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 Message 1 of 428 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDamage�?/nobr>  (Original Message)Sent: 10/7/2004 1:35 PM
Daily Aromatherapy Tip
brought to you by
Scent of the Month Club

Today's Tip
Spiritual Cleansing with Frankincense

Transforming the subtle energies of a room
Mix 1 Tablespoon of salt with 2 drops of Frankincense
essential oil. Leave this mixture to dry.
Open a window or door leading to the outside,
which allows circulation of air, then sprinkle a tint amount of
the mixture around the room, including the corners, gradually moving
toward the open window or door
From the book The Fragrant Heavens by Valerie Ann Worwood.

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 Message 414 of 428 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDamage�?/nobr>Sent: 6/8/2008 8:39 AM
Essential oils are a great addition to your natural floor cleaners.

Combine the following in large container:
1-gallon bucket of warm water
A very small squeeze of liquid castile soap
10 drops of Lemon essential oil
4 drops Tea tree essential oil

Daily Aromatherapy Tip
brought to you by
Scent of the Month Club

 Message 415 of 428 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDamage�?/nobr>Sent: 6/8/2008 2:16 PM
Aromatherapist Peta Cornell says to keep your home feeling summer-fresh and
help beat off bugs, diffuse essential oils into the air or simply warm some
water on the stove and add a few drops of eucalyptus, rosemary, peppermint,
tea-tree, ginger, orange or cinnamon oil.

Daily Aromatherapy Tip
brought to you by
Scent of the Month Club

 Message 416 of 428 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDamage�?/nobr>Sent: 6/8/2008 2:34 PM
Last year, several members of the Iowa State University Department of
Entomology presented the results of a study on common catnip. Among their
conclusions was the fact that an essential oil in catnip is 10 times more
effective at repelling mosquitoes than potent chemicals such as DEET.
While the researchers don't know why mosquitoes don't like catnip oil, they
do know a good thing when they see it.
Why not grow some mosquito repellent of your own? If you have a sunny,
well-drained patch of lean garden soil, try planting some catnip. The plant
you need is a perennial herb called Nepeta cataria. Closely related to
ornamental catmint, or Nepeta faassenii (or N. mussinii), catnip is
generally grown as a cat-pleasing or medicinal tea herb rather than for its


2 cups catnip, stemmed
1 cup rosemary, cut in 6-inch sprigs
2 cups grapeseed oil or any light body-care oil
Roll herbs lightly with a rolling pin and pack into a clean jar. Cover with
oil, seal jar and place in a cool, dark cupboard for two weeks.

Shake jar lightly every day or so for two weeks. Strain into a clean jar,
seal and refrigerate for up to 8 months unused.

To use, rub on exposed skin.

 Message 417 of 428 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDamage�?/nobr>Sent: 6/22/2008 12:01 PM
Daily Aromatherapy Tip - Swelling and Circulation Problems

If you stand on your feet all day here is a treatment to help with swelling and
Perfect for summer heat.

1 drop Cypress
1 drop Lavender

Add to a bowl of warm water to which about 12 smooth round pebbles have been added.
Roll the soles of your feet slowly over the pebbles for a few minutes, then dry your feet

<http://www.aromathy oils.html>
http://www.aromathy oils.html


GrannyMoon’s Morning Feast

 Message 418 of 428 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDamage�?/nobr>Sent: 6/22/2008 12:05 PM
Daily Aromatherapy Tip - Ants

Ants hate Peppermint essential oil. Place a few drops where they enter the house or 2
drops on the ant nest

<http://www.aromathy oils.html>
http://www.aromathy oils.html


GrannyMoon’s Morning Feast

 Message 419 of 428 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDamage�?/nobr>Sent: 6/29/2008 7:46 AM
Disinfect your toothbrushes using Tea Tree Oil
Kills germs, bacteria, fungi and viruses.
Soak for 10 minutes in a glass of water and
10 drops Tea Tree Oil. Rinse before using.

This Daily Aromatherapy Tip is
brought to you by
and the Scent of the Month Club

 Message 420 of 428 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDamage�?/nobr>Sent: 7/15/2008 11:00 PM
To rejuvenate and fluff up feather pillows, place them one at a time
in the dryer on a warm setting for 10 minutes with two clean tennis

For a pleasant scent, sprinkle three drops of an essential oil, like
orange or rose onto a cotton ball, tie it into a handkerchief, and
add it to the dryer along with the pillows.

This Daily Aromatherapy Tip is
brought to you by
and the Scent of the Month Club

 Message 421 of 428 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDamage�?/nobr>Sent: 8/2/2008 1:04 PM
Place 3 drops of Outdoor Freedom Blend or any insect repellent
essential oils, Lemongrass or Citronella work well, in a bowl of
Soak some ribbons in this solution before attaching them to the
branches of your trees. This really works!

This Daily Aromatherapy Tip is
brought to you by
and the Scent of the Month Club

 Message 422 of 428 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDamage�?/nobr>Sent: 8/10/2008 12:00 AM
A must for the summer months ahead
is a jar of Aloe Vera to which a few drops of
Lavender essential oil have been added.
Store in refrigerator for cooling, soothing relief.

This Daily Aromatherapy Tip is
brought to you by
and the Scent of the Month Club

 Message 423 of 428 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDamage�?/nobr>Sent: 8/10/2008 1:04 PM
With the hot summer months ahead a great recipe
to try is a Peppermint and Tea Tree foot lotion.
Cooling Peppermint and the antibacterial,<WBR>antifungal
properties of Tea Tree make this a great summer treat.
take 8oz. of any unscented lotion, add 20 drops Peppermint,
20 drops Tea Tree and 20 drops of Rosemary essential Oil.
Blend in a measuring cup and pour into a bottle.
Use as needed to revive tired feet.
This blend will be energizing so you may not want to
use it to close to bedtime.

This Daily Aromatherapy Tip is
brought to you by
and the Scent of the Month Club

 Message 424 of 428 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDamage�?/nobr>Sent: 9/7/2008 10:34 AM
This floral-fruity mist is a great way to refresh tired senses on
plane trips, long car rides or anytime you need a fragrant boost;
Add 9 drops of lavender and 7 drops of orange essential oil to 1 2/3
ounces of distilled water. Place in a spray bottle or atomizer.
Shake the bottle vigorously, then close your eyes and lightly mist
your face or personal space.

This Daily Aromatherapy Tip is
brought to you by
and the Scent of the Month Club

 Message 425 of 428 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDamage�?/nobr>Sent: 9/17/2008 10:02 PM
Mothballs: The common mothball is made of paradichlorobenzene<WBR>, which
is harmful to liver and kidneys. Cedar chips in a cheesecloth
square, or cedar oil in an absorbent cloth will repel moths. The
cedar should be 'aromatic cedar', also referred to as juniper in
some areas. Cedar chips are available at many craft supply stores,
or make your own using a plane and a block of cedar from the

Homemade moth-repelling sachets can also be made with lavender,
rosemary, vetiver and rose petals.
Dried lemon peels are also a natural moth deterrent - simply toss
into clothes chest, or tie in cheesecloth and hang in the closet.

This Daily Aromatherapy Tip is
brought to you by
and the Scent of the Month Club

 Message 426 of 428 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDamage�?/nobr>Sent: 9/21/2008 3:21 PM
Some of you may have made the muslin bags filled with
Lavender buds to add to your clothes dryer.
Here's a little different twist.
Use raw uncooked rice in the muslin bags.
In a bowl add Lavender essential oil to the rice, stir and place
in bags. You can also use handkerchiefs or other material.
Just be sure to seal or tie it so you don't end up with rice in your

This Daily Aromatherapy Tip is
brought to you by
and the Scent of the Month Club

The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 427 of 428 in Discussion 
Sent: 9/21/2008 3:21 PM
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 Message 428 of 428 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDamage�?/nobr>Sent: 10/12/2008 12:11 PM
To a 2 oz bottle with a spritzer top add 1 tablespoon of vodka.
Add 10 drops of eucalyptus oil, 10 drops of lavender oil,
5 drops of rosemary oil, and 5 drops of tea tree.
Idea: Try spraying on door knobs.

This Daily Aromatherapy Tip is
brought to you by
and the Scent of the Month Club

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