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 Message 22 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJust_September  in response to Message 21Sent: 3/12/2002 12:35 PM
One day Hubby decided I needed to have a driving lesson.  We had a big ole Chrysler Newport, so I felt safe.  He took me down this very narrow country lane, only one car can fit on this road mind you.  Well to the right was a gulley, caused by heavy rains and we were coming to a curve in the road, he said be careful of the gulley. Well of course you, can guess, with those words, I slipped right into the gulley. Then he tells me step on the gas, to get you out, and steer to the left.  So I did just that. Before he could say another word, I felt the car fly through the air, then stop abruptly.  I noticed this huge tree just inches from the front of the car and felt the car rocking ever so slight ly back and forth. Well when hubby uncovered his head, he said, " now sit very still don't move." I didn't dare ask why.  He slowly got out and didnt even close the door.  I noticed he, kind of jumped out.  He walked all around the car, came over to my side and said.  Honey sit still, I have to find a way to get you and the car down from there. I gulped, and thought "Oh my God", down from where,and why was he standing in a hole?  In actuality, he wasn't standin in a hole.  When I had stepped on the gas, it made the car catapult up out of the gulley and across the road and up over a 3ft. stone wall. The car was hanging very precariously by the front left wheel.  We were across the road blocking anything from coming through and at that point here comes a pickup truck.  The man stopped, got out, shook his head, laughed, said something to hubby and backed down the road 3 miles and came in where we had and helped tow us down from the wall. Miraculousy, there was no damage to the car, only my spirit to let hubby give me any more lessons for a long time. To this day, I have never heard the end of that driving lesson. I never did ask hubby what the man in the pickup had said, and I don't think  want to know. I did learn how to drive folks, but have never had the courage to go for my license.

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     re: Let's all laugh   MSN NicknameKada©  3/12/2002 1:43 PM