCo, 5thComm and 7th Comm
[email protected]
Landing at Red Beach, 7thComm, then 5thComm, DoubleEagle I and II, MK83's Radio Jeeps, TSC-15's..2531 MOS RVN 65-66
Ron Parent
Radio Platoon/Comm. Spt. Co. ('66-'67)
[email protected]
TSC-15 Van Operator
Bill Simonson
PFC Got Froze there somehow :-) something to do with a dispute with an officer
TAD III MAF comm. ctr. 1968-69
[email protected]
Called a friend of mine up who was stationed at Camp horn one night. His C.O. wanted to know how come I could call in on the red phone. Just told him I had axcess and not to worry about it. When my friend Ray got on the phone I told him "Get your Head Down, your gonna get hit any minute now!" He laughed, in the background you could hear the mortars start walking in. He said OK and gotta go. His C.O. kept asking him "Who da hell was that guy and how did he know that stuff?" Sat down at a PTSD group in Wisconsin and told the boys "Did you know that every shot fired in Viet Nam was accounted for?" They didn't believe me. We had a daily round expenditure in 68 along with the daily body count. I will get the photos to you folks as soon as i can find them all and it will take time to re-do and transfere my movie of the drive around DaNang, and the ride to 5th comm. The movie is in super 8 color and i will have to transfere it to video tape then to the computer. I also have a reel to reel tape i left running during the day at III MAF. (very noisy place) and one I left running at night during one of our famos rocket attacks. It may also take me some time to dig that one up. One of funniest things i'd ever seen was on the 5th com. compound. An all night rain and when I looked ouside the hooch in the morning someone in the hooch next door did a high dive into a foxhole next to the hooch full of water. At the time it just looked outrageous. Also remember having to swim to get to the E-club at 5th com. because of the rain. Did I tell you I"m glad you folks are here.
Bob Potts
RR & Const
[email protected]
Entered the Corps in 6/63 going to MCRD Parris Island, Plt 238. From there went to Camp Lejuene for 27 months with 2nd Shore Pty Bn. Went on several cruise in the Caribbean and ending up in Santo Domingo 4/28/65 making a wet landing on Red Beach. This ended up being a joke because we landed on a hot beach with blank ammunition. We finally got ammunition about 0200 and shortly after got hit. After returning to Lejuene went on a couple more cruises I thought I was short but got orders to RVN with only 13 months left. Got to RVN in June 66 assign to 5th Comm. The first few months I was assigned to I Corp HQ working on the switchboard and finally getting promoted to Cpl. Trf to RR & Cons and went on the construction changing field wire to cable. After a while got a crew that was responsible to repair and replace telescopic poles that the ARVNs shot up. We had a SSgt promote 2nd Lt who became our CO but I can't remember his name. If anyone knows his name send an email with his name. Please !! Does anyone remember Dunn or Ashby. They where bunked in my home. Left RVN 5/28/67 and left active duty 6/10/67.
James DeYoung, Jr.
Radio Relay (2532), RR&C
[email protected]
Was first in 7th Comm HQ Bn and the went to base on beach when changed to 5th Comm Bn. Arrived Nam Oct. 65 and rotated to states in Nov. 66.
Denny Weisgerber
Radio Plt. Com Co.
[email protected]
Arrived 5th Comm Aug 68 and worked in the comm co area and was on the react platoon at night for a while ,also stood radio watch in the cp bunker. Lots of folks came and went and I finally went to 1st MAW Comm Ctr in Jan of 69. Had just about every job in the place by the time I left in Aug. Really liked my job as duty driver, I drove all over the DaNang area. Stood one month on guard duty and went on patrols with the 1MP Bn and lucky me I got to hump the prc 25, lots of bad memories from that year, some good ones too. (PTSD and agent orange are very real and nobody came home without both).
Paul Nunes
R. R. & Const. PLT.
[email protected]
Served with 5th Comm BN. 3 Mar.Div. Const. Plt. from Sept.68 to Oct 69.
Ron Durham
PFC-CPL-Vietnam, Retired MGYSGT-Reserves
Construction Plt.
[email protected]
Looking for any of the old guys from construction. Was in country from August 1968-February 1970.
Alan Jackson
Cpl 2815
III MAF war room (TTY tech controller)
[email protected]
6/68-3/69?-7th Comm-Hill 34. 3/69-1/70- 5thComm-Beach for a couple of months and then to Camp Horn.
Michael S. Betts
HQ Co/Bn S-3
[email protected]
Michael S. Betts
HqCo/Bn S-3
[email protected]
Arrived "in country" 9/66, departed 6/67 for RelAcDu. No opening @ IIIMAF CommCen when arrived., spent 2 wks as "Bunker NCO" in NW corner @ "How Long". Took job in S-3 when somebody rotated and I'd have taken anything (including NCOIC of burning out the head) to get out of that damned bunker. Remember fondly my tour, the guys and the times. Got appointed to escort Henry Fonda (the better part of him must've dripped down his leg when Jane was conceived ) when he visited 5th Comm and got our picture in "Stars and Stripes". | |
John Roach
LCpl,Cpl (Nam) Sgt (3rd AmTrack Bn.,5th MAB)
HQ Co. Radio Repair
[email protected]
Served July, 1968 to June, 1970 in Ground Radio Repair and Administration. I was a regular on React Platoon when I wasn't at theE Club. I'm interested in any documentation of 5th Comm. Bn. Awards and Citations, and graphics, for any patches, logos, or memorabilia from 5th Comm. I'd like to hear from anyone who served with me in Nam. After 35 years i'm just now going through the old negatives that I have left (many were lost) and will post some of the better ones of 5th Comm., DaNang, Marble Mtn., III MAF, Hoa Long, and whaterver I find. Semper Fi John Roach MOS 2841 Ground Radio Repair
Mike Rogan
L/Cpl %th Comm Bn 1970-withdrawl
Radio Relay &; HQ. Plt.
[email protected]
Back in the world of all night generators that dont keep you up except in yournightmares. Well there seem to be some real nightmares going down right in front of us , jobs going overseas, an economy based on the vulnerable and easilly changed oil prices, energy dependance, war in Irag, Very much like where we were in 65-70. The honor of the warrior continues to degenerate in the hands of these coorporate rats. Semper Fi Don't get fooled again.
Robert (Bob) Johnson
[email protected]
RVN 67-68; really glad I found this site; SF
Tony Mastriani
Radio Relay
[email protected]
RVN 4-68~11-69 Danang-Dong Ha-LZ Stud-Dong Ha-Danang I spent most of my time on TRC-97s. I was also out on several 1st Div 97 shots but don't recall the locations. I was lucky enough to get out on mail runs and the like to Cua Viet, Phu Bai, Quang Tri, Con Thien, Camp Carroll.
Jim Green
Hq Co Motor T
[email protected]
August '67 - Sept '68
Neil A. Wertley
Comm Support
[email protected]
I was TAD to FLC from 1970-1971. At first I set up Tech Control, then Acting Telephone Officer and finally TTC-28 Mobil Dial Central Chief. We handled all of the comm for Danang North. When I retired I taught electronics for United Electronics Institute. Over the years rose to Director/Dean of the college. When the school closed I moved on to Tampa College where I retired as Academic Dean 2 years ago.
David Rivas
Wire Plt / Comm Supt Co
[email protected]
Arrived in country abord the General Gordon in March 67 with 1500 Marines and they took us to some large grinder in Danang. So we're all sittingon our sea bags and they start calling out lists of names. Each list went to an awaiting cattle-car and off they went. Hours later they finished calling out names and 7of us were still sitting there like abandoned children in this enormous field. The NCO in charge yells out, "Who the hell are you? You're not suppose to be here!". That was fine with me but how was I going to get back to San Diego? Five days later they located our orders and I was on my way to the 5th Comm Bn at the beach paradise Camp Hoi Long, The Flower Garden.
[email protected]
hello to all of you guys and welcome back to the WORLD......SEMPER FI
Mike Sanford
Comm Co Hq Bn
[email protected]
Arrived Danang May/Jun 1965 with Comm Center
lll Maf at Airfield,later moved to 3rd Mardiv Hill 327.
I was a teletype operator/SLAVE, if you catch my
drift..Go figure.Mike
Ron McGinnis
Comm Spt Co "67-68
[email protected]
James McHale
Radio Com Co 7th and 5th Comm Bn
[email protected]
Stationed at camp Horno from Feb. 1963 till March 1965 went to Okinawa then on to Da Nang. Changed from to 7th to 5th on the way over. Built China Beach.Spent most of my time with TSC15s before arriving at the beach. Did my first 60 days in bunkers as we expanded the size of the base camp.
Randy Ratcliff
7th Comm & III Maf
[email protected]
Started out at China Beach then we were sent to Red Beach and left with the early pull out.
loftus wilbur h
rr&c/comm.supt 2511/2531
[email protected]
arrived danang 27jun70 by bummpy airlines [with phantoms shadowing.found out later!!] arrived 5th comm.bn. worked with rr&c.plt assigned to line crew. i think cpl deal was driver ?got to climb poles found out quick that you get shot at [not in training!!!] in the mix of things got to meet herman[mascot]wonder what happend to him?e-club beach comber was great so was the movies till the screen took a hit.movies was on hold a bit.later transfer to comm supt.short time later sent on s&d with inf don't rember who as radio operator.that did'nt go well radio took hits but i did'nt thanks to radio &my turtle shell. thenback to rr&c to finish tour.went to okie in05oct70to mcas futima comm.supt only one that that comes to mind Gy.sgt blair.try to add more later.
mike mursini
[email protected]
My name is cpl.luis mercado i am posting this for my freind mike mursini he was in viet nam when i was there,1967/1968 danang he was in r/r const.co 5th com 3maf his mos was driving an auger truck (makes wholes in ground)for us to put in poles for phone lines.married 2 daughters retired from providance fire dept.Looking for david,daviey,shamus,hennessy,eugene,telenko,micalack contack #are 508-669-5456 S/F
Michael R Mursini
R/R const.co.5th com.bn.
[email protected]
Married 2/daughters retired provice road island fire dept.Loking for fellow marines by the name of david,davey,shamus hennessy,eugene telenko,micalack If anyone sees or get in toach with any one of these guys please call me at 508/6695456 thank you s/f
Charles Robinson
HQ Motor T
[email protected]
I was at 5th Comm from Oct 1969-Sep 1970
JB (Ben Schweers
Comm Support
[email protected]
Arrived in March of '66 and was assigned to Comm Support Co and worked over by Dogpatch. Stayed with 5th Comm until late December '67. Went to Iwakuni and then came back to MWSG-17 from February '69 til January '70 when I rotated and was discharged.
Robert Norris
Hq. Motor "T"
[email protected]
I was in country from Dec. 68 to Dec 69 . Don't remember too many names these days but my Sgt. in the motor pool was" Horney" Sgt. Hornbuckle I remember guard duty on the orphanage roof and mag 16 getting rocketed. Oh and the stinging jelly fish in the ocean. and that first "smell" as you stepped off the plane at DaNang . God... a different world, a different time, a million years ago ...yesterday