We went to see Michael Bolton tonight.... Well we were 6 rows from the front and right in the centre of the theatre.... Dave noticed a big flourescent green cross on the floor right at the side of my seat in the aisle and said to i think thats where Michael Bolton is going to sing When A Man Loves a Woman and i said "yeah right lol"
Well during the second half he disappeared and all of a sudden a step was placed at the side of me and OMG he stepped onto it and started to sing... No joke he was as close to me as Dave is when we are in bed... i could even count the hairs on his arm... Then he touched my fingers and i just swooned rofl... To prove how close he was here is a pic.... i was sat at the side of the hand he is holding the mic in.... Im still in total lust pmsl....I will post some more pics tomorrow... Hugggs