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Dowsing : The Art Of Dowsing
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From: MSN NicknameEerie7  (Original Message)Sent: 10/6/2006 5:30 PM


By Brian J Murphy

Communicating with one's Higher Self can be challenging for many people. Dowsing with a pendulum provides an easy and natural method of making that connection. As described by Kryon through Lee Carroll, your Higher Self is that part of YOURSELF, the "Piece of God Within," that intuitively knows ALL about YOU. You can ask any questions you like of yourself, as long as they are clear, precise and answerable by "Yes" or "No" or by various charts that may be appropriate.

While dowsing can be used, and will appear to work in many and varied areas, please BE WARNED that if used indiscriminately or not for the HIGHEST GOOD AND WILL OF ALL CONCERNED, then you may find that a bitter lesson is store. If you find yourself "in lesson" or if you will be interfering with the lessons or karma of others, the answers you elicit may not be entirely true. (This has happened to me.) Please be careful or at least wary in this area.

Since the "Spiritual You" can communicate with the spiritual side of others, dowsing can also be used for person-to-person communications in, and ONLY in, appropriate circumstances, and ONLY with the expressed permission of the other person. This is especially useful in "Other Person" healing situations such as mother and child. This is to say that you can dowse for others if you have their permission to do so. They do not need to be present since your guides can instantly communicate with their guides wherever they are as long as a clear link is established.

How It Works

Dowsing works by interpreting the movement of a pendulum held in your hand after "Verbalizing" a question to yourself. Any pendulum will do. I use a modified fishing sinker on a short length of fishing line (as depicted in the diagram), my wife Kay uses a crystal on a fine chain, but even a tea bag will work. "Verbalizing" can either be done out loud or silently. Crystals are popular in so much as they also have other purposes and can therefore perform a dual role.

Dowsing (and Kinesiology for that matter) is primarily driven by the answers given by your "Higher Self" with the assistance of your "Spiritual Guides" to meaningful questions. If you are new to, or skeptical about the concepts given here, by all means ask and verify these matters for yourself via your pendulum. Your guides especially like to be recognized for their contribution to your life. Their role is to love and help you.

The Guides physically cause the movement of your pendulum by applying appropriate forces, when directed by your Higher Self. Of course your Guides also assist with appropriate answers. As well as communicating with your Higher Self, the pendulum can also be used to communicate effectively with other spiritual entities such as Jesus, Kryon, or any other entity fitting your belief system. They also will be pleased to answer your questions - just ask them. Don't be surprised if you find yourself with a "Love Wash" when delving into this side of your conversing with Spirit.

How It Is Done

Firstly hold your pendulum in your "work" hand (the one you would normally write with) as shown. You may support your wrist with the other hand; rest your elbow on the table or whatever makes you feel comfortable. The aim is to give the pendulum free movement. When you are comfortable in this position, you are ready to ask your questions. One question at a time saves a lot of confusion.

Getting It Going

Some people will find dousing easy and it will work straight away; others will need a little patience - in fact the more patient and trusting a person seems to be, the better the results. (Maybe that is a lesson in itself).

The Search Response

This is the first and easiest response. This is the position from which you will begin all other pendulum operations.

Hold your pendulum as shown and verbalize (and repeat a few times) "Show me my SEARCH response, I want to see my search response."

For most people, the SEARCH response will oscillate the pendulum back and forth, equidistant from the pendulum rest position. It (like all other responses) may be different from what I describe. If this is so - simply remember the responses given and use them for yourself accordingly.

Don't be alarmed if your pendulum does not respond immediately as this is likely for most people. If this happens, simply oscillate your pendulum back and forth and repeat a few times, "This is my SEARCH response." (This "teaching" of responses will also apply to all the other responses to follow.) Remember the old adage "If at first you don't succeed�? Be patient and try again at another time. You will eventually get your pendulum to work.

I find it useful to ask, "Show me search," as a means of "resetting" the pendulum between multiple questions - only to show me that the answers given align with the given question. The momentum of the pendulum can persist at times.

The YES and NO Responses

Obviously these two responses will be the most useful of all the responses.

For most people they will be clockwise or anti-clockwise swinging oscillations. Once again they may be other responses and again I would advise to simply note and use the responses given. Likewise, if they are circular oscillations, "clockwise" may mean a "Yes" to some and "No" to others. (I have a pet theory that this may have something to do with being left or right handed but that is only a theory and not really relevant to the operation anyway.)

To find out which is your "Yes" response, simply do as we did for "Search" and ask (and repeat a few times) "Show me YES."

If, after a few patient attempts you have no response at all, you may "teach" your Guides the response you choose. Simply swing the pendulum in the direction you choose and verbalize and repeat "This is YES". Once again this "teaching" method applies to all responses if they do not automatically respond.

Once you and your Guides have mastered the "Yes" response, please use the same procedures for "No" and the responses that follow.

Other Responses

The above figures show the other responses that my pendulum gives. Once again your responses may be different or you may be able to "teach" your Guides these responses if you think they will suit.

Using Charts

As well as the basic responses shown above, your pendulum can also "Point" to appropriate answers on charts drawn for specific purposes. The charts don't need to be elaborate or professionally printed. A sketch will do. Examples are shown here for you to use.

To use charts simply position your pendulum over the center point of your chart and ask your question, e.g., (Using the 0-9 NUMBER CHART) "Where is my number nine?" Your pendulum will swing toward the correct answer with only a little back swing in the opposite direction.

Obtaining Written Responses

Obtaining written responses to questions is merely an extension of using charts as outlined above, except we can either use the Alpha chart (adjacent) or a computer keyboard if you have a computer.

To use the chart simply hold your pendulum over the center of the chart after asking your question, then elicit each letter of the answer and write it down separately. You may find that each word will be "popped into your head" as you go. With practice you will soon be quite proficient at obtaining answers this way.

Using a computer keyboard is a little quicker. Hold your pendulum away a little from the keyboard and the pendulum will point to the letter you require. Move you pendulum along the line that it is pointing, and when it is over the required key it will then change its movement to the "Yes" response. If you have a suitable word-processing application running, you can simply press that key to proceed with typing your answer.


A final point on questioning is appropriate. Your questions should be clear, unambiguous and logical (as in the computer programming or Boolean sense). If, for instance, you should ask a question such as "Is my hair color black or what?" the answer would obviously be "Yes" because the answer to the "or what" part will always be yes. It is also human nature to have many questions going through your mind at the one time and your Guides will be confused as to which one you want answered in this situation. One at a time please!

Other Practical Applications (Other than purely spiritual applications)

Since Kay and I are interested in health and nutrition, we find the pendulum a valuable tool for all sorts of applications in this area. Anything from the ripeness of fruit, the suitability or otherwise of personal care products, whether a book or written article is true or pertinent, or the body's requirements and dosage levels of herbal health products may be determined using the pendulum. Aromatherapy is one of our interests and in case you are interested, this is an example of a chart for this purpose.

As summarily described in this article, dousing with a pendulum can enable communication with your Higher Self and Guides. Try the methods and techniques explained herein and modify them for your own use. The results may very well be quite surprising.

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