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Joke Board post : Corny
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: Rat  (Original Message)Sent: 9/17/2007 12:59 PM
Ok let me try again....
There was a funeral up north where it snows a lot. Pall bearers were carrying a casket up the icey stairways leading to the church. One of them slipped causing all of them to loose thier grips. The casket slid down the stairs hitting a car, then it went left, hitting a curb.It then hit another curb bouching over it as it slammed through the doors of the local pharmacy. The casket slammed into the counter and casket opened. The  corpse  sat up and asked the pharmacist; do you have anything to stop this coffin?

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDuninsaneDudeSent: 9/23/2007 4:43 PM
In the meantime, the pallbearers went out for another bier.........
Mikey, Thane of Duninsane

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDuninsaneDudeSent: 9/23/2007 4:45 PM
The family was going to postpone the ceremonies, but they couldn't stay a wake.......
Mikey, Thane of Duninsane

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDuninsaneDudeSent: 9/23/2007 4:48 PM
Say, hadn't the pharmacist already countered the coffin's progress?
Mikey, Thane of Duninsane

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