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Afternoon-DelightContains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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Recommend  Message 1 of 820 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamenae331969  (Original Message)Sent: 5/7/2008 1:31 AM

Please vote.
MPT4781 ©Keith Garvey NaeTag Afternoon-Delight

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Recommend  Message 806 of 820 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥ËMMÀ�?/nobr>Sent: 10/22/2008 2:29 PM
801 votes

Recommend  Message 807 of 820 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEbs4354Sent: 10/22/2008 2:44 PM
802 Votes

Recommend  Message 808 of 820 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameElvie37Sent: 10/22/2008 2:53 PM
803 votes

Recommend  Message 809 of 820 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamenae331969Sent: 10/22/2008 4:56 PM
804 votes �?/FONT>

Recommend  Message 810 of 820 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥Đǖ§ŧŷ_Řō§ě�?/nobr>Sent: 10/23/2008 12:54 PM
Said I alreay voted

Recommend  Message 811 of 820 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥Just-Me-Julie�?/nobr>Sent: 10/23/2008 1:16 PM
Afternoon-Delight now has 807 votes

Recommend  Message 812 of 820 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamenae331969Sent: 10/23/2008 3:52 PM
808 votes �?/FONT>

Recommend  Message 813 of 820 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamexct11204Sent: 10/25/2008 4:16 AM
now has 809

Recommend  Message 814 of 820 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamejanetta53Sent: 10/26/2008 5:07 AM
813 some havent posted there vote??? Janetta voted tonight

Recommend  Message 815 of 820 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMistyBlueEyes55Sent: 10/26/2008 10:48 AM
 814 votes

Recommend  Message 816 of 820 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEbs4354Sent: 10/26/2008 12:11 PM
815 Votes

Recommend  Message 817 of 820 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥Đǖ§ŧŷ_Řō§ě�?/nobr>Sent: 10/26/2008 3:13 PM
816 votes

Recommend  Message 818 of 820 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥Đǖ§ŧŷ_Řō§ě�?/nobr>Sent: 10/27/2008 10:08 AM
820 votes

Recommend  Message 819 of 820 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥Đǖ§ŧŷ_Řō§ě�?/nobr>Sent: 10/28/2008 10:08 AM
825 votes

Recommend  Message 820 of 820 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamejanetta53Sent: 10/28/2008 9:08 PM
must have missed a few or something?
827 votes today,Janetta

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