oops i just realize i forgot two questions above.
What is one of the most memorable things that has happened in your group? My son birthday party last year in the group. I created a page with food and drinks this was before i became copyright aware. So none of the pictures had proper copyright but the page was pretty. All members was ask to reply by talking about the fun they were having and post pictures of food they having just real creative, when my son friend ask me what i was doing for my son birthday and i told him i am having an online party in my group, he could not stop laughing, i was serious and showed them the food and drinks and everything prepare for the people. Even just yesterday my son mention it again and him and his friends start laughing again....It was the beginning of our group and it was a good mood breaker.
What is the worse thing that has happened in your group? The worst thing that happen, happen behind the scene and never showed on the board, a friend of mine who i have know since high school and a very close friend and i had a falling out and she thought it was necessary to leave the group. That was very sad because good and great friendships take years to develop where a person truly know a person or for the most part 90% know the person and for it to be over just in the blink of an eye. Its sad and the worst thing that could happen as Duhaneys Family Connected is about connecting and in this situation a friendship was no longer connecting.
My last set of questions of me been in the hotseat
Do you remember HOW you found Around the World Promotions, Friends Plus More?
If so, where? Yes i remember i found it in Erins background webset group
Do you "enjoy" yourself here at AWPFPM? Oh yes i do, i get so caught up when i come here time just run away. So i like to come when i have time to hit all the threads, i am a all or nothing kind of girl.
Is there anything that you would like to see added here at AWPFPM? Cant think of anything right now the promotions is good, friendships is good and plus more i will leave for Wendy when she get inspired by something. lol
Do you have any suggestions for AWPFPM? No just keep on going strong
Do you feel that the management here at AWPFPM addresses any problems or concerns that you may have? I think if i did have problems they would yes.
Please feel free to add any comments that you may have ...... I have enjoy participating in the hotseat. It has help me to look into myself and just chilax and it was alot of fun. I hope it has help my members to get to know me as well as the group better.
Thank You Wendy
You are awsome