 | | From:  Bloo_Belle (Original Message) | Sent: 7/9/2007 11:51 AM |
This is my Mail Box. Please leave messages here for me. Michelle. |
 | | From:  -CEM28- | Sent: 6/28/2008 6:31 PM |
Hello Michelle, Hope that your ok and having a good day! Take care of you Claire xxx  |
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Have a wonderful weekend, Michelle...  |
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I am getting there slowly missed you all loads but you cant get rid of me that easy....but after thursday you wont here from me for about a week as I am going in my passion waggon (caravan) with hubby, but I will be back...Lorri x |
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 Hope you're having a great weekend |
 | | From:  -CEM28- | Sent: 12/16/2008 7:13 PM |
Hello Michelle Hope that you are ok? Are you all ready for Christmas? Take good care of yourself, Claire xxx |