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 Message 1 of 27 in Discussion 
From: moochie  (Original Message)Sent: 2/22/2002 3:23 PM
I suppose you all know how much I like to laugh, and thought it might be kind of fun to post some of the really funny things that happen in every day life.  Not the jokes, etc., those can go on the main message board.  Let's just use this one for 'real life' stuff.  The room is a great place to get some of the material for this board.  We have such fun people, and something funny is always going on.  Sometimes not everyone hears about the hilarity, and this might be a way to share some of that.
One thing that comes to mind was the night a roomie got caught in comic mode.  (and hasn't this happened to all of us?)  She was SOOOO incensed, and was so angry she couldn't pay attention to the people trying to help her.  She kept popping in and out of the room, saying "I'm stuck, and you aren't helping me!!".  This went on and on until everyone was screaming and howling.  Luckily, the roomie finally did get out of that awful comic chat and joined us.  A personal friend of mine came into the room for the first time and had the same thing happen.  The funniest part is when someone says "Where on earth am I?", and you KNOW what has happened.
We could also post some of the funniest typos in here.  Maybe we should ask Teach about this one.  She was trying to say 'shut'  the other day and missed the 'u'.  I'm going to leave it up to your imagination to figure out what letter was in there.  (Oh Teach!!)
Let's have fun with this one, and share some of our stories.  When Cat and I were talking about this, I said I could probably fill a message board all by myself, so keep watching!
Love y'all

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     re: Let's all laugh   Teacher943  2/22/2002 5:01 PM
     re: Let's all laugh   MSN Nicknamecatlover_13  2/23/2002 3:53 PM
     re: Let's all laugh   Souzee  2/24/2002 8:45 PM
     re: Let's all laugh     2/26/2002 5:18 PM
     re: Let's all laugh   MSN NicknameKada©  3/5/2002 1:37 PM
     re: Let's all laugh   MSN NicknameJeriTX1  3/6/2002 5:26 PM
     re: Let's all laugh   MSN NicknameJeriTX1  3/6/2002 5:36 PM
     re: Let's all laugh     3/25/2002 2:08 AM