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Health : Oil for the Heart
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEerie7  (Original Message)Sent: 4/11/2008 3:20 AM
HEART ATTACK means HEART LACK.....HEART TIGHTENING (chest tightening aka ANGINA PECTORIS) means HEART LACK. Best reply to this: FLUSH the HEART! Yup.

You can FLUSH the heart just like any other ORGAN!

With OIL.

Whether you have already HAD a Heart Attack or scared you MITE have one: just take OIL which is truly a SUPER FOOD. Specifically, extra virgin OLIVE OIL (you can mix in a lil CASTOR OIL sometimes too).

In fact, if you KEPT the same DIET and only changed one thing--adding OLIVE and CASTOR OIL--you could DECREASE your HEART ATTACK possibility!!...Not as much as CHANGING your ENTIRE diet, of course! But still a lot better and safer than DRUGS (which actually tend to ERODE those heart veins over time thus INCREASING your chances of HEART ATTACK!).

And letz face it--many of our MAMAS and BABAS, for example, are just TOO set in their ways to change the way they EAT. So give them the OIL. Best thing for them.

Here is why:

As you get older the CORONARY (meaning CROWN) Arteries around the TOP of the heart (all the VEINS, really), start to get HARD or BRITTLE--even ERODING from the inside due to PLACK.

PLACK builds up from FOOD RESIDUE. Thatz all. Everything you EAT has to be exposed of in some way. And anything your body can not DISPOSE of gets placed somewhere in the body: ARTERIES, VEINS, ORGANS, BRAIN--HEART and HEART VEINS...

Well, CHOLESTEROL comes along and tries to push that PLACK out--sometimes it can, if you have enuff FAT aka TRIGLYCERIDES, floating around in ya BLOODSTREAM. This is what they call the "good" HDL=HIGH DENSITY LIPROTEIN too (altho they are separate as well). However, if it can NOT push out the PLACK--it builds up itself and becomes LDL=LOW DENSITY LIPROTEIN, the so-called BAD cholesterol. But itz only building up because itz BACKING up tryna push that Plack through.

Therefore, you need something else to push the Plack thru...and that would be FRESH oil.

You have to introduce Fresh OIL into your SYSTEM which also has a fresh ACIDIC reaction and the FATs ACID (aka FATTY ACIDS) helps ERODE that BLOCKAGE---kinda like LIQUID DRAINO!

The heart is just a MUSCLE. A comparably STRONG one. In fact, RELATIVELY speaking, it is the strongest muscle in the body after the TENDON, perhaps. This is why its good to REBUILD the heart with VEINS and LIGAMENTS from the TENDON rather than with just VEINS from the LEG.

There are small VEINS in the Tendons that can be used for OPEN HEART SURGERY which will work much better than the ones from the LEG! However, as usual, this is a SCIENCE the FRANKENMEDS are SLEEPING on.

That OLIVE OIL and CASTOR OIL will CRANK that PLACK rite out tho.

Itz a main reason both reign supreme in another type of ATERIAL BLOCKAGE---CONSTIPATION! Yup, it is the SAME THING! Constipation is CONSTIPATION whether it is in your BOWELS ARTERIES are in your HEARTS ATERIES!

Either way, OLIVE and CASTOR OIL do their work by DISSOLVING waste (plack) in the veins of the hearts--while it relaxes those arteries and veins surrounding it and running thru it....on the INSIDE and OUTSIDE. The entire heart, literally, gets BATHED in OIL. And thatz EXACTLY what you want. A HEART BATH and FLUSH (DETOXIFICATION).

Often your body will give you a clue before it has a so-called HEART ATTACK...Your CHEST will TIGHTEN up on you. Like somebody is squeezing it together or like something is laying on it. Thatz what the MEDICAL MAFIA calls ANGINA aka ANGINA PECTORIS or simply CHEST TIGHTENING.

Whatz happening is that those VESSELS (veins) in your chest or tryna SQUEEZE your BLOOD thru the heart. This is supposed to be a SIGNAL to you that you maybe got a BLOCKAGE in your ARTERIES (most likely on the lefthand side since itz the left side of the heart that is the biggest and has to work the hardest--and therefore tends to get worn out first.....this is also why you tend to get NUMBNESS in your LEFT ARM first as well)...

Thus, the LEFT SIDE of your heart is slightly bigger than the RITE because it is the side that actually PUMPS to create that FIRST WAVE of BLOOD that will CIRCULATE thru over 62,000 miles of ARTERIES, VEINS and CAPILLARIES in your body.

So anyway, you just wanna take 2 OUNCES (or 4 tablespoons) of extra virgin OLIVE OIL at once--if your heart is in bad shape. Less if you aint too bad off. Once a week for 6 weeks. Thatz all you gotta do.

And add more DISTILLED WATER. Also itz best if the OIL is warmed up a little bit.

Itz not that COMPLICATED. Er'body needs oil from the NEWBORN to the NEWLY OLD. Let your newborn suck the OIL off your breast (just a wee bit on the nipple) after s/he has been breastfeeding already for a few months--and their BRAINS will DEVELOP even faster....this is what all the RAGE over the NUTRIENT called DHA in OIL is about--helping to develop that NEWBORN brain. Likewise, it will FLUSH and REGENERATE your HEART too.

Questions? Hit me here or at the number below.

Supreme Healthologist


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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEerie7Sent: 4/11/2008 3:57 AM
Just wanted to be klear that when you use CASTOR OIL with the HEART FLUSH ELIXIR that you only use a SMALL AMOUNT. Say like, 1/4 -1/2 tablespoon or LESS only have to take it TWICE out of the 6 weeks MIXED in with your OLIVE OIL!!

Also you wanna use the brand ruled most SAFE by the UNITED STATES PHARMACOPEIA (USP). And one of those brands can be found at WALGREENS called APOTHECARY (itz distributed by them too).

