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All Message Boards : Pagan Rosary
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From: MSN NicknameDamage�?/nobr>  (Original Message)Sent: 10/12/2008 12:37 AM
*Pagan Daily Devotionals*

*Make a Pagan Rosary*

Now, the idea of using a set of rosary beads might be a bit too Catholic for
your taste, but remember that other cultures and religions use the counting of
beads in prayer too. The specifics of such a rosary are up to you, as to the
color and number of beads. The principle is that you say a prayer or some
collection of words as you move each bead through your fingers, and they are
usually strung in groups (such as 4 groups of 7 beads) marked off by different
charms or types of beads.

Like the idea? So give it a try. The bead selections at most craft stores can
be huge, with many made in semi-precious stones, glass, metal or wood. You may
have to look online if you want charms in Pagan symbols, but they are definitely
out there. Traditional rosaries have a Y-piece in the middle (to create a tail
from the main loop), but you can always just make a circular string of beads
without that if you prefer.

What you say as you count your rosary is also up to you. Goddess names,
personal affirmations, elemental references, whatever. Get creative.

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