Please tell us alittle bit about your "Family History". This is a subject i could go on and on forever on so i will try not to get carried away. My family history started off in Ireland and Scotland the Duhaney and Reid family. Originally the Duhaney family started out as white and as years goes by, part of our family is white as in blond and blue eyes white lol and parts of us is mix with guyanese indian and jamaica. We are truly a special family who is stubborn, set in our ways and don't stand for any form of foolishness. My grandfather was very special to me, he never say much always seems like he was thinking about something. The story in the family goes that he had a fall out with his siblings and because of that fall out, never spoke to them, never contacted them and never talked about them to his children. My grandmother from time to time may mention a name or two in passing and thats how some of my aunts come to remember some of my grandfather siblings. The story continue that the White Duhaney own slaves over 250 + when slavery was abolished the slaves leaving and some that stayed took the name Duhaney of there masters and mistress. Up to today i still have not been able to prove if thats where my Duhaney originate from exactly. There is another story that three brothers from Ireland came to Jamaica and settled in three different parishes in jamaica and thats how the Duhaney come to be spread out all over jamaica to the point where we are just surprise to know others exist. My grandfather was born in Westmoreland but my dad was born in St. James so i am connected to both the St. James Duhaney and the Westmoreland Duhaney. Then we spread farther over in to St. Mary and so on. Our name is rare and so if you come across us its more than likely we are related. My great grandfather was James and i figure he had to be very strict as my grandfather was serious, so is my dad and most of my siblings when it comes to parenting. That firmness must come from somewhere, we have squirks about us that is definately genetic. I love my family even when they driving me crazy.
Please tell us alittle bit about the "Suggestion Box". Has any member ever offered any suggestions? What did you do, did you follow the suggestion.? The suggestion box is as it sounds for suggestion and ideas, its funny you should ask Wendy as i have had some suggestion from members but it never reach the suggestion box, even when i tell them to put it there. Isaac blackhandsome4U had suggested that all messages go together so its easier to find. I had the suggestion box further up before but he suggested since they are all messages that need replying to that i should put all those stuff under messages. However i did not wish to do the mailbox like that so i separate the mailbox from the various message boards. Isaac made this suggestion by calling me at 9 am one saturday morning i was very annoyed at him as i was sleeping and i could not understand why he could not just suggest it in the box. The group was very new and i took is advice, recently another member suggested that i add some word search as its easier to load for people who has dial up. And to be honest i have never had dial up i have always have my internet on cable so i was not aware of some of the difficulties. When i go on vacation in jamaica i normally go online for the purpose of keeping track of bills so i never notice anything with there internet.
What is one of your favorite messageboard threads on the General Messageboard.? If i have to pick one i would have to say the hotseat, i feel its raw as it show the group in its purest form, it tells abit about me and it leave some vital information for the present and future generations.
What is one of your favorite messageboard threads on the "Thoughts" messageboard.? Maya Angelou her words are true and honest, encouraging and good words to live by any century.
What is one of your favorite messageboard threads on the "Inspirations" messageboard.? I learned from Noah's Ark Snagged from FGFE its uplifting and funny at the same time.
What is one of your favorite messageboard threads on the "Affirmations" messageboard.? Family Harmony it explains how i feel about my group and the people that knock and are allow to enter in.
Do you make backgrounds.? If so, please share one with us. Yes i make backgrounds. This is one of my more recent work it was created with the idea to use for good mornings or for my group weekend brunch on the general board.
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