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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameblackempressss  (Original Message)Sent: 1/28/2008 9:11 AM


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This webset was assembled on Tues. June 6, 2006 by Teddie, using art from the public domain and Riverdeep Interactive Learning Ltd., and one of the many auto-scripters available at Chat_Central_Gateway KENDOC 2005.  All rights reserved.

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 Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 1/28/2008 9:53 AM

I'm going to tell you something
I hope you'll never have to know.
I'll tell you how a heart can break
And tears can constant flow.
I lost my baby girl you see,
An angel in my eyes
God chose to take her hand one day
And led her to the skies.
But please do not forget my child
She was a person too
And forever she will live
Inside of me and you.
So, please don't ever tell me
That time will heal my pain
Because not even time
Can bring her back again.
Just tell me she is happy
In that land way up above
She's snuggled in an angels wings
All wrapped in Mommy's love.
~Author Unknown

Web Set Assembled By Red

Using Public Domain Background Tiles

HTML By Me Red

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Daddy, please don't look so sad,
Mama please don't cry~
"Cause I am in the arms of Jesus
and He sings me lullabies."
Please, try not to question God,
Don't think he is unkind
Don't think He sent me to you,
and then He changed his mind.
You see, I am a special child,
and I'm needed up above
I'm the special gift you gave Him,
the product of your love.
I'll always be there with you
and watch the sky at night,
Find the brightest star that's gleaming,
That's my halo's brilliant light.
You'll see me in the morning frost,
that mists your window pane.
That's me in the summer showers,
I'll be dancing in the rain.
When you feel a little breeze,
from a gentle wind that blows
That's me, I'll be there,
planting a kiss on your nose.
When you see a child playing,
and your heart feels a little tug,
That's me, I'll be there,
giving your heart a hug.
So Daddy, please don't look so sad,
Mama don't you cry.
I'm in the arms of Jesus
and He sings me lullabies.

Author~Claudette T. Allen

Web Set Assembled By Red

Using Public Domain Background Tiles

HTML By Me Red

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 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 1/28/2008 9:59 AM

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Daddy, please don't look so sad,
Mama please don't cry~
"Cause I am in the arms of Jesus
and He sings me lullabies."
Please, try not to question God,
Don't think he is unkind
Don't think He sent me to you,
and then He changed his mind.
You see, I am a special child,
and I'm needed up above
I'm the special gift you gave Him,
the product of your love.
I'll always be there with you
and watch the sky at night,
Find the brightest star that's gleaming,
That's my halo's brilliant light.
You'll see me in the morning frost,
that mists your window pane.
That's me in the summer showers,
I'll be dancing in the rain.
When you feel a little breeze,
from a gentle wind that blows
That's me, I'll be there,
planting a kiss on your nose.
When you see a child playing,
and your heart feels a little tug,
That's me, I'll be there,
giving your heart a hug.
So Daddy, please don't look so sad,
Mama don't you cry.
I'm in the arms of Jesus
and He sings me lullabies.

Author~Claudette T. Allen

Web Set Created By Red

HTML By Me Red

All Backgrounds And Glitter Tile Made By Me Red

Do Not Remove Credit Info

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 1/28/2008 10:33 AM




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Tiles created from graphics at © Creo
This webset page was created by ♥AmazingTrace♥(Mumzilla-Tracie04) using one of the many auto-scripters available at  Chat_Central_Gateway  All rights reserved KENDOC 2005

 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 1/28/2008 10:34 AM




When God calls little children
to dwell with Him above
We mortals sometimes question
the wisdom of His love
For no heartache compares with the death
of one small child
Who does so much to make our world seem wonderful and mild

Perhaps God tires of calling the aged to His fold so He picks a rosebud
before it can grow old
God knows how much we need them
so He takes but few to make the land of Heaven
more beautiful to view

Believing this is difficult.....still, somehow we must try...
the saddest word mankind knows
will always be "Goodbye"

So when a little child departs, we who are left behind
must realize God loves children.....

~Angels are hard to find~


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This webset page was assembled on Monday December 18, 2006 by Sam with graphics from using one of the many auto-scripters available at  Chat_Central_Gateway  All rights reserved KENDOC 2005

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