 | | From: Dick (Original Message) | Sent: 10/29/2008 3:07 PM |
Spell Checker I halve a spelling checker, It came with my pea see. It plainly marks four my revue Mistakes I dew knot sea. Eye strike a key and type a word And weight four it two say Weather eye am wrong oar write It shows me strait aweigh. As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the era rite Its rarely ever wrong. I’ve scent this massage threw it, And I’m shore your pleased too no Its letter prefect in every weigh; My checker tolled me sew. A thor un non |
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 | | From: Jim B | Sent: 10/29/2008 3:25 PM |
Dick, ewe have weigh two much thyme on yer hands two bees may king these stuffed up.
From: Dick <[email protected]> Subject: Eye Nude It To: "5th Comm Bn" <[email protected]> Date: Wednesday, October 29, 2008, 7:07 AM
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Eye Nude It
From: Dick |
Spell Checker
I halve a spelling checker, It came with my pea see. It plainly marks four my revue Mistakes I dew knot sea.
Eye strike a key and type a word And weight four it two say Weather eye am wrong oar write It shows me strait aweigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the era rite Its rarely ever wrong.
I?ve scent this massage threw it, And I?m shore your pleased too no Its letter prefect in every weigh; My checker tolled me sew.
A thor un non | | View other groups in this category.
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Jim, He can't help himself. It all started when Dick had a bowl of homynym grits for breakfast yesterday morning ..... Mikey, Thane of Duninsane  |
 | | From: Dick | Sent: 10/30/2008 4:14 PM |
Hey, I have to use the site for comm here and it aint got a spell checker. I thought I'd soften up the grammer pressure some by pasting that piece. FYI. I finally got Cory to register to vote in her first ever election. I used the same leverage for intervention I did with buddy Gene while recovering from a hospital procedure and I signed as designated driver and guardian for 48 hours, and "mother" over their follow up stuff. Since they were not supposed to drive or make any legal decisions in that period, I got Gene back into the VA for a higher rating, and this time Cory to the County registrar. Don't know if she'll recinde the action for duress under a med haze and took advantage of by a crazed guradian, but it's to late now. We will be visiting the kids over election day so we voted absentee. We got our ballots and went for the traditional voting in Montana, at the bar with a few beers, lunch and overwatched by stuffed animal heads. I hid my ballot from them, of course, as it was for the NRA advocate. The gal at the Clerks office said this is the highest absentee turnout she's seen in her 15 years there. It should be interesting as this state is supposedly up for grabs by either party. SF, Dick |
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Dick, Not only is there no spell checker on the site, my computer spell checker won't work on it, either. I spell pretty well, but I suffer from occasional bouts of "typographical dyslexia" and without a spell checker to catch it, I'm left to my own devices and fonetix. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
 | | From: Sparky | Sent: 10/30/2008 11:38 PM |
Boys, I too am an absentee voter...not by my own doing either... though I like voting absentee... there is no polling place for me to go to, to vote. Hey, I got an e-mail from msn groups saying something about somebody different taking over the group site. eh???? What's up? SF Sparky |
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Sparky, What? No polls up in your neck of the woods? I guess that explains how Nancy Pelosi got in there if nobody up that way could vote and she just waltzed in. I'll do my civic duty on Tuesday. We have the touch-screen voting machines which are very convenient since I can vote with one hand while holding my nose with the other. That little admonition at the top of the screen says that MSN Groups will be taken over by Multiply. I dunno if that's an ad for Multiply, since I never was very good at math. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
 | | From: Dick | Sent: 10/31/2008 3:07 PM |
Guys, Maybe "to Multiply" is a verb and we have to have their permission to reproduce. Or, maybe it's time to send a chip in check to Andy. Although, since many including me, can't get the email feature of the site to work, maybe it's worth a try. A fresh start kind of thang. On voting, I'm not sorry for voting absentee this time, our precinct is a two stall fire hall down the road and finding a place to park in the mud amongst all the stock trailers was nasty as last time I inadvertently parked next to a hog trailer. Maybe Mikey holding his nose while voting has a two fold origin. It wasn't to hard to figure out who the driver was in the fire hall. SF, Dick |
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Dick, Permission to reproduce? Will going to this new outfit reverse my vasectomy? Horrors! My, my. If I came to your polling place, you certainly would would have a mixed bag of olfactory assaults. I'd add horse manure to that of the hog farmer and then, of course, we'd have all the bullshit from the candidates themselves. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
 | | From: Dick | Sent: 11/2/2008 7:49 PM |
Har, olfactory assaults. I just generalize them into, evil spirits. Yep, can't wait until this election is over to get TV without reruns and sensless interuptions. I'll support whoever gets it. I believe the winner will be so inundated with criseseseses, he'll lock up into a seizere the first year. SF, Dick |
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Dick, I think I could handle a truckload of hog crap, horse crap, cattle crap, or even chicken crap. What I couldn't survive would be the stench of a truckload of political advertising crap. Talk about a horrible olfactory assault/evil spirits! Mikey, Thane of Duninsane  |
 | | From:  Ga1222 | Sent: 11/3/2008 4:47 PM |
I will be so glad to be done with this election. It is amazing how many half truths and lies all of the candidates are able to come up with. Anything can be taken out of context and twisted. I wish that I could vote for someone and not against someone or for the lesser of two evils. I had intended to vote early but wound up having a couple of stints put in last week I guess that I will stand in line all day like everyone else. SF Ben |
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Ben, Yep, it's been somewhat overwhelming. I listen to talk radio (no, not Limbaugh. If I wanted to listen to a buffoon, I'd talk to myself) all day and belong to another forum comprised of some old high school chums which discusses politics. It's fun because we cross the entire political spectrum and there's a lot of good-natured joshing (though one member, a retired college professor who is extremely liberal, couldn't stand the heat and got out of the kitchen. I hope he comes back because it was grand sport needling him). Hey, did you do a stint or a stent? If it was a stint, that's no big thing. If you had stents, that is. And you don't need to be standing in a line for hours if you just had any kind of pulmonary procedure. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
 | | From:  Ga1222 | Sent: 11/3/2008 9:42 PM |
Micky, I'm from Georgia and can't spell but it is those nice little things that they put in the arteries. Hopefully the lines won't be long if I get there early. Ben |
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Ben, Well, I'm glad for you that at least you can get by with just the stents. When, not if, my coronary arteries go bad on me again, I'll have to get my chest cracked for a second time. I had it done in '92 with a quadruple bypass and they're only supposed to last for 12-15 years if you behave yourself - something I most assuredly don't do. I'm not looking forward to having it done again, but when I consider the alternative - I'll do it! Mikey, Thane of Duninsane  |
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