As you say Debs....difficult one. I understand your arguments and you are right, and I understand Cuddles arguments and she is right too.
I think you should view it like most things in life. The extreme choices are usually bad, and moderation is the key. So in that respect, sometimes it is right and sometimes it isn't.
Governments make judgements for their citizens and we vote them in or out as necessary.
We all know the law with regards to termination of life, but in reality, sometimes this gets overlooked just for practicality. As an example, a friend of mines father was in a bad way for many reasons, laying in a hospital bed, and was going to die within days whatever was done. He was in so much discomfort and pain, that she talked to the doctor in the hospial and said something like 'he is in terrible pain...surely there is something you can do to stop this pain....whatever it is?'. She said they looked at each other for a second or two and she felt he 'understood'. He was given something (painkillers presumably) and died within the next 15 mins. Both her and her father were better off, and nothing more was said or needed to be said. I think this goes on a lot more than we think.