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PPV : Surv1vor Series 11/16/03
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 11/22/2006 6:38 AM

Results 11/16/03 Live From New York, New York

Promo's for the PPV are shown

Pyro Then Explodes!!

JR: Welcome to SCWE/WCW/ECW Surv1vor Series!!!

King: I must say That this is a interesting Pay Per View

JR: Alot of stuff has happened in the past days involving us and ECW

Coach: Hold on there Cowboy, I think your failing to realize that SCWE RAW is The #1 Brand and we got Top Billing

Al Snow: Yeah

Tazz: Well if you ask me, After tonight, ECW will be the #1 Brand after we win War Games

JR: Well I think we need to get to the ring and stop all this talking becouse our 1st Contest is ready to go

King: JR, You have to tell them about the Cancelled Match

JR: Well the Shelton Benjamin, Kristin Styles, & Stacy Keibler vs Jerome Morris, Flame, & Akasha Match was cancelled for personal reasons

Penser: The Following Surv1vor Series Match is Elimination Rules(Evoltution's Theme hits,Crowd Boo's) 1st making there way to the ring, Representing Evolution, Dawn Marie, Batista, & Randy Orton!!!

King: Here comes Evolution!!

Penser:(Booker's Music hits,Crowd Cheers) There opponents, 1st making his way to the ring, Booker T!!!(Glass Shatters,Crowd Cheers) His partner making his final WCW Appearance, STone Cold Steve Austin!!!

JR: This is Stone Cold's Final In Ring Match for a wihle as he is now the ECW Co-GM

Penser:(All Grown Up hits,Crowd Cheers) There partner, She is the WCW Women's Champion, Stephanie McMahon!!!

Randy Orton, Batista, & Dawn Marie vs Stone Cold Steve Austin, Booker T, & Stephanie McMahon
Batista starts the match off with Stone Cold. Austin flips off Batista who then goes to hit Austin but Austin moves & then opens up on batista with his trademark fists knocking Batista into the corner where Austin then stomps a mudwhole in Batista. Austin then talks trash after letting up, Austin then picks up Batista & delvers a few chops & then goes for a Stone Cold Stunner but Batista shoves Austin around & then delivers a big clothesline to him. Batista then picks up Austin & delivers a devistating bearhug that Austin is riving in pain from but Booker T comes in & hits Batista breaking the hold. The ref is trying to get Booker out when Randy Orton comes in and attacks Austin, Orton makes the tag sound as Orton then pounds away on Austin & whips him off the ropes & hits a high leg to the face. Orton then picks up Austin & goes for the RKO but Austin shoves Orton off the ropes instead & as he comes back hits the Lou Thez Press. Austin then flips off Orton as he gets up & catches him with the Stone Cold Stunner. Austin is about to cover but Batista delivers a huge shoulder block to Austin & then delivers the Batista Bomb to him. Booker T hits the ring & hits a clothesline knocking himself & Batista over the top rope. Dawn Marie is screaming at Orton to cover Austin and Orton puts his arm on Austin for a 1--2--2.9-shoulder up. Dawn Marie is not happy as Austin & Orton are getting up, Dawn goes to kick Austin but Austin grabs her foot & swings her around & then delivers a Stone Cold Stunner to her but when he turns around, He gets hit with the RKO. Orton covers Austin for the 1---2--3. Stone Cold is eliminated. Booker T then gets into the ring & catches Orton off guard with a kick to the gut & Booker hits the Ax kick and covers for the 1---2--2.9-Batista breaks it up. Batista then drags Orton closer to the corner & Orton is able to tag to  Batista. Batista & Booker exchange right hands but Batista delivers a knee to the gut of Booker & Batista is about to go for the Batista Bomb but Stephanie comes into the ring & delivers a low kick as Batista got Booker in the air, Booker falls on top of Batista for a 1---2--2.9-kick out. Batista gets back up & doesnt pay no mind to Booker and goes for Stephanie but Booker turns Batista around & catches him with the Book End for the 1---2--3.  Batista is now eliminated. Booker then knocks Orton off the apron & pulls Dawn Marie into the making her legal and Booker tags in Stephanie who spears down Dawn. Stephanie pounds away on Dawn & whips her into the corner where Stephanie stomps away at her. Dawn tries to get out of the ring but Stephanie pulls Dawn back into the ring & then delivers the Pedigree to her for the 1---2--3. Dawn Marie is eliminated. Randy Orton is smiling at the chance to face off with Stephanie but Steph goes to tag out but somebody grabs Stephanie's leg and pulls her out of the ring and hits Steph with something as the ref wasnt looking. The ref then starts the count out as Orton took a cheap shot on Booker on the apron. The ref reaches 10 for the Count Out. Stephanie McMahon is eliminated. Booker & Orton then brawl it out & Booker catches Orton with a boot to the stomach & goes for the Ax Kick but Orton was playing him & moves when Booker goes to connect & Orton is able to hit the RKO & covers Booker for the 1--2--3.
Survivor: Randy Orton

Penser: Your winner and Sole Survivor, Randy Orton!!!

JR: Randy Orton pulled out the big win

King: Orton suckered in Booker T

JR: I am wondering who exactly hit Stephanie McMahon with that Lead Pipe

King: My Money is on Victoria

:Randy Orton is still celebrating and then The Mystery Woman gets out from under the ring & it is Kelli Helmsley!!! Kelli leaves with Randy Orton walking behind her:

King: That's Kelli Helmsley, That's Hunter's Sister

JR: I dont get it, I thought she was about that

:Hype for ECW Match:

Cole: Well its time for ECW's Only Match

Tazz: It's Kinda unfair we only have 1 match and its this early and we dont get to work the Main Event either

Tony Chimmel: The Following Contest is Surv1vor Series Rules(Nash's Music hits,Crowd is mixed) 1st making there way to the ring, The Team of JT Mystikal, Brock Lesnar, & Kevin Nash!!!

Tazz: Well this team has to be underdogs

Penser:(Raven's Music hits,Crowd Boo's) The Team of Chris Corruption, The ECW Xtreme Champion Steven Richards and the ECW World Champion, Raven

Raven, Chris Corruption, & Steven Richards vs Kevin Nash, Brock Lesnar, & JT Mystikal
Raven and Brock start the match off Brock makes the first move clotheslining Raven and knocking him to the mat. Brock pulls Raven up and hits him with a sharp DDT. Brock walks over and tags in Kevin Nash. Nash runs off the ropes comes back and jumps on Raven driving his knee into Ravens shoulder. Nash pulls Raven up and the two lock up, Nash goes to send Raven to the ropes but Raven reverses and wips Nash to the ropes, Raven charges at Nash and knocks him over the ropes to the mat. Steven Richards and Chris Corruption go to triple team Nash, but Lesnar and and J.T Mysktikal come to the aide. Corruption and Lesnar go at same with J.Y Mystiakl and Richards as Raven pulls Nash up and rolls him into the ring. When Raven gets in the ring Nash goes for a big boot to Raven but he ducks and adviods the boot. Raven stops and spins Nash around and hits him with the Evenflow DDT. Raven goes for the pin 1...2..Brock hits the ring but is to late as the ref counts the three(Kevin Nash is now eliminated) Brock pulls Raven up and wips him into the conor, Chris Corrpution tags Raven in the head and enters the ring. Chris hits Brock with a neck breaker as Raven rolls out of the ring Chris picks Brock up and talks trash beofre pulling him straight up in the air and then hitting him with a suplex. Chris goes to the free Turnbuckle and removes the guard covering the medal thing. Chris walks back and turns around olny to meat Brock Lesnar and get hit with a hard Clothesline. Brock pulls Chris up and hits him with a DDT. Brock looks outisde as Raven and Steven Richards double team on J.T Mystikal Brock leaves the ring to help out J.T but right when he gets out there Steven Richards hits him with a Boot to his face. Richards picks him up and rolls him into the ring. The ref leaves to try to break up the fight outside. Chris Corruption pulls up Brock and low blows Brock Lesnar and then pulls something out of his boot and hits Brock in the head with it busting him wide open Chris throws it out of the ring as the ref gets back in the ring, Chris goes for the pin 1...2..3(Brock Is Eliminated) J.T realizes the pin and enters thhe ring as Chris tags in Steven Richards. Stieve runs after J.T and clotheslines him. Stevie pulls him up and hits him with a DDT. Stevie pulls J.T up and sends him to the ropes. J.T comes back as Steven Richards bends down and flips J.T over his shoulder. Stevie waits in the conor for J.T to get up, when J.T gets up Steven charges after him and nails J.T with the Stevie T. Stevie looks down and laughs and then goes for the pin 1..2...3
Survivors: Raven, Chris Corruption, & Steven Richards

Penser: Your Winners & Survivors, Raven, Steven Richards, & Chris Corruption

Cole: Well that was total domination

Tazz: Well The Next Week we see you will hopefully be on Next Monday for Fury

:Hype for Die/Cena/Mikey vs Y2J/Sonny/Val:

Coach: Well It's Time for the RAW Portion of Surv1vor Series and we wont be leaving you for a while

Al Snow: Coach, We got The 1st of 3 RAW Only Surv1vor Series Matches

Lillian: The Following Contest is Surv1vor Series Rules(Millenium Clock Counts Down into Hello Ladies,Crowd Boo's) 1st making there way to the ring, The Team of Sonny Siaki, Chris Jericho, and The SCWE European Champion, Val Venis!!

Al Snow: Well Its good to see Val, Sonny, & Chris on the same page

Lillian:(Die's Music hits,Crowd Cheers) There opponents, 1st making there way to the ring, John Cena & Do or Die(Mikey's Music hits,Crowd Cheers) & there Partner, Mikey G

Coach: Die, Mikey, & Cena need to be on the samge page

Chris Jericho, Val Venis, & Sonny Siaki vs John Cena, Do or Die, & Mikey G
hn Cena and Val Venis start the match off. Cena talks shit to Val telling him he is nothing and after its all over Cena will rule thats when Val snaps and shoves Cena. Val goes towards Cena and wips him to the ropes Cena comes back and Val bends down flipping Cena over his shoulder. Val pulls Cena up and hits him with a feirce DDT. Val pulls Cena over and goes for the pin 1...2... a kick out. Do or Die comes in just after the kick out and pulls up Val and hits him with a tilt a wirl slam. Sonny Siaki and Chris Jericho come in as does Mikey G. All hell breaks lose as all 6 men go at it.. The ref tries to break it all up and eventually the fighting breaks out outiside the ring. Cena gets up and pulls Val Venis up and throws some punches. Cena connects with 2 handers followed by a kick to the stomach and a DDT to Val Venis. The ref quickly turns his atteion to outisde the ring as John Cena goes to pull Val Venis up but Vall low blows Cena sending him to the mat in pain. Val slowly makes his way to the top turnbuclke. Val gets enough strrength and goes for the Money Shot on Cena. Val hits him also hurting his ribs. Val holding his ribs throws his arm over Cena and gets the count 1...2...3 Do or Die hits the ring but is two late. Do or Die pulls Val up and grabs him runs off the ropes and hits him with a bulldog. Do or Die jumps up and taunts the crowd giving Val time to recover. Val comes from behind Do or Die and rolls him up grabing his tights 1...2...9. and Do or Die just breaks out of the hold. Do or Die pulls Val up and wips him to the conor where Val's team stands. Sonny Siaki taps Val on his shoulder and enters the ring as Val rolls out. Sonny grabs Do or Die from behind and hits him with a neckbreaker. Sonny goes for the quick pin 1..2.. kick out. Soony pulls Do or Die up and throws a right hand, but Do or Die blocks and kicks Sonny in the midsection spinning Sonny around. Do o Die runs off the ropes comes towards Sonny and hits him with a spinning DDT. Do or Die goes up top looks outisde of the ring where the fighting continues and then does a swan ton bomb type of move on Sonny and hits it. Do or Die jumps up in excitement and then goes back to Sonny for the pin 1...2...3. Do Or Die goes and pulls Chris Jericho into the match. Jericho dont want to fight and quickly tags in Val Venis. Val runs after Do or Die and goes for a big boot to the face but Do or Die ducks and the ref is taking out. Outside of the ring Mikey G grabs a steel chair and brings it into the ring as Do or Die and Val Venis exchange punches. Mikey goes to nail Val from behind but Val someone ducks and Mikey takes out Do Or Die. Val jumps behind Mikey G and hits him with a bull dog knocking his face onto the chair. Val throws the chair and mikey out of the ring and goes for the cover as the ref notices the pin 1...2...3 Val stands up in pain and looks at Jericho and goes to tag him but Jericho wants no part in it so Val looks at Jericho and pulls him in the ring. Val looks at Jericho flips him off and walks right out of the ring as the ref counts Val out 1...2....3...4...5...6...7..8..9..Val stops half way up the ramp as Jericho looks on and Val laughs as Mikey G gets up behind him..10 Jericho turns around and Mikey hits Jericho with the 3 Handled Cradenza. Mikey looks down at Jericho and laughs insted of pinning him Mikey goes up to the top turnbuclke and nails Jericho with the Diving Elbow Drop and then rolls Jericho over for the pin 1...2...3. Afterwards, Do or Die returns to the ring & delivers a Chair Shot to Mikey G leaving the Crowd shocked as Die then smiles and leaves the ring.
Survivor: Mikey G

Lillian: Your Winner and Sole Survivor, Mikey G

Coach: Well it seems Do or Die was not happy about getting hit with a chair and returned the favor

Al Snow: I would love to see Do or Die vs Mikey G but it seems that Val Venis & Chris Jericho were also having problems


:Torrie Wilson is shown trying to get into Eric Bischoff's Locker Room but Shaniqua turns her away!!! Shaniqua warns Torrie that now she has made a mistake and Torrie just ignors Shaniqa and heads back to her locker room:


Coach: That was weird

Al Snow: I know Shaniqua is Now Mr. Bischoff's Personal Bodyguard

Lillian: The Following Contest is a Surv1vor Series Rules Match(Stacy's Music hits,Crowd Cheers) 1st making her way to the ring, Stacy Mason!!!(Rose's Music hits,Crowd Still Cheers) Her partner, rose Thorn(Tough Enough Theme hits,Crowd Cheers Some More) & Finally there partner, Jackie Gayda!!

Coach: Well I must say that all 3 of these women can wrestle me anytime they want

Al Snow: Coach get your head back in, You know that they want me

Lillian:(Jasmine's Music hits,Crowd Boo's) There opponents, 1st Jasmine(Jacky's Music hits,Crowd Boo's) Her partner, Representing PMS, Jacqualine!!!(Holla if Ya Hear Me hits,Crowd Boo's) Finally, Representing the nWo, She is the SCWE Women's Champion, Lacy Alexander!!

Coach: Lacy got the big upset win over Torrie last week on RAW

Lacy Alexander, Jacqualine, & Jasmine vs Rose Thorn, Jackie Gayda, & Stacy Mason
Jasmine & Jackie start the match off & Jackie whips Jasmine off the ropes & connects with a dropkick. Jackie then goes for a DDT but Jasmine counters into a bridge pin for a 1---2--2.9-kick out. Jasmine then whips Jackie into the corner & charges but Jackie gets her feet up in Jasmine's face & Jackie goes up top & then hits a blockbuster and covers for the 1---2--3. Jasmine is eliminated. Lacy then comes in & knocks down Jackie Gayda. Lacy whips Jackie into the corner where Lacy opens up on Jackie with right hands. Lacy then connects with a belly 2 belly suplex & Lacy knocks Rose & Stacy off the apron & Lacy goes for the Freakliner but Jackie shoves Lacy back off the ropes & backdrops her. Lacy then rolls out to the floor & grabs a lead pipe & connects with it on Jackie Gayda as Jackie was coming out after Lacy, Lacy then hides the pipe in her shirt and gets into the ring & covers Jackie Gayda for a 1---2--2.9-Rose Thorn breaks it up, Rose delivers several chops to Lacy & then whips her off the ropes but Lacy reverses & sends Rose off the ropes & Lacy moves as Rose runs right into Jackie Gayda as she was getting up knocking Gayda out to the floor & Lacy then delivers the Freakliner to Rose Thorn. Lacy covers Rose but the ref tells her Rose isnt legal and Jackie Gayda is & Rose goes out after Jackie Gayda but Jackie is playing Lacy & knocks Lacy down as she goes to pick her up. Jackie Gayda then grabs the lead pipe which had fallen to the floor & Jackie delivers a shot to Lacy right in front of the ref who calls for the bell. Jackie Gayda is DQ. Scott Steiner though comes out as Jackie Gayda gets away as does everyone & Steiner chases away the refs who were going to help Lacy but Steiner carries Lacy to the back as the ref counts 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10. Lacy Alexander is Counted Out. Jacqualine is forced into the ring with Rose Thorn who locks up with Jacky and Jacky knocks Rose down in the lock up. Jacky then goes for the J5 after kicking rose in the stomach but Stacy comes into the ring & delivers a Boot to the face knocking down Jacky. Rose then catches Jacqualine with the X-Rated & covers for the 1---2--3.
Survivors: Rose Thorn & Stacy Mason

Lillian: Your winner and Survivors, Rose Thorn & Stacy Mason

Coach: Wow, a Big Win for Rose & Stacy

Al Snow: I wouldnt want to be in Jackie's Shoes on RAW though becouse you know Lacy is going to be looking for her

:Announcer Switch to WCW

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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 11/22/2006 6:39 AM

JR: Welcome back, We are about to have our Final WCW Match of the Night although we have gotten word we will be announcing the Main Event

King: That's Great, i am sure glad that our Boss Scott Hill likes us

Penser: The Following Contest is Surv1vor Series Rules(Mattitude Countdown into Live For the Momement,Crowd Boo's) 1st Making there way to the ring, Representing Mattitude, Jeff Hardy, panCAKEman, Shannon Moore, Sara, & Matt Hardy V1!!!

JR: Well all of Mattitude is now in the ring

Penser:(Jamie's Music hits,Crowd Cheers) There opponents, 1st Jamie Noble!!(Gold-Lust hits,Crowd Cheers) His partner, he is the WCW RAWCore Champion, Goldust!!!(Eye of The Hurricane hits,Crowd Cheers) There partner, The WCW Cruiserweight Champion, The Hurricane!!!(Molly's Music hits,Crowd Cheers) Also joining the Team, Molly Holly(Test's Music hits,Crowd Cheers) & Finally the WCW United States Champion, Test!!!

King: I think Mattitude will pull it out becouse None of these people have teamed as a faction together

Matt Hardy V1, Shannon Moore, Jeff Hardy, panCAKEman, & Sara vs The Hurricane, Jamie Noble, Test, Goldust, & Molly Holly
Jeff Hardy starts the match off with The Hurricane. Both men lock up and Hurricane goes behind Hardy & rolls him up for the 1---2--2-8-kick out. Hardy then clotheslines Hurricane down. Jeff then whips Hurricane into his own corner and Hurricane tags in Test but Jeff didnt see this as Hurricane charges at Jeff but Jeff ducks & goes for a Twist of Fate but then gets hit with a Big Boot by Test. Test then covers for the 1---2--3. Jeff Hardy is eliminated. Shannon Moore starts to get in the ring but Matt Hardy sneaks into the ring & goes to hit Test but Test catches him with a boot to the stomach & goes for the Pumphandle but Matt counters it into the Fate Twister and covers for the 1---2--3. Test is eliminated. Goldust comes into the ring next and takes down Hardy with a right hand, Goldust then whips Hardy off the ropes & delivers a powerslam to him. Goldust then covers for a 1---2--kick out. Goldust then delivers a few chops to Hardy but Hardy backs up & is able to tag in Shannon Moore who comes into the ring & Hardy & Moore double team Goldust until the ref forces Matt out. Shannon then bodyslams Goldust down & goes up top but Jamie Noble moves over closer to Shannon's side & shakes the ropes causing Shannon to straddle the top, Goldust then goes for the Curtain Call on Shannon but panCAKEman delivers a kick to Goldust allowing Shannon to deliver a Reverse DDT. Shannon then covers for a 1---2--2.8-Goldust gets a shoulder up. Shannon then tags in panCAKEman who sets up Goldust in a corner & goes for a Bronco Buster but Goldust gets his  foot up and Goldust then tags in Jamie Noble who locks in the trailor Hitch on panCAKEman who taps out. panCAKEman is eliminated. Jamie Noble is celebrating the elimination when Matt Hardy catches Noble with the Side Effect & Hardy covers for the 1---2--3. Jamie Noble is eliminated. Hurricane gets into the ring & goes for Hardy but Hardy tags in Sara and Hurricane refuses to fight her so he tags in Molly Holly. Molly & Sara lock up & Sara whips Molly off the ropes but Molly ducks a clothesline attempt & then catches Sara with a Chick Kick. Molly goes up top for the Molly-Go-Round & hits it but Matt Hardy grabs Molly off Sara & delivers a Twist of Fate to her. Hurricane knocks Hardy to the floor and Shannon & Goldust brawl as well as Sara covers molly for the 1---2--3. Molly Holly is eliminated. The Ref finally restores order and Goldust gets in & Sara tags in Shannon. The 2 men lock up again & Shannon thinks he catches Goldust and goes for a Twist of Fate but Goldust grabs Shannon's "Little Friend" and Shannon is screaming as Goldust then turns Shannon around & delivers the Curtain Call and Covers for the 1---2--3. Shannon Moore is eliminated. Matt & Sara argue for a minute about who should go in and Matt finally goes in. Matt stays back from Goldust & finally Matt flips off Goldust which causes for Goldust to go after him but Matt then throws powder in Goldust's eyes blinding him & Matt delivers a Twist of Fate to Goldust & covers for the 1---2--3. Goldust is now eliminated. The Hurricane then comes off the top & catches Hardy with a Blockbuster & covers for the 1---2--2.9-Sara breaks it up. Sara then goes for a Twist of Fate on the Hurricane but The Hurricane pushes Sara back & then backdrops her and realizes what he did and Hurricane tries to help her up but Matt Hardy is waiting & grabs Hurricane & delivers a Twist of Fate to him and covers for the 1---2--3.
Survivors: Matt Hardy V1 & Sara

Penser: Your winners and Survivors, Matt Hardy V1 & Sara

JR: Matt & Sara got the big win here tonight

King: I would love to see a Matt Hardy & Sara vs Hurricane & Molly Holly Match

JR: Well King, I am shocked becouse that is a great idea for a match

King: Yeah its a Great Puppy Chance 2!!!

JR: I should have known

:Footage airs between nWo & Goldberg/Taker/ & Maven:

Coach: Well its time for the RAW Main Event and since we wont be working the Main Event which is not fair, This is our Final Match of the Night

Al Snow: I wonder whose Ass JR & King kissed

Lillian: The Main Event for RAW of the Night is a Surv1vor Series Rules Match(nWo's Music hits,Crowd Boo's) 1st Making there way to the ring, Representnig the nWo being accumpied by Beyonce, 1st, He is the SCWE Hardcore Champion and 1/2 of the SCWE Tag Team Champions, he is Jamie Gunz, His Partner is the other half of the SCWE Tag Team Champions, Sting & There partner, He is the SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner!!!

Coach: Well the nWo is an awesome force and I think that the nWo has to be favored

Al Snow: We all know that Goldberg and Undertaker arent getting along

Lillian:(Tough Enough Theme hits,Crowd Cheers) There opponents, 1st Maven!!

Al Snow: My Boy Maven could win this though

Lillian:(Dead Man Walking hits,Crowd Cheers) His partner, The Undertaker!!!

:Security knocks on a door:

Coach: I think its time for the Man

Lillian:(Invasion hits,Crowd Chants Goldberg) There Partner, GOLDBERG!!!

Coach: This may be the man to stop the nWo

Al Snow: Sting & Steiner are waiting on Goldberg

Scott Steiner, Sting, & Jamie Gunz W/Beyonce vs Goldberg, Undertaker, & Maven
Jamie Gunz & Maven start the match off and  lock up and Maven whips Jamie off the ropes & delivers a great dropkick to Jamie. Maven then delivers a few chops and goes to whip Jamie off the ropes again but Jamie reverses & sends Maven off the ropes and when Maven hits the ropes, Steiner delivers a knee to Maven's back & Jamie then then delivers a big clothesline. Jamie Gunz then whips Maven into the corner & starts to work him over but Maven fights back and spears Jamie Gunz out of the corner. Maven then tries to make a tag but Jamie holds Maven's foot & Jamie is able to tag in Sting and Sting delivers a hard kick to Maven's ribs. Sting then picks up Maven & whips him into the corner & Sting delivers a Stinger Splash, Sting then delivers a bulldog on Maven & is about to lock in the Scorpion Death Lock but Maven kicks Sting back & Maven then rolls through Sting's legs & reaches the corner & tags in The Undertaker. Taker gets in the ring & knocks down Sting with a right hand. Taker then knocks down Sting again & as Sting gets up again, Taker catches him with a Big Boot. Jamie Gunz gets in the ring & charges but gets met with a Big Right Hand. Taker then rams Sting & Jamie's face together and is about to chokeslam Sting but Scott Steiner delivers a clubbing blow to Taker & Sting DDT's The Undertaker. Goldberg gets in the ring & knocks Steiner out to the floor & Goldberg & Steiner fight on the floor. Maven goes up top & delivers a dropkick to Sting. The ref is trying to get Maven out of the ring as Beyonce gives Jamie Gunz a lead pipe and Jamie delivers a lead pipe shot to The Undertaker's knee several times, Taker is screaming out in pain as Jamie gets out of the ring. Sting locks in the Scorpion Death Lock on The Undertaker who taps out. The Undertaker is eliminated and needed help to the back. Maven gets in the ring & catches Sting with a Tornado DDT. Maven then knocks Jamie Gunz off the apron as well as Scott Steiner. Maven then goes up top for hte Blockbuster but Beyonce shakes the ropes causing Maven to straddle the top. Sting then delivers a Top Rope Superplex on Maven. Sting then is about to lock in the Scorpion Death Lock and does but Maven is able to crawl towards his corner and nearly reaches the ropes but Sting pulls back but Maven does make the tag to Goldberg and The Ref orders Sting to break the hold, Goldberg is waiting for Sting & delivers a big shoulder block to Sting knocking him down, Jamie Gunz comes into the ring but gets speared as he gets in, Goldberg knocks Steiner off the apron and Goldberg gets caught by Sting who knocks Goldberg into the corner & Sting goes for a Stinger Splash but Goldberg spears him in midair. Goldberg then delivers a Jackhammer for the 1---2--3. Sting is eliminated. Scott Steiner attacks Goldberg from behind & Steiner delivers a belly 2 belly suplex. Steiner then goes for the Steiner Recliner and locks it in as Goldberg cant escape but "Perfect Strangers" hits as Shane Douglas appears on The Tron and has a hold of Lacy and tells Steiner payback is a bitch and Steiner breaks the hold and takes off towards the backstage area. The ref starts the count and ends up reaching 10 for the count. Scott Steiner is eliminated. Jamie Gunz doesnt look to excited now and gets in the ring as Goldberg is waiting on him and Jamie tells Goldberg he wants Maven & Goldberg tags in Maven. Jamie attacks Maven as he gets in the ring & Jamie Gunz goes for the Bullet 2 the Brain but Maven counters it into a Reverse DDT. Maven then goes up top for the Blockbuster and connects and covers for the 1---2--3.
Survivors: Maven & Goldberg

Lillian: Your winners and Survivors, Goldberg & Maven!!

Coach: Goldberg and Maven got the win

Al Snow: Shane Douglas made a Shocking return, I thought he was still injured

Coach: Douglas who was injured by Scott Steiner had the already hurt Lacy and was apparantly doing to deliver the Pittsburgh Plunge on Concrete to her which caused Steiner to go save her but we have gotten word that Lacy is fine and Douglas is nowhere to be found

Al Snow: What about the Undertaker?

Coach: The Undertaker has been taken to a local medical facility and It's Time for the Main Event now

:Footage Promoting the Main Event is aired:

JR: Well King, It's Main Event Time
King: I can't wait for this, We will be going home to Monday Night this Next Week
Lillian: The Main Event of the Evening is the War Games Surv1vor Series Rules Match!!! The Winning Brand will gain access to The Monday Night Time Slot
JR: Alot of people are wondering what Side Kurt Angle will be on since he is officially WCW but is competing on Team ECW here, Kurt has vowed to fight with all he has for ECW
Tony:(ECW's Theme Song hits,Crowd is mixed) Making there way to the ring, 1st, Representing ECW, The Team of the ECW Television Champion, ShayDawg & the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle!!
King: Is is fair for ShayDawg to be on Team ECW, She does fight with the boys and has the
TV Title which is even to RAW's IC or our US
JR: Well she is competing
Lillian:(TLM's Music hits,Crowd is mixed) Representing SCWE, The Team of The Love Machine and Torrie Wilson!!!
JR: Well as you can see a Giant Cage surrounding 2 rings, The Rules are Simple...
King: Who cares about the rules, Look at Torrie Wilson, I wish she was WCW
Penser:(The game/All The Things She Said Remix hits,Crowd boo's) Finally Representing WCW and Evolution, The Team of The "Game" Triple H & Victoria
JR: I have to wonder if HHH & Victoria who are suspended by Vince McMahon will fight with all they have
King: I hope they do
 War Games: Triple H & Victoria vs The Love Machine & Torrie Wilson vs Kurt Angle & ShayDawg
Kurt Angle & The Love Machine start the match. The Love Machine gets in Angle's face and tells him that he hasnt forgotten and goes to slap Angle but Angle grabs The Love Machine's arm and then delivers a belly 2 belly suplex to TLM. Angle then goes for the Angle Lock but TLM kicks Angle down. The Love Machine then goes to knock down Angle but Angle spears down TLM & pounds away at his head. Angle then picks up TLM & whips him off the ropes & catches TLM in a Sleeper Hold. TLM tries to fight out of it but finally starts to go down as the ref checks on him and raises his arm for a 1st time, Then a 2nd time and goes for a 3rd time but TLM fights back and ends up countering into a side suplex. Both men are down as The Clock starts to count down and finally hits the buzzer as Triple H enters the 2nd ring. Triple H goes straight into Ring #1 and picks up Angle & goes for the Pedigree but Angle backdrops the game. Angle then rams HHH face 1st into the Steel Cage. Angle then grinds HHH's face off it but TLM delivers a low blow to Angle and then hits the Flap Jack Powerbomb on Angle and covers for a 1---2--2.9-HHH breaks it up. HHH then rams TLM face 1st into the cage and busts open TLM. HHH turns around & walks right into a over head belly 2 belly suplex from Kurt Angle as the buzzer expires. ShayDawg gets into the ring & goes straight after HHH but TLM spears her down and Shay gets caught into between the 2 rings. In Ring #2, Angle & HHH are battling it out while TLM stomps away at Shay in ring #1. The buzzer sounds as Torrie Wilson gets in the ring. Torrie & TLM then double team ShayDawg and TLM delivers a Flap Jack Powerbomb to her and Torrie then delivers a Super kick to ShayDawg and covers for the 1---2--3. ShayDawg is eliminated. TLM & Torrie then decide to wait it out as HHH & Angle fight. HHH catches Angle with a Low Blow and HHH delivers a devistating DDT to Angle but cant capitalize to pin him. The Love Machine then goes to pin angle but Angle was playing posum and locks in the Angle Lock on The Love Machine as The Love Machine screams for Torrie who tries to help The Love Machine but HHH grabs Torrie by her hair & DDT's her. TLM has no choice and taps out. The Love Machine is eliminated. The Buzzer expires as Victoria gets into the match. HHH & Angle talk to each other suprisingly at peace and decide to get rid of Torrie Wilson, HHH picks up Torrie & goes for the Pedigree but Angle then delivers an Angle Slam to HHH!! Angle covers for the 1---2--3 before Victoria can make the save. HHH is eliminated. Victoria tries to kick angle but Angle catches her and Angle then swings her around & goes for the Angle Lock but HHH who was leaving gets a Sledgehammer from Ric Flair who had come out & HHH then delivers a Sledgehammer Shot to the back of Angle's head, Victoria covers for the 1---2--3. Kurt Angle is eliminated. Victoria is happy but Torrie then hits a super Kick on her and covers for the 1---2--2.9-HHH yanks Torrie off but Torrie then lowblows HHH and knocks HHH through the ropes knocking him out of the cage. Torrie and Victoria are left in and Torrie is saying she is going to go for another super kick but Victoria grabs the sledgehammer and gets up but Torrie see's this and stops as Victoria swings the sledgehammer and gets nothing but air. Torrie then ddt's Victoria. Torrie then connects on her Super Kick and goes to cover but The Lights Go out and when the come back on Marrisa is standing behind Torrie. Torrie turns around & gets hit with a chick kick. Marrisa then goes up top and delivers The Lights Out Moonsault to Torrie. Marrisa tells Torrie that Eric's her man and Marrisa pulls out some mace and maces Torrie!!! Victoria is just watching all this go down, Marrisa then picks up Torrie & rams her into the cage & tells Victoria to win it. Victoria then delivers the Widow's Peak and Victoria covers for the 1---2--3. Marrisa then tells Torrie that this is just the beginning and Marrisa leaves the cage while Evolution celebrates in the ring.
Survivor: Victoria (Team WCW)
Penser: The Winning Brand, WCW!!!!
JR: I don't believe, RAW Assistant GM Marrisa who has been gone for monthes has just returned and of all things cost RAW the Match and the Monday Night Slot
King: I guess That is what Shaniqua was talking about, Torrie has been hitting on Eric Bischoff and Eric was dating Marrisa so I guess Payback is a Bitch
JR: Well We are out of time and Don't Miss Nitro when we move to Monday Officially although our Next Nitro will be on Thursday for the Special Thanksigving Edition, So Good Night
:Goes off The Air