 | | From:  bdaawgir1 (Original Message) | Sent: 9/3/2008 3:17 PM |
Guys Yetserday Bill and Doris Read stopped for a visit and we spent an enjoyable afternoon talking over some of the things that happend during our tour there 66-67. Plu we went over the shut down of 5 Comm and what took place. SF Dawg |
 | | From: Dick | Sent: 9/10/2008 3:12 PM |
Well that took the wind out of the prospectors sail. It's probably a million Dong from that bank just to buy a shovel there, then the rust factor on the buried junk. One item of interest Dawg showed, Marines clean stuff beffore they bury it. And probably had fresh paint too. |
 | | From:  Ga1222 | Sent: 9/10/2008 3:39 PM |
Dick, In '69 one of the "Missions" of MWSG-17 was to store vehicles recovered from the Vietnamese. We had a field full of odd colored jeeps up to 5 tons that had been stolen. A friend of mine from home was with the 26th Marines up by NamO bridge and came by to visit. We realized that some of these vehicles actually were in pretty good shape other than the odd colors. Long story short, we had a little bit too much to drink and liberated a brown jeep to take up to his unit. Everything was fine until we tried to avoid a checkpoint and made a sharp left only to find out that the pins that kept the shotgun seat in had been removed. I had to stop and pick him up in front of the MPs. Luckily we made our escape and got the jeep up to the bridge. They painted it and put phony markings on it and drove it from then on. Our motor pool officer went balistic when he found out that a stolen jeep had been stolen again. He had a chain welded from bumper to bumper to keep it from happening again. Of course that didn't delay us long. All you had to do was smack the weld with a hammer and you were good to go. Several other trucks made their way back to friendly units. The sins of our youth. Ben |
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Ben, Ye'd best be keerful thar, pardnuh. We hang hoss thieves in these hyar parts. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane  |
 | | From:  Ga1222 | Sent: 9/10/2008 6:51 PM |
Mickey, It wasn't really stealing. It was redistributing excess equipment. They were actually going to cut them up because they did not have the paperwork so that they could reissue them. It would have been a waste and the line guys appreciated not having to walk as much. Ben |
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Ben, Stealing? Why, of course not. We Marines were merely applying the Marxist-Hegelian economic model (The rich must share equally with the poor) to our particular circumstances as the poorest of the military services. Why, it's a wonder that we all didn't come back and join the Communist Party. Or at the least, the Democratic Party and vote for Obama this time around. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane  |
 | | From: Dick | Sent: 9/11/2008 2:14 PM |
Guys, Thinking back on our scrounging and "appropriation" days, I think it was more a capitalistic motive than communistic. If we were members of the commies, that's legal license to steal anything you want. Since we wern't signed up...well most of us weren't...it had to be capitalist pig antics. Such training in the Corps was essential for us for when we got out amongst our fellow capitalist citizens for commerce and trade. SF, Dick |
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Dick, Y'know, yer right. It would be grossly unfair of me to characterize sterling characters such as we as mere thieves and commies. Let us instead think of ourselves as neglected children of a welfare state run by minions of the Democratic Party. Each month we receive a dole and small though it is, it's enough for us to subsist - if only barely. Being enterprising folks, we seek to expand this pittance by whatever means we can contrive, such as prying open mail boxes to steal others' welfare checks or seizing whatever opportunities we can to pick up that which is not nailed down/unguarded. While armed robbery is not in our repertoire, anything short of that is considered fair play, and if such largesse as we may amass is not what we need, it is bartered for that which we do. If that still isn't enough, we'll get the most enterprising of the lot of us (sort of like a "community organizer" type) to cadge more goodies out of the supply system. My Gawd! With the exception of armed robbery, I've just described the City of Baltimore. Whoulda thunk the place was full of Marines? Mikey, Thane of Duninsane  |
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Well Mikey, some of us did and will...........there are most certainly more than just me, but choice was supposed to be one of the reasons we found ourselves there burying jeeps and burning crappers. I've always thought it a mess, and a lot of fellow Democrats were responsible to a large degree, the current one, however; dubya and company can claim.
It's no different than being a Republican, in that I'm certain there are those things your party does that you find disagreeable, illegal, or ill-advised. Most recently creating a McCain-Palin ticket and the well-being of this country comes to mind.
Even on this we can disagree, much as Democrats do regularly among ourselves. We call it different points of view or perspective.
If it is decided that being a Democrat makes me an "oddity" or diseased creature I wish all of you the best of luck with the balance of your lives.
There was a group of us years ago that contributed to the attached list. It is by now somewhat dated...........but I have never been willing to accept that Republicans are the defenders of America, they just sell it better.
It is also the prerogative of the group administrators to remove my name.
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geo, Pricked a nerve, did I ? Heh, heh, heh. Hey, I'm not exactly doing back-flips over the choices we have this time around, either. I spend enough time arguing politics on-line that I don't need another political discussion, so let me just say that I'm disappointed enough in Dubyah that the word "betrayal" comes to mind, but since it will once again come to my choice of whom I think will do the least damage to the country I love, I'm going to vote Republican again. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane  |
 | | From: Dick | Sent: 9/14/2008 4:16 PM |
Geo, Damn it! Don't be run off or volunteer for de-listing over stupid politics. Enough have already done that from allowing the red ass to converge with the red neck. Ya gotta keep those seperated and have a little stamina to argue stuff here without name calling. When it gets to that point, I figure people and politicians that do that are just plain out of debate ammo. Besides, I think I'm the only Blue Dog Democrat on this site and have somehow whethered my switching back and forth on voting discussions. Currently, I'm so pissed off that my fringe Dems have distorted the party into what it is now and like Mikey, vote what I view is the lesser damage. Frankly, a McCain/Palin win will be stymied by the stalled congress, so not much will get done, so that might be good. Obama/Bidden with a Dem congress...look out and my wallet is puckering already. I'm a union raised guy, many hours on election drives, phone work etc..later on the other side as a contractor, and listen to their side and know what that entails after serving as a local officer in the union, plus I want to see a bigger, better paid military, security inteligence and police forces. I wish the Dems would push to reinstate the ursery limits that reagan abolished that got us into the lending mess we have today. I want to hear the Dems pass the regulations that would hammer the oil speculators that moved their exchage off shore to London that keeps the prices artificially high. Not a word of those in the platform yet. Hence the Blue Dog handle...a curr conservative in the blue party...shuned and detested...( tears and sobbing here) but I aint quite to the Leiberman point of going to the Independent Party. Bush turned me right off in the begining handeling of Iraq, Patraeous saved it...so far. Never mind we all got stuck on the Brits Intel reports that were eventually traced to Iraqi agents....looking to improve their lot. I could rant on but hey, I can do that here and take the heat from my brothers...That Russian, Soltzenietsen (sp?) said..."you can argue with friends." That had a lot of meaning from where his place in a gulog was. Argue with the wrong people and in you go. Ha, Mikey can't find me in the sitx so nya, nya, nya. SF, Dick |
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Dick, Solzhenitzen? Too hard to spell. How about a Mikeyism? - "Gentlemen can disagree without being disagreeable." I lost one of my dearest friends this week. Dr. Malcolm H. Dutterer, Ph.D. was a friend to all, a bon vivant, lover of good whisky, a gracious host, and the life of every party that I wasn't attending, too. He did some gardening on Wednesday, told his wife he felt tired and was going to take a nap, and quite simply never woke up. He had two masters degrees in addition to his doctorate and was a retired Professor of Economics at the renowned Wharton School of Business of the University of Pennsylvania. Why mention him? He was also an absolutely flaming liberal Democrat who served on Obama's national advisory committee as an economist and we would have some rousing debates, being as we were at polar opposites politically. Gentle jibes and a lot of laughter marked every one of our discussions, the last just a week ago when we had lunch together. I would much rather have friends I consider to be wrong-headed but are good-hearted than those the other way 'round. Life's just more interesting that way. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane  |
 | | From: Dick | Sent: 9/15/2008 8:00 PM |
Mikey, Sorry for your loss. I hate when that happens and always makes me wonder where I am on "the list." Ya, I got my liberal conscience just down the road from me and it's much the same on our weekly visits, but we been on the road together a lot of years, his ex was my late sister's best friend etc., and we still tolerate each other. He's a '60's USAF Vet and he was having trouble with the one lung that collapsed way back then. It was on active duty so I took him up to the VA to check on starting a claim as he might need it sooner than we think. Turns out, the AF transferred his file to the VA way back then and is still listed as an outparient, and all his service stuff is ready to go. Man, that saved years on a claim...and hopefully years to have him to argue with. SF, Dick |
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Dick, Thank you for the words of consolation. We held a memorial service yesterday for Malcolm at the Scottish Rite Temple in Baltimore and it was as he would have liked it - full of laughter and high spirits. He was a fine man and I shall forever miss his usual benediction to me - "Mikey, you're a mess!" I finally got to meet his son-in-law, a Marine full bird he mentioned often, at the repast afterward. I like him and I'm sure we'll share another dram or two or seventeen to Malcolm's memory in the future. I'm not so sad as I'm really pissed off today. I'm pissed because I attended the local funeral of CPT Jesse Melton III, USMC, who received his PCS to Marine Guard Detachment Heaven on 09 September in Afghanistan. I'm angry because I got very lonesome in that overflowing church as the only one clad in a MCL blazer. Jim will be glad to know that the PGR was there in force and did the flag line with the respect and dignity the occasion deserved. I wish I'd been with them instead of the MCL, but I'm gonna have somebody's ass. To have a Marine officer fall without any recognition from the MCL other than my lone salute to him and his family is absolutely unacceptable. I have another funeral to attend tomorrow, one for the mother of Miz Lucy, a fine lady who is the wife of one of my friends in our Blue Knight chapter. Here's a point to ponder - What's harder on you, sadness at the situation or anger at the sheer bloody unfairness of it all? Should I ask my cardiologist or my shrink? Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |
 | | From: Dick | Sent: 9/18/2008 2:12 PM |
Mikey, Don't be to pissed at the no show of the rest of your MCL unit. It got pretty meloncholly for me piping for way more funerals than weddings. But then again, aint that the point of the MCL and a major part of it's support function? Give 'em hell bro. I might have a place for my pipes gathering dust. Turns out my half brothers teen age daughter has been taking lessons and using the bands loaner set. They said she may have to pass them on to another FNG soon and needs a set. I offered mine up same deal, on loan, as I find that's the only way to pass musical instruments around the family without having them sold off or pawned. Besides, after she gets them PM'd and working, I can get them back ready to play without the start up frustration if and when she decides to buy her own. Aint that the existential purpose of FNG's? SF, Dick |
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Dick, There are approximately 1,400 MCL members in the Department of Maryland, almost 300 of them in the Baltimore Detachment, their bailiwick being where the funeral was held. I've decided that I will not have melancholy over this gaffe; it doesn't suit my personality. I will instead have malicious intent, which does. Somebodfy is going to strangle on my bootlaces and it will take an ear, nose, and throat specialist rather than a proctologist to get my boot removed from someone's ass. Hey, get your pipes PM'd, practice a bit, and jump on a plane so you can pipe "Amazing Grace" for an interment we're doing for one of our members at Arlington National Cemetery on 02 October. It'll save my having to look for a piper, give us an opportunity to bust a few brews together, and give Cory a break. BTW, how is Cole doing? Is that incredibly funny Avenue Q still running? Mikey, Thane of Duninsane |