 | | From: Sparky (Original Message) | Sent: 11/27/2008 2:09 PM |
Boys, I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. Even with all the problems here at home, and the strife throughout the world, I still, somehow, find myself thankful for so much in my life. I hope that you also have a lot to be grateful for... SF Sparky |
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Guys, I'll add my holiday felicitations to Sparky's. I don't know how he did it, but he apparently has a window into my kitchen and noted the strife therein. Once I had finished making the cranberry sauce, my bride dismissed me from my kitchen for the remainder of the day! Oh, well. I guess I'll just have to drink beer and watch football until the feast is served in the dining hall at Duninsane. Yeah, just one more thing for which I shall be thankful today. Mikey, Thane of Duninsane  |
 | | From: Dick | Sent: 11/28/2008 5:23 PM |
Survivor thoughts must have been in the minds of the pilgrims when they started this American holidy tradition. I'm glad for all us us still here to observe it and think of those not with us also. SF, Dick |