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| Madeline was out walking with Craig as she was once again helping him marry people she smiled as she looked at her ring, they had just gotten married by the other judge who was going around doing the same thing... ||Madeline|| This is the last one.. She said as they stopped at the door as she looked at his list of names showing that they were already down to the bottom of the list. | | 
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 She smiled as she nodded her ehad as she went around walking with him. \{Madeline} Yeah it sure does, but then again your family is like a thid of the population here. She giggled looking at him. | This banner and layout combo was made by Southern Charm at LRU. |  | |
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 | He laughed and nodded. Craig: Very true. | |  | |
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| She smiled as she looked at him as she was thinking about everything, befre she then started to talk. {Madeline} Its nice that all the couples seem to actully seem happy with each other, its nice to have them alright with it, some even look to be in love.. So maybe many won't want to get divorced when or if we all ever get out of here.. | | 
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 | They did the last couple weddings then headed for their room. He held her close to him and smiled. Craig: I love you, Madeline. You are just so beautiful. | |  | |
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| Madeline leaned against him as she smiled up at him hearing what he said as she blushed a bit... {Madeline} I love you, Craig, you're a very loving and caring man. | | 
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 | He picked her up as he kissed her and walked to the bed laying her down. Craig: Finally alone with my wife. | |  | |
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| She looked up at him as she smiled softly hearing what he said as she was happy to finally have him to herself for a little bit. {Madeline} Its nice to have you to myself finally, and with out you being so exhausted.. I'll help you everyday if you want love. | | 
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| She sighed a bit seeing that he had fallen asleep as she moved from under him and covered him up a bit. {Madeline} I have to be the only one married and still a virgin.. She sighed thinking about it as she got up sitting on the couch as she turned on the tv as she went channell surffing ab it. | | 
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 | He felt her move and opened his eyes. Craig: You left me? | |  | |
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| She turned her head looking at him as she smiled softly .. {Madeline} Thats cause you were sleeping. | | 
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 | He got off the bed and undressed as he walked toward her. He reached out and took the book from her setting it to the side. He took her hand and pulled her to her feet. Craid: I'm very much awake now. | |  | |
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| Madeline looked at him seeing him naked as she gasped a bit, she looked back up at him as she smiled a bit. {Madeline} I see that. | | 
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 | He took her back to the bed and laid her down. He kissed her softly as his hds moved over her. Craig: I love you. | |  | |
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| She moaned out feeling his hands moving over her body as she was loving how he was making her feel as she moved pressing against him a bit. {Madeline Granger} I love you, Craig. | | 
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