 | | From: Dick (Original Message) | Sent: 10/31/2008 3:16 PM |
Do we have to move the site for an orgy "to multiply". Why can't we do it on this site or the next reunion? SF, Dick |
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An orgy? Y'know, there was a time when I would have said "Count me in!" but that was when I had a howitzer that shot thermonuclear weapons. All I got now is a peashooter that shoots pee. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
 | | From: Sparky | Sent: 11/2/2008 5:20 AM |
Boys, Don't forget to invite me to the orgy. (I hope there might be some women invited too.) Is the glass half empty, ir is it half full?? Who cares, the end result is the same. SF Sparky |
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Gents, Just give me plenty of advance notice so that I can go out and buy a lot of Viagra stock. The rest of the stock market may be in the tank, but I figure that one has to rise and is pretty much guaranteed not to flop. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane  |
 | | From: Jim B | Sent: 11/17/2008 9:28 PM |
Speak for yourself Mikey. My howitzer may have downgraded, but it still shoots just fine. Problem is....I got nothin' to shoot at.
From: DuninsaneDude <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Yo Andy To: "5th Comm Bn" <[email protected]> Date: Saturday, November 1, 2008, 9:55 AM
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Yo Andy
From: DuninsaneDude |
An orgy? Y'know, there was a time when I would have said "Count me in!" but that was when I had a howitzer that shot thermonuclear weapons.
All I got now is a peashooter that shoots pee.
Mikey, Thane of Duninsane | | View other groups in this category.
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Jim, Gosh, that's almost TMI, but it makes me glad I'm in a somewhat more "target-rich environment". However, this tale of the latest visit to the doc by my bride and me tells volumes: After examining his elderly patient, the doctor asked the man, 'You appear to be in good health. Do you have any medical concerns you would like to ask me about?' 'In fact, I do,' said the old man. 'After I have sex I am usually hot and sweaty, and then, after I have sex with her the second time, I am usually cold and chilly.' After examining his elderly wife, the doctor said, 'Everything appears to be fine. Do you have any medical concerns that you would like to discuss with me?' The lady replied that she had no questions or concerns. The doctor then said to her: 'Your husband had an unusual concern. He claims that he is usually hot and sweaty after having sex with you the first time, and then cold and chilly after the second time. Do you know why?' 'Oh, that crazy old fart,' she replied. 'That's because the first time is usually in August and the second time is in January. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane 
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