 | | From:  -CEM28- (Original Message) | Sent: 7/19/2007 9:29 AM |
Have you had an affair ? What do you think of affairs? Would you cover for a friend who was having an affair? ? |
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This message has been deleted due to termination of membership. |
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I am sure you have all been at a social gathering, like the office Christmas party, where the wine is flowing freely, people are flirting with one another, and everyone is having a grand old time. With this freely flowing alcohol, everyone is feeling great after that third or fourth drink, when all of a sudden, the flirting gets a little out of hand. One thing leads to another, and before you know it, two co-workers end up in bed together. It could be just a one-night stand, or it could be the beginning of an affair. If that's categorized as an affair then yes, I have had affairs. I believe that it's been stated already, affairs are like being a little bit pregnant. Sooner or later the truth comes out and and a whole bunch of people get hurt. My rule of thumb has always been, if there are children involved I will not cover for anyone that is having an affair. But if there are no children, I would let the chips fall where they may. Consenting adults have the right to make their own decisions without interference. . |
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I dont agree with affairs, having been on the wrong end of one its not pleasant. I can say I would never cover for anybody, even though I know a colleague is having one, and I justify not saying anything because I dont know his partner. Confusing as it sounds  I could not and have not covered up for friends. I would be devestated if it happened to me again, and trust is everything in a relationship. The flirting aspect can be upsetting at times, and wonder how many of our fellow "flirters" partners see what they type and how upset they would be? It opens up yet another can of worms maybe ?!! lol... agreed its a bit of fun, but the feelings of others are taken into account, arent they ?... Very Jeremy Kyle I know lmao |
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Ah........ if only all lifes questions had only one answer I had my first affair aged 50 I will have more You may form an opinion but do not dare to judge me  lady  |
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You are very brave lady This thread feels like one of those support groups where you stand up in front of everyone and say "Hello! My name is <insert name here> and I have had affairs". I had my first affair at 37 after being married for 17 years. I have had short and long term affairs since then, trying different things that I didn't try when younger. I covered my tracks carefully and didn't take silly risks. There has been a lot of fun, a lot of love and care. Great excitement, laughter and fantastic sex. There have been tears and sadness. I've been that woman, tears streaming down my face, crying in the shower, so the family can't hear. You bear the brunt of anything that goes wrong all on your own. Sometimes that's hard to bear. I am still very much married. My hubby and family have never found out about my 'other' life. I have protected my home life. You may find this difficult to understand, I do love my husband and I do want to stay with him for the rest of my life. Sometimes, just sometimes, a little extra is needed. At the moment I have chosen to take a break from affairs and not to see anyone else. I still chat to my old lovers and we are still close but for now I'm concentrating on hubby and the family. That is how I want it right now and that is how it is going to be. I wouldn't cover for a friend and I've never asked a friend to cover for me. Keep it simple, avoid complications. ciao ciao, April xxx |
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April, I totally understand you, as those that know me will testify. We must have a good chat one day. |
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I'm with April and Star on this - I haven't had an affair at all this week, I was meant to be seeing a ladyfriend for brunch today but that fell thru, so I can say hand on heart,I've been a good boy for the last 10 days.... I now never take any liasion seriously, and ensure the lady in question is fully aware I don't - I got in to something a long while back and both she and I still bear the scars, not that I regret being with her at all, I just wish I'd been mature enough to deal with the emotional stuff - heyho, live and learn.... we're sort of friends now, so thats something - and for those of you who think they're strong enough to resist, you ain't seen the lady smile....and her ass looked fabby in jeans...ah, for those long of days and theat summer of love  |
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my two cents... I think affairs don't just have to be about the body but should include the mind as well as for covering for a friend....none of my friends have ever asked |
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My ex had an affair. I found it devastating. I left, and was fortunate that my kids came with me.... In the long term, I suspect that she may have been more realistic about the relationship than I was.... Ok.... I no longer hope she breaks BOTH legs.... |
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Hello April
I read your response and I have a very simple question. It seems to me that you're looking for something to recapture your youth, in your reply you stated that you have tried different things that you didn't try when you were younger. Have you ever attempted to future husband involved in the same sort of lovemaking.......... the same sort of things that you would do with your lover.
I'm not judging you......... I'm just curious if you have tried new techniques at home.
There is nothing wrong with an affair in my mind........ it's an adventure of a lifetime all of the pleasure and satisfaction with a degree for sleeping around the wet spot. |
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Hello April  oh gosh not brave If I was brave I would walk away Bew  Unforgiven  you had a free slot this week  I am having lunch this week with a online friend no sex involved Im married he is married Is this an affair ? |
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Hello Starlady  Hello travellerL1111 I have a good sex life at home and have tried new techniques there. |
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Hello Starlady  that is a very good question. Two friends meeting for lunch, I wouldn't say it's an affair. It depends on the intention, the level of feeling behind the lunch though. I ask myself whether my husband would consider it acceptable and if I think he wouldn't, then it's an affair. |
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Well I'm going to meet Jillanne for a coffee (or maybe even lunch if I can talk her into it) when she comes over, but it will be just for a friendly welcome to the country. Somebody who shes chats to.....a friendly face so to speak. Altough I probably wont 'announce' it, thats not an affair. Rob. |
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Rob, You are on for lunch.... Jillanne |