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 Message 27 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJust_September  in response to Message 26Sent: 5/14/2002 6:47 PM
Everyone knows, I have a Beta fish, well, this is the saga of how, not to clean a fish tank.  I had the Beta in a 3 gallon tank, and it got to be too much for me to clean all the time, as I couldn't carry it to the sink. I had devised a way to siphon most of the water out, so I could.
Well, wouldn't you just know, I misplaced the bulb to siphon with. I decided I would put poor fishy in a smaller tank, that I could handle. I bought this neat little one gallon tank that was light weight. At least, I thought it was a one gallon tank, but it must have been a one litre+ tank.  I filled it with water and put one drop of dechlorinator in the water, as it's one drop per gallon. I let the water set for 1/2 hour as per directions, then put my Beta in the tank.  Immediately my fish went to the bottom and stayed there for about 3 days.
I thought, darn fish is mad because I put him in a small tank.  Hubby lectured me that fishy was upset with me.  He was okay after a few days , and I figured he had got used to the tank.
The smaller tank needs to be cleaned more often, so  after 2 weeks I decided to go through the whole process again, only this time I filled my gallon water bottle and put the drop of dechlorinator in.  Well imagine my surprise when,
I cleaned the tank and proceeded to pour the water in from the bottle, and discovered, yikes the tank only holds little over half a gallon.  What I had done the last time was, literally poison my poor fish, because I thought the tank held a gallon of water, and had added the dechlorinator accordingly.
Well, I guess you know, how dumb I felt explaining that to Booboo when she asked me how my fish was doing.  Of course the rest of the chat knows too.