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Flexible Work Arrangements: Telecommuting, Job-Shares, Flex-time The face of the workforce has changed rapidly. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics:
- In 1995, 60 percent of married couples were dual-career couples, up from 44 percent in 1967.
- In 1996, 62 percent of all mothers with children under age 6 were in the labor force, up from 39 percent in 1975.
- In 1996, 19 percent of the labor force worked part-time. Of those part-time workers, 18.5 percent were managers and professionals.
Employees are letting it be known that they will be more loyal if they have the option to telecommute, work their | | | advertisement > </SCRIPT> <NOSCRIPT></NOSCRIPT></IFRAME> | | own hours or job-share. The good news is that companies are starting to meet that need by offering a variety of flexible work arrangements. A 1993 survey of 70 companies by Catalyst (Flexible Work Arrangements II: Succeeding with Part-Time Options) found that: - 39 percent had 100 or more employees using flexible work arrangements; more than 60 percent of surveyed companies had formal policies or guidelines for at least some type of flexible work arrangement.
- Nearly 60 percent of women interviewed would have left their jobs without the opportunity to work flexibly.
- 53 percent of the 45 women Catalyst interviewed were promoted while working flexibly.
Baffled by the programs being offered? Knowing what's available will help you next time you negotiate your employment package.
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Flexible Work Arrangements: Telecommuting, Job-Shares, Flex-time continued from page 1 Flexible full-time options -- Alternative work arrangements for full-time work that do not affect salary, benefits or time frame for career advancement.
- Flextime -- Employees choose starting and ending hours but usually must be at work during a core period when all employees are present.
- Flexible week -- A variation on the standard workday and workweek. For example: (1) fewer but longer days ("compressed work week"); (2) shorter days in a six-day week; and (3) two or more weeks with longer and shorter days, but an average not exceeding 37.5 or 40 hours a week.
- Flexplace or telecommuting -- Work done at a location other than the work site, usually an employee's home, a satellite or branch office, or a client's office. Telecommuting implies that an employee is connected to the office using electronic equipment (fax machine or computer).
- Flexible reduced-time options -- Alternative work arrangements for fewer hours than would be considered full time. These arrangements affect salary, benefits, and career advancement to varying degrees depending on the arrangement, its length, and company policy.
Part-time -- A reduced-work schedule that can take various forms: reduced weekly hours, reduced annual hours or transactional work (full-time on a specific project with time off between projects).
- Job sharing -- Two people share or divide the responsibilities of one full-time job.
- Part-time telecommuting -- An example of a combined flexible arrangement: part-time work at a location other than the main work site.
Source: Catalyst (Making Work Flexible: Policy to Practice, 1996) |