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Debates : Euthenasia!
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 Message 1 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname-CEM28-  (Original Message)Sent: 7/19/2007 9:23 AM

How do you feel about euthenasia?

Should we be given the right to decide when we have had enough and when our own suffering ends?

Or do you think our death should be left to nature to decide?


I am
zip code

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 Message 2 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCommissar_GauntSent: 7/19/2007 4:44 PM
We should ALWAYS be given the right to decide.
 for euthanasia.

 Message 3 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamebig_girlie38Sent: 7/20/2007 8:13 AM
difficult one
none us want to see people suffer
but who draws the line ?
who decides ?
what will happen to people who are not overtly depressed but expressing a wish to die ?
will everyone who doesnt fit the 'norm' be exterminated ??
what will happen to 'old people' who become an inconvenience ?
its open to too much manipulation in my opinion

 Message 4 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLovelycuddles1Sent: 7/24/2007 1:36 AM
Ok this is a subject that i feel quite strongly about at the mo as have just lost my dad to cancer!
If any of you have been through this type of thing with someone then i think you'd agree that yes they should be allowed to decide when thay have had enough, this was the worst part for us all, seeing dad suffer and not being able to help!
I think euthenasia should be legal in these sort of circumstances, as this could possible be best for all concurned!
Cuddles xxx

 Message 5 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlùebell_WoodSent: 9/4/2007 11:24 AM
As you say Debs....difficult one. I understand your arguments and you are right, and I understand Cuddles arguments and she is right too.
I think you should view it like most things in life. The extreme choices are usually bad, and moderation is the key. So in that respect, sometimes it is right and sometimes it isn't.
Governments make judgements for their citizens and we vote them in or out as necessary.
We all know the law with regards to termination of life, but in reality, sometimes this gets overlooked just for practicality. As an example, a friend of mines father was in a bad way for many reasons, laying in a hospital bed, and was going to die within days whatever was done. He was in so much discomfort and pain, that she talked to the doctor in the hospial and said something like 'he is in terrible pain...surely there is something you can do to stop this pain....whatever it is?'. She said they looked at each other for a second or two and she felt he 'understood'. He was given something (painkillers presumably) and died within the next 15 mins. Both her and her father were better off, and nothing more was said or needed to be said.  I think this goes on a lot more than we think.  

 Message 6 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamebelly_dancer3Sent: 9/9/2007 3:26 AM
I'm all for euthenasia.  When you watch your father dying and not being able to do anything of substance for him and hear him saying day after day that if he was a horse, he would have been put out of his misery by now.   That's hard to witness and hear day after day. Why is it that it's humane for us to put an animal out of his misery but not a human when they are capable of deciding and it's their wish not to be resusitated if they do go into cardiac arrest or something.  I think every case should be looked at individually but I think euthenasia has its time and place.

 Message 7 of 11 in Discussion 
From: daemonSent: 9/9/2007 11:27 AM
it should be made compulsory after 70....I woke up one morning on my mother  laws couch nakkie while she was shrieking at me and her dog was licking my nuts...cant think of a better case for someone to be euthanasiesed

 Message 8 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamebewildered810Sent: 9/15/2007 4:46 PM
We are actually not that far off, with advanced directives... If we chose to have them.
i wouldn't want to go much further, and those people who know me, wouldn't want me to have the right to go any further...

 Message 9 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNicwa13Sent: 10/24/2007 8:40 PM
When I was younger I used to be in favour of euthenasia, but now because I am getting older, I amhaving second thoughts. LOL

 Message 10 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknametravelerL1111Sent: 12/9/2007 12:38 AM
I believe that we all wake up in the mornings with aches and pains
. But truthfully I do not believe that euthenasia is the answer

 Message 11 of 11 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameunkeptminxSent: 3/4/2008 2:05 PM
I have watched my mother in law die a slow painful death and I can tell you this.. if she was an animal they wouldnt have let her suffer as long..I know there are people out there that could take advantage of a law but when you watch somone you love in pain and they are suffering and theres not a darm thing you can do about it, In my opinion I feel at that stage it should be compulsary...its not fare on the person or on the family watching...I also now have a mum who has dementia and although she still looks the same her memory is fastly failing and it might come to the stage that she will be in a wee world of her that fare..I am watching my mother die a slow death that she always feard and that will haunt me for the rest of my life... the fact that I can do nothing about it even though she has asked me to in the sucks sometimes

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