Please treat all other online participants with respect and do not use MSN communication services to threaten, harass, stalk, or abuse other users.
Microsoft reserves the right to remove user-created services and content that advocate or encourage expressions of violence, bigotry, racism, hatred, obscenity, or profanity.
We encourage you to create your own interaction services, such as chats, groups, member profiles, etc. User-managers or Microsoft may, at will and without notice, remove postings or ban participants that are deemed objectionable or that violate this code of conduct.
Impersonating a Microsoft employee, agent, manager, host, or another user is forbidden.
Do not use MSN communication services to spam others. Spam includes sending identical and irrelevant or unsolicited submissions to many different users, and includes misrepresenting the source of anything you post. Spamming and scrolling in chat rooms are serious violations of online etiquette.
MSN communication services may be used to provide supplemental information regarding your own business (provided you do not spam to provide this information); however, the communication services are not designed to be used as the primary mechanism for operating your business or providing core information about your business. Any use of the communication services for commercial purposes is solely at your own risk and Microsoft has no liability for such use.