 | | From:  LuvLesson (Original Message) | Sent: 10/15/2007 11:12 AM |
I am curious. I dont think I have ever emailed a female without asking first, or being invited to, but I know a lot of blokes do. However, my point is that I have never been emailed by women I dont know. I have never had an email which says something like 'you dont know me but I would like to know you, when can we chat and see what happens?'........or anything remotely resembling it. Why don't women do that? Mark. |
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my guess would be fear....that a guy would take it the wrong way or of being rejected or they are already too busy playing someplace else |
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My guess would be the last one  |
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......or maybe he just didn't ask why like I have here. I have not been playing elsewhere but I do have an email from a lady now and this guy here is excited. See what a difference it can make! Mark. |
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I have had a few unexpected emails from women - mostly saying 'please stop pestering me' and ' where did you get my phone number from..', and a couple just saying 'Hi hows you' - nothing infered or assumed either way, or at least by me - got a mail once from a woman who I thought would be the last person on earth to mail me (we has history, some of it not too good) just saying Hi and nice to see you're still around - it made me so happy and I'm smiling now as i recall it - she is a beautiful person and I was a bloody fool anyway, I digress - in fact, i've forgotten what I was going to say.....  |
 | | From:  Ľīňđå | Sent: 10/19/2007 4:29 PM |
Well as for me, I am not that kind of woman Mark, and thats why I would never email you saying things like 'you dont know me but I would like to know you, when can we chat and see what happens?' I am more likely to email you saying something like 'come and see me and I will make it worth your while'. ~Linda~ |
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Maybe i should take a leaf outta your book Linda and be more direct....  |
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You should do what comes naturally to you Jude. Some peoplecan be scared off if you are too direct......on the other hand.... |
 | | From:  Ľīňđå | Sent: 11/1/2007 1:26 PM |
I was joking......honestly. ~Linda~ |
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