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Fellers, Our boy James is a bit gimpy these days. According to him, he was leaving his abode to go to a Patriot Guard Rider escort of a fallen warrior and as he came down his driveway, his trusty Harley"Chesty" somehow decided it was a lawn mower instead of a motorcycle and careened out onto the wet lawn. Those of us familiar with two-wheeled conveyances know that wet grass and motorcycles are mutually incompatible, or perhaps they like each other too much, as the Harley gave the grass a big hug. Unfortunately, our boy's left ankle was under the hard saddle bag at the time, resulting in a big "Oweeeee!". Staunch fellow that he is, he completed the PGR mission, standing for some time on what later was diagnosed as a broken fibula. Kudos to our boy for completing the mission despite his pain, as this demonstrates that despite being out of the Corps for over forty years, he still ain't right in the head. However, there are fibulae and there are fibs, and his version of the crash is totally bogus. Unknown to him, we've had him under surveillance for quite some time (he is kinda fun to watch) and we have inconvertible proof of how his mishap really occurred. If you want the truth (if you can handle the truth), just shoot me an e-mail to [email protected] and I'll be only too glad to send you the video, which was too large to attach to this. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane  |
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 | | From: Dick | Sent: 8/31/2008 5:28 PM |
Mikey, Yep, heard Jim got a ding from his Harley, and I like your headline double meaning that I just had to click on. I often wondered if bikers rode with a "bone" but this opps had to hurt some. Kudos to Jim for standing the tour with the PGRs. SF, Dick |
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Dick, I borrowed the headline styling from Variety, the Hollywood daily about show biz which is famous for its alliterative headlines. A pat on the back to our boy Jim, who despite the pain of his grievous (though self-inflicted) injury, stood tall to honor one of our fallen warriors. I shall be constrained to purchase an adult beverage or two or seventeen for him next we meet. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
 | | From: Jim B | Sent: 9/2/2008 9:31 AM |
No, I don't ride with the 'BONE' you're thinking of. Just the ones on the INside.
From: Dick <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Boettcher Botches, Busts Bone! To: "5th Comm Bn" <[email protected]> Date: Sunday, August 31, 2008, 9:28 AM
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Boettcher Botches, Busts Bone!
From: Dick |
Yep, heard Jim got a ding from his Harley, and I like your headline double meaning that I just had to click on. I often wondered if bikers rode with a "bone" but this opps had to hurt some. Kudos to Jim for standing the tour with the PGRs.
Dick | | View other groups in this category.
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Jim, I once rode to Philly for a charity ride on a day when the temperature reached a max of 28 degrees, meaning that when we left in the morning it was a lot colder than that. The wind was gusting out of our 10 o'clock hard enough that we came into an opening on Rt. 301 and one guy changed lanes because he wasn't looking ahead to lean into the wind when we cleared the windbreak. We stopped to pee and I couldn't find it. It had gone up and taken refuge, possibly behind my liver. I had to wait in the warm restroom for 15 minutes before I could coax it out to where I could get hold of it after warming my hands under hot water. It hasn't been the same since. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane  |
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