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A life of much unrest and turmoil, but reaching great heights, with many accolades, many friends, even born into riches, with a Sheraton Hotel Chain Trust fund, Marcia Moore was once made world famous in Jess Stearn's book "Yoga, Youth and Reincarnation" in the late 60s... The author of "Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet", also heralded the new age of Yoga and headlined Marcia, his friend. The strange thing is, that Marcia never found true peace of mind. She found relationships, 3 or 4 marriages, many lovers and admirers, even friends like Lois Rodden, who was her "astrological twin", but never found peace nor true love. She ended up searching, always searching through mystical experienes, but taking "short cuts"......using drugs, mescite, mescaline, peyote, morning glory plants, you name it, LSD, she tried them all. But when she met her 3rd (4th?) husband, an anesthesologist, who was introduced to her, by the man's date, her girlfriend, she was "smitten". They embarked on a drug binge, with "Ketamine"......and he used her connections, her money, to try to research (in labs), and get F.D.A. approval (his dream)......to be able to have Ketamine legalized in America, so everyone could "get high " on it/  sounds whacky, but that was "their dream" goal. That is until he started running around, and she became, "disallusioned" once again in life. She told her friends she was divorcing him, (Dr. Happy, he was called by Ann Rule in her book)about this case. She told her friends, if anything happened to her, "look at the good doctor". Well she did disappear, and was found 2 years later....dead in a remote area of a forest. A fabulously wealthy woman, independently so; with everything to live for, as far as money, fame and prestige, (she still had umpteen good friends) astrologers, mediums, etc. yet, only drugs would be her downfall, and "Dr. Happy". you can read it here: |
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Whoever might be interested in Marcia Moore and her journey into Hallucengenic drugs, the from flowers, to peyote, etc.to ultimately Ketamine addiction, and her 3rd marriage, here is where I had read of her disasterous marriage to the good Doctor, (he was also, conveniently, an Anaestheologist..... Now in this book excerpt from Google, (you can get the book in any library I'm sure, because they all have Ann Rule books there)' it's in this one chapter of many stories called, "The Lost Lady"......In this book, Ann Rule uses Marcia Moore's real name, but not the doctors's name, instead of "Howard" she calls him,Dr. Happy. She does speak of Marcia's interest in psychic stuff, (mediums, psychic fairs, tarot, etc)....and as I recall she told her friends she was divorcing, Dr."Happy", when she suddenly disappeared from life. After all their collective future was in the developement of Ketamine, for legal sale; but now Marcia wanted a divorce, so the money would have dried up for "research and development" http://xrl.us/bh2cs (Link to books.google.com) And if anyone is interested in Marcia Moore as an Astrologer, beyond her involvement with drugs, here is a link that posted a bit of her book, including the following "excerpt" from the "Evolution of the Zodiac and Precession of the Equinoxes"by Marcia Moore: http://www.cultdeadcow.com/archives/2006/10/the_evolution_of_the.php3 Extracted:
The mere existence of the hallucinogenic potion ayahuasca (an admixture of organic compounds that renders DMT orally active) is another evidence of a bestowed “gift�?that is a vestige of a time when spirit had not yet fully crystallized into matter. Ayahuasca is prepared via an extensive method and contains obscure, unpalatable ingredients that would not normally be subject for human consumption: the odds of a Peruvian shaman “discovering�?ayahuasca through deliberate trial-and-error methodology are so infinitesimal as to be statistically irrelevant. |
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don't know how many of you New Ager hippy types out there, remember Marcia Moore, who came to fame in this country, via Jess Stearn the writer who wrote <"Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet", and wrote many many other new age books in the 60s including the bio of Marcia Moore an Astrologer, and Yoga enthusiast? Marcia Moore was an heiress, (her fortune was founded in a trust fund set up by her family) who was heir to a huge fortune in the East, but she took her home to be in Calfiornia, along with a famous brother, who wrote NYTimes BestSellers, like Robert Ludlum did, about C.I.A. stuff,(I'll have to dig out his name, as I can't recall it now, but he too was quite famous, her little brother) Anyway, what made Marcia Moore famous was not the book by Jess Stearn, "Yoga , Youth and Reincarnation", a best seller, BUT, rather her unhappiness in life, a bad marriage, and another marriage, to a rather quirky doctor, who was taking hallucinagenics, and talked Marcia, (wiith no effort I'm sure), into speeding around with him, on "Ketamine" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcia_Moore As I recall in the last book I read a true murder story of Marcia Moores demise, "everyone", who is anyone, who knew her well believed it was her 3rd husband, who "did her in". I'll see if I can find the details and post them. Here is a Memorium to Marcia, it seems now I recall that she is the Astrological "Twin" of Lois Rodden: http://www.solsticepoint.com/astrologersmemorial/moorem.html |
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oh yeah.......the plot grows thicker now!! I think that this was "planted" for us,(astrologers) by Marcias astrologer kinsmen, it WAS her 3rd hubby, the good doctor, that was thought to have been the last to see her alive, and the memorial was nice enough to give us his chart data. The man was addicted to his Ketamine OTHER PERTINENT DATA (from above Memorium to Marcia Moore) from her friends/astrologers. Marwayne Leipzig was close to the couple, and they dedicated Journeys into the Bright World to her. She contributed the following additional data, from the principles in the case . Marcia's third husband, Dr. Howard Alltounian was born June 13, 1937, at 12:45 AM EST in Highland Park, MI, 83W06; 42N24. Marcia was last seen at approximately 8:30 PM PST on January 14, 1979, in Alderwood Manor, WA. 122W14; 47N10. Her skull was found on March 20, 1981, at 3:30 PM PST near 172nd and Bothell Way, 122W12; 47N52. As I recall, after reading this years ago and the book on her "lost and found body", I did these charts back then. Here is what they were both developing and working on when the marriage went sour, and Marcia disappeared. They were always high on this stuff, from what I recall, and he (the Doctor) wanted to mass produce it and have the FDA okay it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketamine Ketamine's side effects eventually made it a popular psychedelic in 1965. The drug was used in psychiatric and other academic research through the 1970s, culminating in 1978 with the publishing of John Lilly's The Scientist and Marcia Moore and Howard Alltounian's Journeys into the Bright World, which documented the unusual phenomenology of ketamine intoxication.[6] The incidence of recreational ketamine use increased through the end of the century, especially in the context of raves and other parties. The increase in illicit use prompted ketamine's placement in Schedule III of the United States Controlled Substance Act in August 1999.[7] In the United Kingdom, it became outlawed and labeled a Class C drug on January 1, 2006.[8] In Canada ketamine is classified as a Schedule I narcotic.[9] In Hong Kong, as of year 2000, ketamine is regulated under Schedule 1 of Hong Kong Chapter 134 Dangerous Drugs Ordinance. It can only be used legally by health professionals, for university research purposes, or with a physician's prescription |
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The Evolution of the Zodiac
Marcia Moore Wherever man has turned his eyes heavenward and worshipped the light which streams down from above there has been some form of stellar religion. To the extent that human beings have sensed their kinship with nature they have been inclined to regard the Sun, Moon, and stars as signs given for their earthly guidance and spiritual illumination. In an apparently bipolar universe where light was correlated with warmth, comfort, joy, goodness, and truth; and darkness with cold, misery, suffering, evil and ignorance, it has seemed logical to suppose that the home of the gods should exist on high, in contrast to the abode of men here below. Thus the question arose �?what might be the connection between these two realms of being? From the plains of Mesopotamia to the mountains of Tibet, and from Siberian steppes to the jungles of Central America, thinkers have searched for designs in the sky which might enable them to cope more effectively with the complexity of mundane affairs. Unfortunately, most of the documents describing the results of their investigations have been accidentally or deliberately destroyed, often by invading armies. Some conquerors feared the “occult�?knowledge possessed by their foes: others were barbarians contemptuous of any form of learning. Nevertheless, the widespread conviction that people can deliberately cooperate with the divine intent of the Creator of heaven and earth can be discerned even in the fragmentary accounts which remain. Wherever it arose, astrology represented the effort to establish a universally valid principle of order by means of which individuals might come to terms with the will of the cosmos. For people who believed the universe to be a coherent whole it was easy to assume that the shifting circles of light traced upon the firmament are reflected in the changing circumstances of the mundane world. Similarly, it seemed logical to suppose that inherited systems of religious thought were divine dispensations bestowed by one or more of the sky gods in human form. Virtually every civilization cherishes a sacred tradition which maintains that, at the dawn of history, mankind was instructed in the sacred arts by a delegation of deific envoys from the celestial kingdom. These legendary guides include Krishna of the Hindus, Thoth (Hermes) of the Egyptians, Enoch of the Hebrews, Prometheus of the Greeks, Gwiddion of the Celts, and Qutetzalcoatl of the Meso-Americans. Following this initial influx of master teachers there appeared groups of culture bearers. Typical of these were the Jewish patriarchs such as Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Jacob, and Moses, and the Celtic bards such as Talisien and Mryddin (Merlin). Some were extolled as individual personalities while others remained obscure as the Chinese “Great Teachers of the Snowy Mountain.�?In India, these holy men were called Rhishis, and the revelations they imparted were termed Sruti (that which has been heard) in contrast to the later Smriti (that which has been remembered). According to the Ramayana and other legendary tales, the heroes of ancient times flew in airborn chariots and communed directly with the gods. Even in later eras, sages such as Zoroaster, Pythagoras, Solon, Gautama Buddha, and Jesus were deified through repeated telling of their miraculous conceptions and marvelous achievements. Esotericists have long contended that the evolution of humanity out of the animal kingdom was hastened by the deliberate intervention of a band of supermen. According to the myths of many lands, these emissaries from outer space actually intermarried with the people of Earth in order to breed a finer type of human being. Thus it is written in the apocryphal Book of Enoch (~164-80 B.C.): And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. And the angels, the children of heaven saw and lusted after them and said to one another, ‘Come let us choose wives from among the children of men and beget us offspring.�? And these are the names of their leaders, Semiazaz their leader, Arakiba, Rameel, Kokabiel, Tamiel, Ramiel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, Asael, Armaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaqiel, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael, Sariel. These are their chiefs of tens. And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one and they began to go into them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms and enchantments and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with the plants�?Semjaza taught enchantments and root cuttings, Armaros the resolving of enchantments, Baraqijal taught astrology, Kokabiel the constellations, Ezeqeel the knowledge of the clouds, Araqiel the signs of the earth, Shamsiel the signs of the sun, Sariel the course of the Moon.�?/P> Similarly, the Bible says in the sixth chapter of Genesis: And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair, and they took wives of all which they chose. There were giants on the earth in those days; and also after that, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. In addition to scriptural accounts of angelic visitations resulting in the birth of unusual children, the ruins of many ancient cities and monuments show that their builders possessed advanced architectural techniques that are completely inexplicable in terms of what is now assumed about their state of development. To suppose that various monstrously large stones were quarried, raised, dressed, and set in place by sheer muscle-power is about as believable as the hypothesis that a nation could launch an artificial satellite by enlisting two million men to pull the slingshot. In my book Karmic Astrology [which apparently never saw the light of day –DS] I have included a lengthy discussion of the rapidly accumulating body of evidence which seems to show that certain early races were instructed by a group of messianic messengers from elsewhere in the universe. To date, our hypersensory research confirms the theory that, in addition to imparting religious precepts and technological skills, some of these sojourners cohabited with women of Earth, thereby producing offspring resembling themselves. Much of the ancestor worship and pride in family lineage which subsequently arose could, according to this theory, be traced to the belief that there were now superior and inferior breeds of people living concurrently on the planet |
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Brother Robert Moore: Robin Moore, just died this year no mention here of his sister Marcia Moore, the Astrologer. That's strange I think only mention of his brother who gave the eulogy, and his father, (the Sheraton Robert Moore owner) Biographical info: |
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February 23, 2008 Robin Moore, a nonfiction author best known for writing "The French Connection" and "The Green Berets," has died after a long illness. He was 82. Moore was born Oct. 31, 1925, in Concord, Mass., the son of Sheraton Hotels founder Robert Lowell Moore. He flew combat missions with the Army Air Forces during World War II, then received a bachelor's degree from Harvard University in 1949.
There he struck up a friendship with classmate Robert F. Kennedy. In the early 1960s, when Moore was interested in writing a book about the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), the attorney general helped Moore get clearance as a civilian to undergo the unit's grueling training at Ft. Benning, Ga., and Ft. Bragg, N.C.
Moore spent time in Vietnam with the Special Forces to gather material for the book, and his connection with the Green Berets endured after the book was written.
In 2005 he and his wife, Helen, moved to Hopkinsville, Ky., which borders Ft. Campbell, the sprawling Army post that is headquarters to a Green Beret group.
Maj. Gen. Gary L. Harrell, deputy commander of the Army's Special Operations Command at Ft. Bragg, called Moore a "devoted advocate" for the Special Forces and said his writings became textbooks for the Army's unconventional forces.
"They were both educational and inspirational and introduced the world to the Green Berets," Harrell said in a statement posted Friday on an Army Special Forces website.
"He will be missed."
Moore's other books included "The Happy Hooker" (1972), which he co-wrote with infamous madam Xaviera Hollander. More recently he wrote "The Hunt for Bin Laden" (2003) and "Hunting Down Saddam" (2004).
In 1986, Moore pleaded guilty to selling fraudulent literary tax shelters. The government charged Moore with publishing books and selling rights to promoters and investors at inflated prices based on arbitrary and unrealistic values.
A complete list of Moore's survivors was not available Friday. |
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