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 Message 16 of 27 in Discussion 
From: moochie  in response to Message 15Sent: 2/27/2002 12:22 AM
PJ, don't know if you remember this one, but I wanted to DIE!!!!!!!  I was a bit annoyed with one of our roomies, and PJ asked me what was wrong.  I went into a lot of detail, sent this really loooooooong whisper - but instead of PJ, I sent it to the person I was annoyed with!!!!!!!  I think that was one time I just clicked out of the room and blamed it on Moofie.
Hope I don't get kicked for this one, but since I'm on the subject of whispers gone astray - one of the gals in the room likes to play that "jungle wav", and I think it sounds like the puter ate too much sauerkraut.  She did that one night, and I whispered to Booboo "My puter just f***ed".  The wav played again, and I whispered "Well, this time it didn't just F***, it S*** too", but instead of Booboo, I sent it INTO THE ROOM.  Moofie time again.  Sobble.

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     re: Let's all laugh   Teacher943  2/28/2002 10:57 PM