 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 1 of 5 in Discussion |
With a view to the conditions of being group members, on the 16th June the following 247 members that joined prior to 1st May are being notified via this post and a general message, that since joining you have not taken part in the group. If you wish to remain in the group then please indicate that desire to us by joining in. Thanks.  «©2MeDooPSnoggY·» «Ďĩββş»�?/FONT> «Rëñøttå13»1 †ζŏšŧˆšŏų憙 187330 1979terry 1980sweet0 2000man9 3king1 a_piece_of_me_dies abscu acerman 1 ads939 AfootTomcat3 Ahmed20088 andyhhhh0 Angel_eyes19 aqualilyblue ashdorin Ashman845 ausserag Babes214 bad-75 Baldy200520001 Batterbabe beamaj1 beau bigballz223 big-jimmy19691 Bizzla Blackhorse110 bravo Brinks8 browneyedgirl600 budman4343 BuiltTo-Last bumblepuppy1 canuckfitter celtic-brave cherryfluff79 chieftee ColdHotmale corkiemccorkie corporatecordlesskhan Country_boy_2007 cptman0 crashskull crazyswordguy crepz8881 curper1 dada_1 Dantastic_007 dan67700 Darkstar6907 Deadly deaselhawk1 denhen4 deocboi1 der001 dickwest77 dirtybirdie000 dirtyblonde7 dolly_daydream121 Double_O_One dove_44_ dragonfire1011 DreamsForAngels duper60 elaine2832 ElenaJankovich Enaidi ENGLISHJACK1972 executioner_19850 fallen_angel78 farmerman01 FastenedNut3 ffokçųf fieryxxtigress finlayjack1 firesp1r4l fitjoiner flamable_girlslover FlipAll_yours FlirtyFarfalla floorguy191 fossilguy gadjet gemmababy0 Genuine_alcoholic geordiechris0 gigo_1000 gink7 goldburg316 graggsy76 Gwguy20041 hazeleyedboarder helloyouall0 hendrix612 hoopz061 hotchickie11 HOTMAN49X hotolebugger hotontguy hrny1984 htfcboy innocentvampire666 irish196620051 Jack_ô¿ô jason Jêâѧ_Ñ_Tšhî® Jersey_Jeff3 JOE_M_29 johnyboyjc27 jolly707 jonno700 josh22427 JoyfulJohnL juhefnah Karla_Rose0 kaz0332 keith0024 kel kell-boo Kevin19809764 kim-501 klick0 Kootten2 KrAzY_CuTi3 Kubesh LadyValentina1 Lameknaj lancebigstone Lankellie leedsgal4u lil-miss-sexy linza434 long17110 longticklyfingers lta_35 luisanna666 LUNGER007 lunger1976 Lyn8560 lyricks mackemsmith Manie-Michelle manupthere marek_uk0 Marko ;-) Mavrick28028 maxx memmerson06 Memoriies michael21male Miss_Kate MissM2004 mistygirl08 MMAGuy Mohd9098 Mosimans Mrtryhard1 mygoodlordrochester ne_lady4fun nightnurse463 nobby180 normy98 Not_So_Innocent0 NP82 nuttybene oIo-supersize oye1000 pahandy pari601 pattrycjaa paul paul204 percyg PHC_BLAZED Phoenix_Wolf1 pikey pimppimppimp pingu pinkslippers2 PistolPete793 Polat791 pool_boy147 poppymagic0 porto pouty QuickRich666 rainbow Raj_0333 randytony ravishing416 razorblade_kizzez1 real718 RedDevil921 Rich25111 righand Rod_M0 Rogerfour1 Romantic19821 Ron_beemer0 royboy rpaulwall1 Sandi SandraBellman1 sask2ab Sexatary0307 sexyapne666 sexyboy_aaaa sexycute shane4k17 shary__pary Sierra282 sillygirl smartblodn solar power sparky SpeederHwy401 stephanieann1989 steven StylishDanG subs57 Super_Agent_Fred sweeetonu sweet_monica Tarun499 t-dog00 Thruthat titti123 tommy27730 TonyLid ttw541 tubeman0 UnrealBelgarth VaporishSmurf veerz0 vickwinn w_marco81 wahtowwenow757 wildestnic woesie_639 Wolfie____1 |
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242 of the 247 gone.  |
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You typed all of that????  |
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Yes, after checking them all.  |
2-5 of 5