 | | From:  Ga1222 (Original Message) | Sent: 7/22/2008 5:40 AM |
Today My wife asked me why after all these years are you interested in making contact with people from the past, people that you either didn't know or knew and have not contacted in almost 40 years. My best answer was because of a mutual bond based on experiences when we were younger. The truth is probably that we are all at an age that if we don't make the connection now it will never happen. It is hard to deal with the fact that I am getting older. Physically I am no longer the 20 something in a uniform that is indistructable. I'm not even middle aged any longer. Mentally I'm still that 17 year old getting off the bus at PI full of piss and vinigar. Getting older isn't what I thought it would be like. Man, that was a lifetime ago. I've been going through a bunch of old stuff and looking at pictures and rosters from my first enlistment and my time in at LeJeunne and in Turkey. Then I find things from the next enlistment when I spent four years in either Nam or Japan. It dosen't seem so long ago but then it is a lifetime. There is no need to respond to this message. Just think about why you are active in the various organizations that you belong to and why you log in to this site. I think that we are all looking for something that we left behind many years ago. Our welcome home never really came so we go out of our way to make sure that the young men and women today are never exposed to the feelings that were thrust on each and every one of us when we came home. Semper Fi, Ben |
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Gents, Being a history buff and grateful that Chesty's lily needs no gilding, I'll make note that the utterence, "The raising of that flag means a Marine Corps for another 500 years" came from the lips of then SecNav James Forrestal, who witnessed the event from off-shore of Iwo Jima. Sorry, Dick. Sorry, SecNav Forrestal, who later committed suicide. Where the hell were we, anyway? Oh, yeah - mortality. Ben has beaten the odds - as have we all. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm bulletproof and apparently heart attack proof, too. Three of them and I'm still kicking, though not without a quadruple bypass and lots of better living through chemistry as I rattle for about an hour every morning until all of the pharmaceuticals I gulp upon rising dissolve. Yeah, and dinner at Duninsane this eve was lamb chops grilled rare, washed down with a fair Cabernet followed with snifter of cognac and an Arturo Fuente Double Chateau. I'm firmly convinced of the notion that The Almighty thinks I'm fun to watch and is going to keep me around much, much longer. Ice - BTW, should the Grim Reaper try to sneak up on me while I'm demonstrating, I'm gonna beat the shit out of him with my peace sign. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane  |
 | | From: Dick | Sent: 7/30/2008 3:04 PM |
Mikey, Do you still have that little Nitro container around your neck for emergencies? I still think it could be mistaken for a supository. At least if that mistake woud happen, one could retrieve it by the chain and put it in the right orifice. SF, Dick |
 | | From: Jim B | Sent: 7/30/2008 5:17 PM |
Nitro supositories? Eeeew. Wouldn't your butt blow-up if someone kicked you in the ass..................like a wife, or something?
Jim B
From: Dick <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Why now? To: "5th Comm Bn" <[email protected]> Date: Wednesday, July 30, 2008, 7:04 AM
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Why now?
From: Dick |
Do you still have that little Nitro container around your neck for emergencies? I still think it could be mistaken for a supository. At least if that mistake woud happen, one could retrieve it by the chain and put it in the right orifice.
Dick | | View other groups in this category.
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Dick, Indeed, that little vial does accompany me everywhere I go in the event that I have another coronary mishap. I seldom have to use it, mainly because I have perfected the art of indolence to the point where there is seldom a chance that I will place any strain on my coronary arteries. I should have thought about that today as I was flippin' burgers for the wounded warriors at Bethesda again. Man, that got hot! You have, however, brought up a notion I'd not considered, that being of my face and ass bearing a striking resemblance to one another. Both are saggy and baggy and have an asshole in the middle of them. Thanks for the tip about the chain, too. However, should I be in extremis and the nitro does go in the wrong place, I'd really appreciate it that once you pull the chain for retrieval, at the least wipe it off before re-inserting it in the proper orifice. Thanks, pal. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane  |
 | | From: Dick | Sent: 7/31/2008 4:53 PM |
Mikey, You passed the awake test by catching my subtle inference in the transfer of your nitro from one place to the other...yeah, I'd give it a quick wipe on YOUR sleeve. Come to think of it, wouldn't the suppository method get your heart started in the first place? Any studies done? SF, Dick |
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Dick, I'm glad that I passed the awake test and very glad it wasn't a sobriety test. I don't know how well a nitroglycerin suppository would work out. I know that I had to wear nitro patches after my heart surgery and when I changed it daily, I also had to change its location because it would leave an area of minor irritation sort of like a first degree chemical burn. I don't think that would be very pleasant upon more tender parts than my shoulder, sort of like the worst case of hemorrhoids you've ever had. Since the instructions for nitro tablets are that they be placed sublingually (doctor talk for "under the tongue"), I think I'll stick with the advice I gave you fellows in Las Vegas: If I grab my chest and fall out, snag the best-looking woman you can find on short notice (please don't be too picky if I'm turning blue, okay?), take a tablet from the vial and place it on the tip of her tongue, and then have her place it under mine. A lack of response will indicate that I am well and truly dead. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
 | | From: Sparky | Sent: 8/1/2008 2:49 PM |
Mikey, Ha!! I remember your instructions to us in case of emergency...At the time I thought you were quite creative (a notion that was proved completely incorrect later the same day). The hole in your plan became evident when I realized that you relied upon "US" to select the appropriate applicator...Really???? SF Sparky |
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Sparky, Close, but no cigar. I would wholly trust the rest of the guys to ensure proper application of the nitro pills under my tongue via my preferred method. However, since you consider the butt end of your tennis racquet as the correct applicator, I'm not going to count on you to volley that tablet under my tongue or have it inserted anywhere else, thanks. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
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I'd just find someone named JaVonne, or Le Roy, or
Bubba and have them administer the pill so it got planted good and deep
 | | From: Sparky | Sent: 8/2/2008 5:30 AM |
Mikey, I hadn't thought of using a tennis racquet as an applicator, but what a good idea...I wouldn't even have to be close. I could just serve the "Nitro" from afar. I do have a pretty good serve, ya know. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas... SF Sparky |
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Ice, Yer gonna hafta stop watching Deliverance every time it's on TBS. Or mebbe break your DVD of it. I dunno, Sparky. Those nitro pill are pretty small, only about an eigth inch long. How far apart are your raquet strings? I have a hard time hitting a tennis ball squarely with one, much less a pill that small. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
 | | From: Jim B | Sent: 8/3/2008 3:16 AM |
Wouldn't you need a ping-pong paddle to serve up a nitro pill? They are kinda small you know. And wouldn't it explode when you hit it?
Jim B
From: Sparky <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Why now? To: "5th Comm Bn" <[email protected]> Date: Friday, August 1, 2008, 9:30 PM
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Why now?
From: Sparky |
I hadn't thought of using a tennis racquet as an applicator, but what a good idea...I wouldn't even have to be close. I could just serve the "Nitro" from afar. I do have a pretty good serve, ya know.
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas...
Sparky | | View other groups in this category.
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Jim, Y'know, I have no idea if one of those little pills would explode if you hit one with a table tennis raquet. I think it would be a good idea to send one to Sparky and let him try it out. I'd send a paddle, too, but it's somewhere in that box with all of the handcuffs, whips, fur-trimmed restraints, etc. In the meantime, I'm going to start wearing my "Danger to myself and others" T-shirt all the time. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane  |
 | | From: Jim B | Sent: 8/3/2008 6:02 PM |
Hey, I'd like one of those shirts
Jim B
From: DuninsaneDude <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Why now? To: "5th Comm Bn" <[email protected]> Date: Sunday, August 3, 2008, 9:13 AM
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Why now?
From: DuninsaneDude |
Y'know, I have no idea if one of those little pills would explode if you hit one with a table tennis raquet. I think it would be a good idea to send one to Sparky and let him try it out. I'd send a paddle, too, but it's somewhere in that box with all of the handcuffs, whips, fur-trimmed restraints, etc.
In the meantime, I'm going to start wearing my "Danger to myself and others" T-shirt all the time.
Mikey, Thane of Duninsane | | View other groups in this category.
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Jim, Granted, they aren't as sexy as the 5th Comm Reunion T-shirts (which cause grown women to swoon at the very sight of me when I'm wearing mine), but the T-shirts from this outfit are pretty funny. Go to www.thingsyouneverknew.com and they'll fix you right up. I just ordered the "If you're happy and you know it - kiss my ass" shirt for days when I'm feeling a bit out of sorts. I'm not grumpy very often, but when I am it's only fair to warn normal people away from me, y'know? Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |