Hello everyone,
Camesha is back with us and her birthday is tomorrow August 15th i will be doing her birthday page later today be sure to come out and wish her a happy birthday. My vacation pics are coming i am getting some of them copyrighted as they will be made into tags and backgrounds later on. I am getting into my regular routine with a few changes so i will be around my other groups soon, if i have not been in yours yet just give me some time i will be there soon. I had some additional stuff to share with you all and i am getting some backgrounds to reflect that. I also want to remind you all this group also has a storage site. The storage site is not just for backgrounds its to store anything you wish to keep for along time, maybe a good poem etc. You will get a board of your own when you join and its a private group so no one can snag your stuff, and members are not allowed to use anything from your board without your permission. So be sure to think on it and join, its not a posting group its a storage site. I will keep you all posted i am doing overnight this coming weekend so i hope you all have a great weekend.