In 2002 the Rarity of the Dehaney/Duhaney name in the United States was ranked 133, 166 out of 1,778,655 total uniques names. No wonder most Dehaney/Duhaney are always surprise when they see that they are not the only one and they are much of us in the world today. It is always important when searching your family history to search a various types of spelling as back in the days, it's possible our ancestor did not know the correct spelling or the record keeper did not ask for the spelling and spell the name the way it sounded to them, or the person transcribing or indexing an original record could not read the handwritting very well and got the spelling of the name wrong. The best way to search is to use a soundex index so you find information on your name the way your name sound as suppose to the spelling of the name. For e.g. Duhaney/Dehaney/Dahany/Dehany Please do not remove credit below This webset page was assembled on Friday April 4, 2008 by Simon with graphics from wpclipart using one of the many auto-scripters available at Chat_Central_Gateway All rights reserved KENDOC 2005 |