I just learned this morning of the passing on Sunday of Col. John Ripley, who was awarded the Navy Cross for his demolition of the twin bridges at Dong Ha during the North Vietnamese '72 Easter Offensive. He spent 5 hours under fire swinging hand-over-hand under the bridges to set the explosives. The destruction of the bridges and his direction of naval gunfire at a crossing farther downstream significantly slowed the North Vietnamese and saved the lives of countless ARVN's and their American advisors.
I always thought that his not being awarded the Medal of Honor was an absolute travesty. His feat at Dong Ha stands as an American military epic and he was an incredibly brave and dedicated Marine.
I had the flag at Duninsane at half-mast for the late Commandant Barrow, who was interred yesterday in Texas. I'll run it back up to the top of the flagpole and drop it back down again in honor of John Ripley, a Marine's Marine.
Semper Fi and Rest in Peace, Colonel Ripley.
Mikey, Thane of Duninsane