Together let’s tend to the carefree goodness of children – and watch their dreams take flight.

To sleep well, a child needs to be at ease…both physically and emotionally. If a child learns to soothe himself and is able to calm his body and mind, he will be able to thrive, even in the toughest of times.

If your child has trouble sleeping, you’re not alone. In March 2004, the National Sleep Foundation reported that a whopping 69% of children have some sort of sleep difficulty. In addition, neurobiological disorders such as ADHD, bipolar disorder, sensory integration difficulties, and autism are on the rise. And anxiety disorders are the number one psychological disorder of both children and teens.

I believe that many of our children’s problems come from their inability to deal with the stress of modern day society. Obviously, it’s imperative that we work together to make our society a healthier place for children. However, things will not change overnight and we will never completely eliminate stressors in children’s lives. When the outside world is disturbing, harsh, or cruel, a child who knows how to quiet himself and turn inward will continue to thrive. It will open his heart and expand his consciousness as he begins to understand that there is more to life than all the “things” in the outside world. And no matter what frustrations or problems your child is facing, he will know how to leave them behind, relax, and peacefully drift off to sleep.

If nightmares, fear of the dark, or just plain restlessness make bedtime a battle, help has arrived. Patti Teel, a special education and music teacher, has come up with a soothing mix of yoga exercises, guided imagery, storytelling, and sweet, soft music to ease youngsters to sleep. - Los Angeles Times

Kids won't sleep? California singer Patti Teel crafts songs designed solely to make 'em slumber. - People

Ms. Teel has established herself as a naptime troubadour – bringing rest to the undrowsy. - Wall Street Journal

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