Hello everyone...
I'm never quite sure what to put in the introductory, but here it goes I will give it my best shot. My first name is Keith; I was born and raised in the in a small village in New Brunswick Canada. I grew up on a dairy farm, as the youngest of five brothers and I can attest to the fact that I quickly learned how to fight dirty, otherwise I'm sure I would have never have survived to adulthood. We were a rough-and-tumble group of kids.
After finishing high school I joined the Canadian Air Force and have served ever sense, I'm quickly closing in on my 35th year of service, I can see that there is a light at the end of the Rainbow.
I start collecting my pension as of the second of August 2009 from that point on everything will be gravy. I married the love of my life Sharon in 1977 and we have two beautiful daughters. At the present time we live in the city of Calgary Alberta which is only a 30 Minute Drive from the Rocky Mountains. 
I have been very fortunate in my life and had the opportunity to travel to many different countries. I like to think that I'm well versed in almost any topic, there is absolutely no topic that I will not respond to.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.