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Health : The FAST Body FLUSH
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From: MSN NicknameEerie7  (Original Message)Sent: 9/22/2008 12:52 AM
by Dr Mutwasze, ND
ONCE every 10 days--DO NOT, i repeat do "not" EAT for the ENTIRE 24 hours!
This will TRULY take a LOAD off your----ORGANS!
Your BODY is a SPACE SUIT for all practical purposes; and here on this DIMENSION the presence of GRAVITY is extremely HEAVY and so is its PULL...
This PULL while good for keeping us from FLOATING off into space EXACTS a HEAVY toll on not only our body proper but our ORGANS----and the best way to COUNTER this pull is to TAKE the ORGANS----OUT of the BODY and give them a BREAK! lol! However, since we can not do that--the NEXT best thing is to stop USING them so MUCH...
The body has a NATURAL process via which to do this: FASTING...
Just STOP eating for a PERIOD of time and you CREATE this effect NATURALLY; and the more you do that over time--the LESS Gravity effects your body in general!
DRINK 16-32 ounces of------HOT WATER!------as soon as you wake up---and PUT about 3 ounces of LEMON JUICE or APPLE CIDER VINEGAR in it: 1 1/2 per 16 ounces of water...
NOTE: Combined with the Lemon or ACV, Hot Water is the SUPREME liquid DRAINO when it comes to FLUSHING TOXINS, POISONS, DRUGS, SMOKING RESIDUE from the TISSUES------------OUNCE PER OUNCE it is more powerful than COLD WATER or ROOM TEMPERATURE WATER in its CHELATION (CLEANSING) power!
Somewhere in the MIDDLE of the DAY drink another 16-32 ounces of HOT WATER---just plain...
This takes place over 24 hours; if you start at MIDNITE you end the NEXT midnite...
Do that for yourself every 10 days, the SAME way--especially if you are the type who PARTIES a lot and get a LOT of ALCOHOL in your LIVER; are you are just really GREEDY and like to eat a lot of SPICY foods...
LEMON and/or APPLE CIDER VINEGAR keep the LIVER "fresh and clean"...
The WATER takes care of both LIVER and KIDNEY (which are the MAJOR organs to FLUSH in a FAST)...
Easy. Simple. Not a lot of work.
But guess what--"it" WORKS!
Just another little something (with BIG results) and very accessible that ANYBODY can do to help their BODIES to HELP itself...
Questions? Reach me here or at the number below...
Office Hours: ANYTIME (long as im up i will take the on Central)
Controversial, Unconventional, Unorthodox, even Unusual healing methods I've come across in the past 40 years of research on HEALTH and DISEASE while living both in the United States and various parts of the WORLD.
If you have a health issue you wanna see discussed, please lemme know

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