A Scotsman goes into a brothel in Amsterdam one
night and finds himself a prostitute.
He asks her, "How much do yee charrrge forrrr an
"£100," she replies.
So he asks, "Okay, do yee do Scottish style?"
She then says no, not knowing what Scottish style
He then asks her, "I'll pay you £200 to do it Scottish style."
Again she declines his offer.
So he then offers her £300.
She says, "No!"
So finally he says, "I'll give yee £500 to go Scottish style with me!"
Finally she agrees thinking, "Well, I've been in the game for over 10
years now. I've been there and done that, had every kind of request
from weirdo's from every corner of the world. How bad could Scottish
style be?"
So she goes ahead and has sex with him, doing it in every kind of way
and in every possible position. Finally, after several intense hours
they finish.
Exhausted, the hooker turns to him and says, "That was fantastic.
I've never enjoyed it so much. But I was expecting something
perverted and disgusting. Where does the 'Scottish style' come in?"
The Scotsman replies... "I'll pay ye next week."