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Im ok with these boxes so leave me something nice in here or you are dead meat. Helen  |
 | | From:  Т_Ј | Sent: 9/5/2008 7:53 AM |
Fine thanks Helen, apart from being overworked and underpaid, oversexed and underlaid. Tina. |
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ere u got sex on the brain or what?  |
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Yes Shakes, Alan married Sarah. It was a lovely wedding and her 2 children were bridesmaid and pageboy. He is very busy with his new family now so I doubt we will see him loitering in groups. If you want his email address then please email me and I will give it to you.  |
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Nice one! Wasnt that oddsox? Dave. |
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Hi, shakey.... Hope things are going well for you.... |
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gary moore & phil lynot.live. i love this song the haunting sound of the rock guitar is out of this world, it is i believe a ballad. lol. |
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 Hope you're having a great weekend |
 | | From:  -CEM28- | Sent: 12/16/2008 7:08 PM |
Hello Helen Hope that you are ok? Are you all ready for Christmas? Take good care of yourself, Claire xxx |