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Guys, This is hot off the presses! The United States Navy is getting new uniforms, both service and work. Check out for the Navy's new look. I dunno. It seems to me that they're actually trying to look like warriors or some suchlike. I guess I don't have a Navy blue blazer anymore, either. Their covers and trousers will now be black (Hey, what a great name for the color - "squid ink black"). So if you see someone dressed in a funny-lookin' outfit comin' down the street, he might be our Navy and not that of some Third World nation. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
2-3 of 3
 | | From: Jim B | Sent: 7/27/2008 4:53 PM |
Hmmmmm. Tryin' to look like US, huh?
Jim B
--- On Sat, 7/26/08, DuninsaneDude <[email protected]> wrote:
From: DuninsaneDude <[email protected]> Subject: New Navy Uniforms To: "5th Comm Bn" <[email protected]> Date: Saturday, July 26, 2008, 7:12 PM
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New Navy Uniforms
From: DuninsaneDude |
This is hot off the presses! The United States Navy is getting new uniforms, both service and work. Check out
for the Navy's new look.
I dunno. It seems to me that they're actually trying to look like warriors or some suchlike. I guess I don't have a Navy blue blazer anymore, either. Their covers and trousers will now be black (Hey, what a great name for the color - "squid ink black").
So if you see someone dressed in a funny-lookin' outfit comin' down the street, he might be our Navy and not that of some Third World nation.
Mikey, Thane of Duninsane
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 | | From: Dick | Sent: 7/29/2008 7:35 PM |
Eureka! I'm still not color blind...much. I watch "Around the Services" on the Military channel on occasion and the anchor is a Navy gal and I was wondering why my perception of blue was gone. I suppose they'll suck up all the Marine winter uny's to dye them black and leave the Corps short of uniforms or something. Dick |