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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFoxylady21719  (Original Message)Sent: 11/10/2008 10:25 AM
Well the start of another week...where does the time go..middle of November already and me with no shopping done for Christmas and no suggestions of what to get...Barbie I will need a list for Amber if she is asking for anything in particular ...
We went out on Saturday and bought Brians big screen tv..he got a 50 inch plasma  ..great for watching movies thats for sure...its one that he can mount on the wall but he still has to get the stuff to do that...
I just heard on the radio chance of wet flurries so it must be chilly outside this morning..I suppose thats it for the nice weather we were having ..
I saw to townhouses this weekend fully decorated for Christmas..he lights on the winows and tress and everything up on Willow  as soon as I see a couple more I will be putting my stuff up...the thing is I have to wait until the basement is done because they will send a cleaning team in to clean the whole house when they are done..they aren't very good anyway ..but it saves me from doing
well I gotta run to you all later...Noel

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamenaughtysisterwendySent: 11/10/2008 11:29 AM
Morning everyone, yes I heard the weather calling for that too Noella, oh well sooner or later it's coming anyway.
Ward is finally finished painting our basement so I just got my puter back, he did an awesome job.  Now he wants to move our leather set down here and put the futon and chair upstairs.  He is always friggin moving stuff here, drives me insane sometimes I tell ya.  Mom says I should feel lucky to have someone who is constantly painting, moving, working on something.  I guess she is right, but it is usually me and the kids following behind him.. pass me that would ya.. move that would ya... go thru that would ya... put that in the garbage would ya... LMAO... drives us insane he does.
Well on another note, we got approached twice and asked too put McKenzie on a select GTA team, I know he is good considering he just put skates on just over a year and a half ago, but we don't know if we can handle the time and the money either.  They call him the Pitt Bull on his house team.  The convenor came to Ward again on Saturday and asked us to really think about it, said they have been watching him the last month on the ice and they really want him bad.  Don't know what to do, hate to pass up the opportunity for him, but can only do what you can do right.
Well you all have a great one and bundle up !!

 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNaughtygirl110Sent: 11/10/2008 2:45 PM
morning11.gif Good Morning image by mandyjoshmccuenGood morning Noel N Wendy..It looks like another awesome day out there.Lmao @ wendy...give me this, pass me that...i get ya there.There all alike..I would let Mckenzie play.he will probablly love it.leave him kick don't even want to think of Christmas yet...its to never even started it yet or decorating.I was down Bunns yesterday.Had a great visit with her.What did you all do on the week end?..We had a girls night at Lisa's Friday.I t was men...well i have to get something to later..

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLadybug19743Sent: 11/10/2008 2:51 PM
Yes, we have a nice little blanket of snow out there. Shaylyn is already bugging me to go outside to make snow She's here on the livingroom floor making them now. What a kid she is.
I was already thinking the same thing myself Noel about putting up some decorations. But I really gotta clean up bad around here first. I gotta get my ass up to your place for a visit. I'll come up this weekend if your gonna be around on one of the days. I guess you have weekends off again now eh!
Well, gotta run now. Gotta get my butt in the tub!
Hope you all have a great day!

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFoxylady21719Sent: 11/10/2008 9:15 PM
Hey Lynn I do get weekends off again ..this Saturday though is out Christmas Party at work...Harpos..gotta love his food! I am going to try and get a hair appointment for Saturday ..and thats about I will let you know what time that is and you can see if it will work with you ....

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