 | | From:  Ga1222 (Original Message) | Sent: 7/15/2008 4:25 AM |
I've seen it mentioned in several of the messages. A couple of years ago one of the stores in the Cincinnati area had a few cases. I tried it and thought that it was pretty good for an inexpensive wine. I haven't been able to find it around here lately. The last time that I had any was at "Tun Tavern" at the Marine Corps Museum last fall. Ben |
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Dick, I've heard of a lot of fetishes and tried some of them, but I'll be hanged if I ever drooled at the sight of women in paisley dresses and head scarves. That's a new one on me, pal. To each his own, I guess. Lemme check a Victoria's Secret catalogue for you and see if they have any paisley lingerie and a scarf you can give Cory for Christmas. See how thoughtful I am of my friends? My favorite wine is Margeaux. It's like drinking maroon velvet, just as smooth as it can be. I have several bottles laid down for special occasions when I grill some nice red cow meat. It's a little pricey, starting at about $35 a bottle, but it complements a filet mignon like nothing else I've ever tried. I wouldn't blame anyone's kid for not wanting to go into the military now. Those poor guys have been so ill-used and abused that it's a wonder that they retain anyone, much less sign up new guys. Thank God for them and God bless 'em, too. They deserve so much better. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
 | | From:  Ga1222 | Sent: 7/16/2008 10:31 PM |
Dick/Micky, Good wine can make your day but bad wine can really ruin your week and can show who you friends are. Not too long before I left Danang for the last time one of the guys came in with a couple of bottles of Ruby Red Port. That night I loaded my 16 and asked all of my "friends" to shoot me and put me out of my missery because I couldn't commit suicide. I was sick for at least a week. Now I choose my wine and friends a little better. Ben |
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Ben, It looks as though you left Danang in the same shape I arrived. We went to the slop chute at Camp Hansen departure eve and I was initiated into the joys of San Magoo, the Filipine "Nectar of the Clods". The flight into Danang could only be described as a nightmare. There was a storm over the South China Sea which made the 707 dance like a ballerina, and then the pilot did a pretty fair aerial approximation of the boogaloo to avoid small arms fire on final approach. I was as green as my utilities when I got off the plane. Port, m'boy, is what we booze afficianados refer to as a "fortified wine', i.e., it has extra alcohol in it. It is also extremely sweet because it is meant to accompany dessert or even be dessert. Drinking an excess of anything sweet will leave you with a hangover to which immediate death shall be preferable. My advice to you is to drink single malt Scotch. Never had a hangover on that in all my years. BTW, the repast at Duninsane this evening was veal chops marinated in olive oil, garlic, and rosemary, then grilled lightly to rare perfection. It was accompanied by fettucine Alfredo and green peas with mushroom in a butter sauce and washed down with a bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild White Bordeuax, followed on by some dark chocolate, a snifter or two of Meukow cognac, and a smoke of an Arturo Fuente Double Chateau, an admirable Dominican cigar Indeed, 'tis good to be the Thane. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
 | | From:  Ga1222 | Sent: 7/17/2008 5:15 AM |
Mickey, Camp Hansen brings back some fond memories. My last trip into the vil on my way home was a real going away party. I saved enough to get me to the gate at Hansen and decided that I was not going to walk back to the barracks and risk getting rolled for nothing except a Timex watch so I "took charge of the gate". The MP and local cop retreated into the guard shack and I directed traffic until a cab stopped and I heard my name called. It was a gunny from my home town that kept me out of the brig that night. It seems that I got into a fight with the staff sgt that was sharing the cab with him. The staff was a prduct of the NCO academy which made him an instant E5 with a fast track to E6. He had no sense of humor and showed no respect for the troops regardless of how drunk I happened to be. OH those were the days. Ben |
 | | From: Dick | Sent: 7/17/2008 2:35 PM |
Was the Camp Hansen gate vill called Kin village? I spent a few months at Hansen with Sub Unit 1, 9th MAB before I got sucked into RLT-27, B/1/27, to Nam. When I got back there from Nam, Dec., '68, the prices had doubled in Kin Vill for everthing, and the USAF had moved in in force at my old haunts. Since the AF had twice the rank and pay Marines had for the same job, the underground economy went straight to hell. That made sense of the economic principle of, shit walks and money talks. The mamasans even upgraded from brooms to break up parler scuffles to MP batans...wonder what the Air Police got in return for upgrading the bouncers armament? Akadama wine in "Typhoon 5ths" and 15 cent jugs of slo gin rings a painful bell on the beverage menu there. Also on Mikeys San Miguel episode: I didn't know there were two grades of the beer until we did a couple floats to the Philippines. I forget if the bottle brewery marked, "Manilla" was the good one. Our mess cook told us the bad brew had lots of left over "congeners" from the good brew...can't waste anything from the bottom of the vat. I see the good stuff here in fancy import bars and have one occasionally...and it aint no 1968 cost of one Peso, (25 cents at the time). SF, Dick |
 | | From: Jim B | Sent: 7/17/2008 2:35 PM |
On the way to HA for R&R, we stopped at Guam. Hit the duty free store and bought five quarts of booze. I was only 19 and had no clue about what to buy. SO, I went with popular names, i.e. Cutty Sark, J&B, and so on. Only used two in Hawaii and brought the rest home (to 5th Comm).
Well, one night we're sittin' around watching TV and someone wished that we had someting other than soda to drink. I went and got one of the bottles........then another......then the last one.
OH LAWDY, LAWDY!!!!!!!! They couldn't even get me out the cot the next day. The day after that I was also non-functional. The third day I was guided to the radio shack, placed at a table, they put a radio in front of me and a brush in my hand and at least made me LOOK like I was PMing radios.
Man......................I ain't NEVER done that again.
Jim B.
--- On Wed, 7/16/08, Ga1222 <[email protected]> wrote:
From: Ga1222 <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Jarhead Red To: "5th Comm Bn" <[email protected]> Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 2:31 PM
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Jarhead Red
From: Ga1222 |
Good wine can make your day but bad wine can really ruin your week and can show who you friends are. Not too long before I left Danang for the last time one of the guys came in with a couple of bottles of Ruby Red Port. That night I loaded my 16 and asked all of my "friends" to shoot me and put me out of my missery because I couldn't commit suicide. I was sick for at least a week.
Now I choose my wine and friends a little better.
Ben | | View other groups in this category.
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 | | From:  Ga1222 | Sent: 7/17/2008 3:04 PM |
Dick, There was a tie in 66 or 67 when the fine people of the Philippines gave the military in Nam some large shipments of San Miguel as a goodwill gesture. It was stored in a refirgerated warehouse near the strip at Danang. God only knows how many poor jarheads wound up in the slammer for trying to liberate some of it. The San Magoo that we got was not the best in the wold but it did beat Black Label, Falstaff and the magnificent "33". I still wonder how we survived. Ben |
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Hey I remember while I was in II MAF comm ctr, over in the wing area, and Comm Co detachment was about 1/4 mile from the Comm Ctr, and the Officer's club was next to the Comm Ctr, We were just getting off the Eve Watch and park in front of the "O" Club was a Hi Boy full of San Miquile so as everyone went by a case was liberated from "O" club for our reward we all got the "runs" it was green. SF Dawg |
 | | From: Rat | Sent: 7/19/2008 9:39 PM |
I remember my first night at Camp Hoa Long EM’s club
we had Pabst Blue Ribbon. They opened the cans with that old contraption and
the cans tasted like rust. Then a fight broke out and it was on like Donkey-Kong.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
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Jarhead Red - google it and you'll find a couple of former Jarheads in California are making it. They'll ship it to you. A portion of the cost goes to help kids from the Vets of the war. Good deal. Bought a few bottles of it myself. Far as San Magoo goes - I liked it. Only beer we could drink warm that didn't make us puke. Better that the Shitz or Buttwipe they tried to pawn off on us!! |
 | | From:  Ga1222 | Sent: 7/20/2008 8:34 PM |
That was when I learned to drink beer over ice if you could get ice that was not a strange color. There was a Korean beer that we got at times that was in the strongest cans in the world. I remember a guy trying to bend one on his head and damned near killed himself. Ben |
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Did someone mention Ice?
Oh yea, Happy 60 to Ice born 7 20 1948
I really don't want to be 60 but got no choice I
It didn't matter to me if the beer was warm cold
rotton or what,
Beer was Beer, I drank all of it I
If I puked er up, I just drank
more. (Just loved
being drunk)
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I just revisited this entire thread and age once again comes roaring in........
Original compound (swamp) had a fly tent as a "club", and if there was beer at all if was usually rusty-topped Ballantine, brought over top-side before the advent of aluminum cans, and rust was the word of the day.....
As I recall there was a company roster on hand and everyone got issues two beers.
Then again, I am almost 62, so what do I actually recall! |
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Wire Dog, My recollection says that your recollection is correct. When I arrived at Hoa Long in September of '66, they did indeed have a roster at the bar and we got two beers a night - that was it. It must have been about January of '67 when we importuned Sgt Maj Walker to get the limit raised. He met with all of the NCO's on the NCO side of the club and he agreed to take the notion to Lt Col Leesburg, with the proviso that we NCO's would have to ride herd on the snuffies and if the Sgt Maj ever saw a drunk Marine, that would be the end of it and we'd go back to the two beer a night limit. We even broached the idea of sergeants being allowed hard liquor and Sgt Maj Walker said he'd think about it, since we were all over 21, weren't we? I had to sheepishly stick my hand in the air and confess that I'd turn 21 the next month. We didn't get the hard liquor, but we did get the limit abolished and it stayed that way at least until I left in June of '67. I'd ask Big Dawg to confirm all this, but he was already senile then. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
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Well I do sort of remember that. The Col also had a funny way of answering the phone, "lessburg". I also remember the Col also stated via SgtMaj that as long as there were no durnk Marines, everything would be ok. I offically met the Col on the day he assumed command of 5 Comm. He gave everyone not essential to the duties for the day a day off and opened the clubs early. Well I went down to my hootch and was getting squared away, the phone rang I answered it and I hear this is Leesburg where is Gunny Holipeter? (Holipeter was the Bn MT Chief), I just said he ain't here and hung up. The phone rang again and this time Bill Matskue answered and his remark was the same "Holiptere ain't here", and hung up. About 5 dminutes later SgtMaj Bulldog entered the hootch and told both of us to go with him. When we reported to the New Bn Co, on his desk was a name plate. Remarkas were am Leesburg, and next time you answer aphone you better rem,ember that. Our reply wass "Sir Yes Sir" did an about face and were marched out by the SgtMaj. I never forgot who "Leesburg" after that. He also liked Schaffes Regale (anyway I think that is the way it is spilt" Dawg |