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Ok, im the administrator for a charity. I have two months left on my contract and my boss told me the other day that he and the management committee decided that even though i was more than good enough to do the job they would not be re-newing my contract. The reason? my age. Im too young. I was told that it wouldnt be good for my career to continue with the job as i was already in the highest position i could get, and sitting in that job would inhibit my career progression. Ive accepted their explanation but i wondered what would any of you do under the same circumstances. I was tempted to punch my boss when he told me this but thought better of it. Time to look for a new job!  |
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 | | From:  Catey-c | Sent: 7/6/2007 12:10 PM |
I would go straight to my union.....age discrimination definately... If you were rubbish at your job - then far enough....but ....I'd be furious!! Catey |
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Unions Catey?....for a worker in a charity? As for their position, they either really do have your future at heart and want you to push yourself, or there is a hidden agenda. Only you will be able to judge. |
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There is an Age Discrimination directive from ACAS, came out Oct 2006.But you would need to have it in writing, which I doubt they would do. I can understand your anger, but you were wise not to react, you do have to get another job, flattening your boss dont look good on any CV. It's awkward being a fixed contract, they are not dutybound to renew it, fingers crossed you get a new job with better long term prospects, hope they will assist you in finding it and give you the glowing reference that you deserve. Good Luck Steve |
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there are new directives around fixed term contracts ... i cant type it all in here but basically we have been told not to offer anyone fixed term contracts because if we dont renew without good reason but the job is still there it would be considered as constructive dismissal . I personally would ask them for written confirmation of why they do not wish to renew your contract , and see what they actually put in writing , because they certainly cant use your age as reasons for not renewing it and you might get a clearer picture |
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It's a very odd reason, and I too think there many be a hidden agenda. I would ask for their "dismissal" in writing, take any job performances, and go straight to a lawyer and start a case for wrongful dismissal. I went on holiday once, and I was not on conract. Dummy me, I hired a man who had applied for my job to fill in for me. I started the damn organization!! I got back, no job, they said they had cause. B.S. I sued and won. The moral of the story is - don't go on vacation! |
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I think talking to ACAS might be of some use to you here. Constructive dismissal might be an issue, even on a closed ended contract. Good luck to you. |
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