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PPV : Armageddon 12/19/04
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 Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/7/2006 9:18 PM


Results 12/19/04 Live From New York, New York

Promo's for the PPV are shown

Pyro Then Explodes!! as "This Used to be My Playground" plays followed by "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing"

Tony: Welcome to WCW/SCWE Armageddon 

Tenay: We are coming to you from Madison Square Garden in New York City

Madden: It's great to be in th Big Apple guys

Tenay: It sure is and we will be sending things over to JR and The King later on but guys tonight is going to be a huge night because there are two rings here and two War Games Matches

Madden: SCWE will have a War Games match plus WCW has the big one as well

Tony: Before we get started though congratulations go out to Eric and Marrisa Bischoff who recently welcomed into the world... Matthew Eric and Courtney Marie Bischoff on December 14th. From all of us not only in WCW but all of KSCWE. We congratulate the two of you and Eric Bischoff is not expected to be here tonight as a result but Chief Sean Morley is here

Tenay: Well lets get serious guys and send things down to the ring

Penser: The Opening contest of WCW/SCWE Armageddon is a Over The Top Rope Battle Royal for the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship

"Nidia Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Houston, Texas, Nidia

Madden: I think Nidia can pull this match out guys

"Need a Little Time" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Next making her way to the ring, From Toronto, Canada, Torrie Wilson

Tenay: Torrie Wilson is looking to get on the winning track

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The Next Participant, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Stephanie McMahon

Madden: Here comes my pick to win this match

Tony: This is a mini Battle Royal with only Four Ladies but the action should still be great.

"Alive" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: Finally, making her way to the ring, From Edmonton Alberta, Canada, She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Tara Rayge

Madden: I like this Tara Rayge

Tenay: Tara has made a name for herself since arriving and has already brought home Women's Hardcore Gold and is rumored to be a possible entry into the S.C.

WCW Women's Hardcore Championship: Battle Royal: Tara Rayge(C) vs Torrie Wilson vs Stephanie McMahon vs Nidia
The Bell Sounds as Stephanie, Nidia, & Tara all go after Torrie. Torrie delivers a right hand knocking down Nidia and then one knocking down Tara but Stephanie spears down Torrie and Stephanie pounds away at her but Torrie shoves Stephanie off and Torrie gets back up but Nidia attacks Torrie knocking her into the corner and Nidia goes to hit Torrie but Torrie grabs Nidia and shoves her into the corner where Torrie delivers several kicks to the gut of Nidia but Tara goces to hit Torrie but Torrie moves as Tara hits Nidia and Torrie then kicks Tara in the gut and Torrie hits the Stunner on Tara. Torrie goes to pick up Tara but Stephanie turns her around and Steph goes for the RKO but Torrie grabs Stephanie instead and hits a backdrop on her. Stephanie is grabbing her head as Torrie is getting back up but Nidia comes charging and hits a Swinging Neckbreaker taking down Torrie. Nidia and Tara Rayge then pick up Torrie and take her towards the ropes but Nidia then attacks Tara and Nidia dumps Tara over the top but Tara lands on the apron and Nidia tries to kick Tara out but Stephanie makes the save for Tara by hitting Nidia in the back. Stephanie then whips Nidia into the corner as Tara comes back in and Steph & Tara both stomp away at Nidia in the corner until Tara takes a shot at STeph knocking her down. Tara Rayge then picks up Stephanie and Tara dumps Stephanie over teh top but Stephanie lands on the apron and Nidia attacks Tara. Nidia goes with Tara and tries to get her over but Tara hugs the ropes as Torrie comes over and Torrie hits Nidia and Torrie then grabs Nidia and sends her flying over the top to the floor. Nidia has been eliminated. This leaves three now as Torrie Wilson kicks Tara Rayge in the ribs as she was trying to get up and Torrie gets Tara in the corner and Torrie develivers a big chop to the chest of Tara. Stephanie McMahon comes over and works with Torrie now as both ladies work over Tara as Torrie puts Tara up top and Torrie goes up and Torrie delivers a Top rope Superplex on Tara Rayge. Both ladies are hurting as Stephanie then picks up Tara Rayge but Tara grabs Stephanie up and hits a F-U like move on Stephanie. Tara Rayge then locks in the Sola-Nero on Stephanie who is screaming but Torrie Wilson breaks up the hold by attacking Tara and Torrie goes to eliminate Tara but Tara holds on again as Stephanie comes over and dumps Torrie Wilson out while Torrie was trying to get out Tara. Torrie Wilson is eliminated. Stephanie McMahon then tries to get out Tara Rayge  but Tara comes back into the ring. Stephanie pounds away at Tara and picks her up and tries to get her over again but Torrie Wilson grabs Stephanie's right leg causing Stephanie to look at Torrie and the two ladies argue as Tara then dumps Stephanie over the top to the floor.
Winner: Tara Rayge

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Tara Rayge

Tony: A big win here tonight for Tara Rayge

Tenay: Stephanie McMahon and Torrie Wilson are having words as we speak as both ladies are escorted to the back

Madden: Let them go

Tony: Well guys lets take a look at how the first Ever Ultimate X came about because that is the next match

:Video Preview for Ultimate X is shown:

Tenay: I can't wait to see this match

Tony: A First in KSCWE

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is the Ultimate X match for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

"O Canada Remix" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, Representing The S.C., From Windsor Ontario, Canada weighing in at 179 Pounds, Petey Williams

Madden: The Next WCW Cruiserweight Champion has just arrived

"You Look So Good To Me" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The Next Participant, From Las Vegas, Nevada weighing in at 228 Pounds, Rico

Tenay: Here comes the flamboyant Rico

"Jamie Noble theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: Finally, making his way to the ring, He is the WCW Cruiserweight Champion, From West Hanover, West Virginia weighing in at 200 Pounds, Jamie Noble

Tony: Arguably the greatest Cruiserweight in history

WCW Cruiserweight Champion: Jamie Noble(C) vs Rico vs Petey Williams
Jamie Noble & Petey Williams make an agreement as the bell sounds and both men attack Rico. Petey & Jamie knock Rico back into the ropes and both men pound away knocking Rico through the ropes and into the second ring. Jamie Noble then gets hit with a clothesline by petey williams. Petey then stomps away at Noble and picks up Noble and shoves him back itno the corner where Petey kicks away at him but Rico comes up behind Petey and kicks him in the back knocking Petye into Jamie who picks up Petey and delivers an atomic drop on him. Rico then delivers the Fashion Changes to Petey but Jamie Noble hits a big clothesline taking down Rico. Jamie Noble then climbs up to the top and grabs the cable and starts to pull himself towards the Cruiserweight Title but Rico jumps up and yanks Noble down. Rico then pounds away at Noble until Petey Williams dropkicks Rico's leg out from under him. Petey then picks up Rico and Petey delivers a big neckbreaker on him. Petey Williams then kicks Jamie Noble in the gut as he was getting up and Petey delivers the Canadian Destroyer on Noble. Petey Williams then goes up top and grabs the cable and starts to climb towards the Cruiserweight title but Rico grabs Petey by his trunks and Rico ends up yanking down Petey's tights showing off Petey's Canadian thong!!! Petey falls down from the cable as he tries to fix his tights but Rico gets behind Petey and slaps his ass causing Petey to get out to the floor and Petey is freaking out on the floor as Rico is waving to Petey but Noble then dropkicks Rico to the floor where Petey Williams snaps and is pounding away at Rico as Jamie Noble climbs up top and grabs the cable is climbs across as Petey is not even paying any attention to Jamie Noble and Jamie grabs the Cruiserweight Title and gets it off.
Winner: Jamie Noble

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Jamie Noble

Tony: Jamie Noble has retained the title

Tenay: Petey Williams can't believe

:Video Preview for Jason Walker vs John Cena:

JR: Well King up next we are going to see the European Championship on the line

King: This is going to be great JR

JR: The Former European Champion gets his rematch tonight

King: I think Jason Walker is going to teach John Cena lesson tonight

Howard: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE European Championship

"Basic Thuganomics" hits, Crowd Cheers

Howard: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, From West Newberry, Massachusetts weighing in at 240 Pounds, John Cena

JR: John Cena is the former European Champion not to meantion that John is also former Iintercontinental Champion, Tag Team Champion and Hardcore Champion

King: But he is no Jason Walker

"Unstable" hits, Crowd Boo's

Howard: His opponent, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 195 Pounds, Representing Evolution X, The SCWE European Champion, Jason Walker

King: Jason Walker is great. He is the future

JR: Well Jason Walker has already held Hardcore Gold, WCW Tag Team Gold besides the European Title in his short career

SCWE European Championship: Jason Walker(C) vs John Cena
Cena and Jason circle each other. Then Cena says he wants his title back and runs at Jason. Jason ducks under him and pushes Cena into the other ring. Jason then jumps onto the top rope and does a Moonsault off of it. Jason then gets up and starts to put the boots to Cena. Jason then does a taunt but Cena gets up and hits Jason from behind. Cena then picks Jason up and thorws him into a corner. Then Cena runs at Jaso nand hits him with a big clothesline. Cena then throws Jason bakc into the corner and starts ramming his shoulder into Jason's Ribs. Cena then whips Jason into the other corner. Cena then does his trademark taunt then Cena runs at Jason again but Jason jumps up to the top rope and hits a dropkick on Cena. Then Jason picks Cena up and throws him over the rope into the middle of the two rings. Jason then starts to hammer away on Cena. Jason then goes into the other ring and starts to taunt. Cena rolls into the opposite ring and collects himself as Jason is begging him to come on. Cena then starts to taunt also. The two men get into a taunt contest but then Jason stops as Cena keeps going. Jason then runs over to that ring and hits Cena with a big right hand. Then Jason picks up Cena and hits a Walk of Fate on him. Jason then covers for the 1....2...2.5. Cena kicks out. Jason then picks Cena up but Cena hits Jason in the stomach and then hits Jason with the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Cena then picks Jason up and sets him up for the F-U but Jason kicks Cena in the gut. Then Jason pushes Cena down and gets on top of him and starts to punch away. Jason then gets up and does a Lionsault. Jason covers for the 1...2..2.9. Cena kicks out. Jason starts to argue with the ref as Cena gets back up. Cena goes to hit Jason fro mbehind but Jason sees that Cen got up and ducks. Jason then hits Cena a couple of times in the stomach and then hits a DDT on Cena. Jason then picks Cena up and hits a dropkick on him. Then Jason goes up to the top rope and does another Moonsault. Jason then picks Cena up and whips him into the corner. Jason then sets Cena up for The Walker 360 but Cena fights out of it and runs over to the other ring. Jason starts to taunt again as Cena looks pissed off. Cena then comes back over into the other ring and both men lock up. Cena starts to get the advantage but Jason breaks the hold and rakes Cena's eyes. Jason then hits Cena with a big right hand and then picks Cena up and whips him into a corner. Jason then hits The Walker 360 on Cena. Jason covers for the 1...2...3.
Winner: Jason Walker

Howard: Your winner and still SCWE European Champion, Jason Walker

JR: An impressive win for Jason Walker

King: I told you JR, This kid is great

JR: Well he has impressed me tonight and he showed the world he doesn't need his brother or E-X to help him because he took a very good John Cena and beat him

:Backstage: S.C.'s Locker Room

:Christian, Trish, Tyson, Lance Storm, Bret Hart, & Petey Williams are shown in the Locker Room:

Christian: What the hell were you doing out there

Petey Williams: I wa....

Christian: You were what. Beating up on Rico. I should kick your pathetic ass out of the S.C.

Trish Stratus: Petey you had a mission. Go out and win the Cruiserweight Title and you messed it up. Shame on you

:Test barges in the room:

Test: Guys

Christian: What?

Test: I just found Edge laid out

:All of the S.C. leaves the Locker Room:

:Another Area Backstage:

:Stephanie McMahon is shown wearing a robe heading for an area when she see's Matt Walker leaving a Locker Room and Matt Walker walks past her:

Matt Walker: Well look who it is. Stephanie McSlut

Stephanie McMahon: Do me a favor Matt and tell your little leader Hunter to stay away from Randy or else

Matt Walker: Really? because it was Randy who wanted to talk to us and as a matter of fact Steph, thats where I just came from

Stephanie McMahon: Yeah that wasnt Randy's Locker Room you came from

Matt Walker: He got moved moron

:Matt Walker walks past Stephanie now and starts laughing as Stephanie heads up to the Locker Room which is not marked and she opens the door and the camera follows her into the room slightly but with the camera showing off her legs only and the robe is shown dropping as Stephanie then walks around the corner:

Stephanie McMahon: Hello Stud

:A Different View is shown from the back of Stephanie as Chris Walker and Hurricane are shown dumbfounded:


:Chris Walker starts to get undressed as Hurricane looks dumbfounded as Stephanie covers herself with her hands and grabs a towel and covers up:

Stephanie McMahon: Oh my god I am sooooo sorry

:Torrie Wilson then comes up behind Stephanie and looks down:

Torrie Wilson: What the hell is going on

Stephanie McMahon: What.....Nothing, I came into the wron....

Torrie Wilson: Sure thats why you are trying to steal my man huh bitch

:Torrie Wilson then attacks Stephanie McMahon and Torrie drags Stephanie and throws her from the locker room and then Torrie is shown pulling the towel back in as Torrie walks back itno the Locker room to find Chris Walker in his boxers as he runs past Torrie towars the outside and throws his boxers back into the room as Hurricane still looks dumbfounded:

Torrie Wilson: You know what I am sick of this

:Torrie then pushes Hurricane who still is in shock into a room and Torrie goes in with him and shuts the door and it can be heard being locked and several seconds later, Hurricane is heard banging on the door and trying to get out:

:Another Area Backstage:

:The S.C. is shown checking on Edge who is busted open:

Test: It was Mikey G

Trish Stratus: How do you know

Test: I saw Mikey running off with a pipe and thats when I found him

Christian: That little bastard is going to pay for this. Nobody does this to the King's brother

:Just then Stephanie McMahon streaks past the S.C. as Test, Lance Storm, Tyson Tomko, Petey Williams, Bret Hart, & Christian all roll there heads and start to smile as Trish slaps Christian in the back of the head and then Chris Walker streaks past yelling for Stephanie to hold up and Trish looks at him and Christian pushes Trish:

:Another Backstage Area:

:Mick Foley is shown greeting people backstage and shaking hands with several wrestlers as Sean Morley and Scott Hill meet up with Mick:

Scott Hill: Welcome back Mick

Mick Foley: Great to be back Scott right here in New York City(Crowd In the Arena Cheers).

Sean Morley: So I understand you are going to be the WHW GM?

Mick Foley: Thats right Chief. I am going to help make the next big things for SCWE and WCW and who knows one day I could be the GM of Smackdown or perhaps of Nitro or another brand

Sean Morley: You probably will

Scott Hill: Well Mick go ahead and go around and meet and greet the wrestlers

:Just then Stephanie McMahon streaks past as Sean Morley and Scott Hill look on dumbfounded and Mick Foley takes a picture and then Chris Walker streaks behind her and Mick takes a picture of Chris and hands the picture to Sean:

Mick Foley: Wow you guys let streaking going on.

:Mick Foley then takes off jacket and shoes and starts to get undressed:

Mick Foley: Wait for me guys

:Video Segment for WCW US Title Match:

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 Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 9:19 PM

Tony: Welcome back

Madden: Stephanie McMahon is streaking!!!

Tenay: I don't think Stephanie means to streak but none the less she is streaking

Madden: And I thank her for that

Tony: Somebody better tell Randy Orton

Tenay: Well I guess you got Stephanie McMahon, Chris Walker, and new WHW GM Mick Foley all streaking

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW United States Championship

"I Am" hits, Crowd cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Gainsville, Georgia weighing in at 202 Pounds, The "Phenominal" AJ Styles

Tony: Here comes AJ Styles to the ring

Tenay: AJ Styles was a big star in SCWE RAW's end but AJ is finding WCW is not RAW now and having a harder time like most of the RAW Superstars have but AJ is one of the few that has found some success

"Dip It Low" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The Next Challenger, From Toronto, Canada weighing in at 118 Pounds, She is the WCW Television Champion, Shantell Angle

Madden: Shantell is going to be a Double Champion

Tenay: Shantell's TV Title is not on the line here tonight

"Can Ya Dig It" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The Final Challenger, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 250 Pounds, He is the WCW United States Champion, Booker T

Tenay: Here comes Booker T who is the former US Champion

Tony: Booker T is looking to become the first ever 4x WCW US champion tonight

"Longhorns" hits as the Crowd Boo's as the Limo pulls out into the entry way

Penser: Finally, Making his way to the ring, From right here in New York, New York, weighing in at 290 Pounds, He is the WCW United States Champion, John Bradshaw Layfield

Madden: What kind of city boo's there own hometown boy

Tenay: JBL isnt from New York originally Mark, he is from Texas

Madden: Well screw New York then because JBL is a great Champion

WCW United States Championship: JBL(C) vs AJ Styles vs Shantell Angle vs Booker T
The bell rings as JBL begins to pound away at AJ Styles and Booker T goes after Shantell. Booker goes to hit Shantell but she blocks it and slaps him across the face. Booker then goes after Shantell but he moves and he tosses himself from the ring. Shantell is laughing but she turns around to recieve a clothesline from JBL. JBL is about to cover Shantell but AJ is up top and he launches himself at JBL with a missle dropkick. JBL is down and AJ is the only one left standing as he picks up Shantell and is about to deliver the Styles Clash but Shantell low blows him. She then picks him up and delivers the Babewatch and She covers AJ 1........2.......AJ kicks out. Booker T gets back in the ring as Shantell is picking AJ up and he grabs Shantell and delivers a big DDT onto her and tells her she made a mistake. He is about to cover her but JBL is up again and JBL kicks Booker in the gut and throws him head first into the turnbuckle post. JBL then removes the padding off of the turnbuckle without being seen. AJ runs to clothesline JBL, but JBL trips him head first into the uncovered turnbuckle. AJ falls to the ground, now a bloddy mess as JBL looks like he doesn't know what happened. JBL then covers AJ 1........2......Booker breaks the pin up and he throws JBL from the ring. Shantell gets up now and Booker and Shantell start exchanging punches. Shantell delivers a big right hand and then she whips him off the ropes. She tries to backdrop him, but Booker instead catches her in a sunset flip 1........2.......Shantell kicks out and Booker pretends to enjoy having his head in between her legs and Shantell gets disgusted and rolls out and quickly exits the ring. Booker follows and Shantell grabs a steel chair and she goes to hit Booker but he ducks and Shantell hits the ring. Nick Patrick grabs the chair away from Shantell as Booker throws her back into the ring. AJ is finally getting up now wiping blood away from his face but JBL comes up behind him and shoves him. AJ turns around and JBL comes running at him but AJ jumps out of the way and dropkicks him causing him to fall on his ass. AJ now laughs at JBL but Booker tries to roll him up but AJ doesn't let him and instead delivers a big German Suplex to Booker. Shantell & AJ are both up now as Shantell runs at AJ but he catches her and delivers a big powerslam and Shantell lands on her back in pain. JBL picks up AJ and he drops him out of the ring and he falls on to the steel chair. Shantell is up now and Booker tries to take her down but Shantell ends up countering and delivering the Baywatch to Booker. As Shantell gets up and turns around though JBL delivers the Clothesline from Hell! He covers Shantell 1........2........3.
Winner: JBL

Penser: Your winner and still WCW US Champion, John Bradshaw Layfield

Madden: I told you JBL would do it

Tenay: This was a face paced match but JBL caught Shantell Angle with a clothesline from hell for the win

:Backstage: Locker Room

:The Hurricane is shown coming out of the room from before with his mask on sideways and Hurricane is fixing his tights as Torrie follows him out buttoning up pants when The Hurricane stops and turns around and pushes Torrie back into the room and slams the door shut again:

:Another Area Backstage:

:JBL is shown getting backstage with his US Title and JBL is hollaring about how great he is when Stephanie McMahon streaks past him followed by Chris Walker and then Mick Foley and JBL looks sick then:

:Another Area Backstage:

:The S.C. is shown outside a door:

Test: Ok this is the room Mikey G went in to

Christian: You sure?

Test: Yeah

Christian: Okay then on 3. 1....2...3

:The S.C. barges into the locker room and a few seconds later all come back out and all look sickened:

Christian: I thought you said that was the locker room

Test: I thought it was

:Rico comes out of hte locker room wearing a towel:

Rico: Did you guys enjoy the show?

:The S.C. all leave and go into the restrooms:

:Promo for WCW/SCWE The Royal Rumble:

JR: Welcome back to Armageddon and what about what we have seen tonight King

King: Tonight is crazy. I tell you JR I am glad we are not on WCW because WCW is pure pandomoniam except Stephanie McMahon streaking which is great by me considering thats PUPPIES!!!!!!!

JR: Well King we are going to see a Battle Royal Up Next Where the winner will go onto Smackdown! This Tuesday to face Jason Walker for his European Championship

Howard: The Following Contest is a Over The Top Rope Battle Royal Where the winner will be granted a SCWE European Championship on 12/21's Smackdown!

"Black Scorpion" hits, Crowd Boo's

Howard: 1st making his way to the ring, From Charlotte, North Carolina weighing in at 220 Pounds, David Flair

"Word Up" hits, Crowd Cheers

Howard: Next from Levittown, New York, weighing in at 250 Pounds, JJ Stallion

"Cool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Howard: The Third participant, From The Caribbean, weighing in at 243 Pounds, Carlito Caribbean Cool

"Living Dead Girl" hits, Crowd has no reaction

Howard: The Fourth Entry from San Deigo, California weighing in at 165 Pounds, X

"Ass Man" hits, Crowd Cheers

Howard: The fifth Participant, From Knoxville, Tennessee weighing in at 246 Pounds, Billy Gunn

"Sappy" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Howard: The Sixth Participant, From The Jersey Shores, weighing in at 232 Pounds, Diamond Dallas Page

"Ministry Remix" hits, Crowd Cheers as the Lights Turn to blue in the arena

Howard: The Final Entry From Death Valley weighing in at 350 Pounds, The Undertaker

JR: DDP, The Undertaker, and Billy Gunn are all former World Heavyweight Champions

King: Carlito Caribbean Cool is the former US Champion and JJ Stallion was a IC Champion before

JR: X and David Flair have to be the long shots with all this great talent in the ring

#1 Contender's Battle Royal: DDP vs The Undertaker vs JJ Stallion vs Billy Gunn vs David Flair vs X vs Carlito Caribbean Cool
The Bell Sounds as all the men attack The Undertaker. The Undertaker delivers a big right hand knocking down DDP & Then JJ Stallion as David Flair and Carlito get into it. X goes to hit Taker but Taker delivers a big boot to X knocking him down. Carlito & David Flair meanwhile are going at it in the corner where Carlito lowblows David Flair and pounds away at him. Meanwhile DDP & JJ Stallion attack Taker again but Taker clotheslines them both down. Billy Gunn meanwhile waits as X gets back up and Billy Gunn clotheslines X over the top to the floor. X has been eliminated. Billy Gunn then attacks The Undertaker from behind but Taker quickly turns his attention to Billy Gunn and Taker catches Billy with a uppercut shot knocking him down. Taker then knocks down DDP before grabbing JJ Stallion and Taker sends JJ over the top to the floor. JJ Stallion has been eliminated. DDP & Billy Gunn both look at each other and agree on something as both men go after Taker but Taker knocks each of them down but David Flair then chop blocks Taker's leg out from under him. David Flair then goes for the Figure 4 but Taker grabs him by the throat and Taker gets back up and then chokeslams David Flair down. Carlito though hits Taker from behind and Billy Gunn and DDP then end up grabbing Taker and try dumping him out as Carlito, DDP, & Billy Gunn get The Undertaker over the top to the floor. The Undertaker has been eliminated. DDP is gloating as Billy Gunn & Carlito then dump Billy over the top to the floor. DDP has been eliminated. Billy Gunn & Carlito then exchange right hands and Bily Gunn gets the upper hand and knocks down Carlito as David Flair gets back up and Billy Gunn grabs Flair and sends him over the top but David lands on the apron. Billy meanwhile walks into a kick to the gut and then Carlito hits the Cool Down on Billy but David Flair hits Carlito and David knocks Carlito into the ropes and David charges but Carlito ducks sending David up and over to the floor. David Flair has been eliminated. This leaves Carlito and Billy all alone now. Carlito attacks Billy and Carlito tries to get Billy up and over but Billy holds onto the ropes for dear life and Billy endsu p hittings a right hand knocking down Carlito. Billy Gunn then gets back up and Billy Gunn picks up Carlito but Carlito pokes Billy in the eye and Carlito then tries to eliminate Billy again but Billy holds on yet again when The Love Machine hits the ring, C arlito turns around and see's The Love Machine staring at him and The Love Machine opens up on Carlito with right hands knockign Carlito against the ropes and The Love Machine delivers a big clothesline sending Carlito up and over the to floor.
Winner: Billy Gunn

Howard: Your winner, Billy Gunn

JR: Billy Gunn is going to face Jason Walker on Smackdown!

:Billy Gunn is celebrating his win when The Love Machine turns Billy around and The Love Machine delivers the Pepsi Plunge to Billy. The Love Machine gets up gloating as the Crowd Boo's:

JR: That was not called for

King: It was ok for The Love Machine to screw Carlito but now that he beat up Billy its not ok


:Stephanie McMahon is shown going into a locker room and Chris Walker opens the door only to find Randy Orton standing there with Stephanie McMahon behind his back

Randy Orton: You better back away little man

Chris Walker: Screw you bitch

Randy Orton: Do you know who I am? I am the future WCW World Champion so you better back away before I forcefull....

:Just then Matt & Jason Walker come behind Chris Walker:

Matt Walker: Before you what Randy?

Randy Orton: Hey guys hows it going, Nothing I was just askign Chirs to leave kindly

Matt Walker: Newsflash Randy. This is our little brother and if you do anything to him I don't care if your Hunter's boy or not. I will take my guitar and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Now come on Chris you got a match to get ready for

:Matt, Jason, & Chris Walker walk away as Randy looks pissed:

:Another Area Backstage:

:ShayDawg is shown getting some coffee when Kelli Helmsley attacks ShayDawg from behind, Kelli then rams Shay's head into the coffee machine and then grabs Shay and rams her into the wall. Kelli then grabs the coffee pot and breaks it over Shay's head busting Shay open as Kelli then pulls out a pair of clippers and Kelli cuts a large chunk of Shay's hair before walking away laughing as Referee's come rushing to ShayDawg's aid:

:Video Preview for The S.C. vs Team Kane, Hurricane, Chris Walker, & Mikey G:

 Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 9:19 PM

Tony: Well guys its time for War  Games

Tenay: Two Rings surrounded by a Giant Cage. The only way to win is via submission

Madden: Two men start out and then a Coin Flip takes place with one side getting the upper hand for two minutes and the sides switch sides until all men are in the ring

Tony: The Match can not end until all the periods have went up and the winning team Captain in this match will be granted a WCW World Heavyweight Championship Shot at The Royal Rumble so without further ado

Penser: The Following Contest is WAR GAMES!!!(Crowd Goes Nuts). The Only Team way to win is via submission and the winning Team Captain will be granted a Royal Rumble WCW World Heavyweight Championship Shot(Crowd Cheers)

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st Representing The S.C. weighing in at 240 Pounds, from Calgary Alberta, Canada. Lance Storm

Tenay: Here comes Lance Storm who is the first S.C. member

Madden: Whoever starts this match out has to go the longest

"Eye of the Hurricane" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, weighing in at 191 Pounds, From Raleigh, North Carolina, The Hurricane

Tony: I have learned that Chris Walker is apparantly in the gorrila position for his team now so he isn't streaking anymore

Tenay: We have also learned that the S.C. has a replacement for Edge

War Games: The S.C. vs Team Kane
Lance Storm and The Hurricane are both inside the cage as the bell sounds. Lance Storm is in ring #2 while The Hurricane is in ring #1 and both guys are talking trash to one another as Lance Storm finally goes after The Hurricane. The Hurricane catches Lance coming into the ring and The Hurricane delivers a few forarm shots to Storm. The Hurricane then whips Storm into the corner and charges in but is met with a big boot by Lance. Lance Storm then delives a big clothesline taking down The Hurricane. Lance Storm then picks up The Hurricane and whips him off the ropes but The Hurricane hits a big lariet on STorm. The Hurricane then goes up top and comes off hitting a big crossbody on Lance Storm but Hurricane realizes this isnt pinfall. The Hurricane then picks up Lance Storm and sends him over the ropes in between the rings. The Hurricane then goes between the area as well but Lance Storm lowblows The Hurricane and Lance Storm shoves Hurricane down and Lance Storm then starts to choke Hurricane by driving his foot into Hurricane's throat and Hurricane's head is between the two rings. Lance Storm then gets off The Hurricane and picks him up and Lance Storm sends Hurricane into ring #2. Lance Storm then gets into the ring and Lance Storm picks up Hurricane and Lance Storm smiles as he tries to ram Hurricane into the cage but Hurricane blocks and Hurricane elbow's STorm in the gut and Hurricane grabs Storm and rams Storm's face into the cage and then starts to grind Lance's head into the cage until Storm kicks Hurricane down. Lance Storm is grabbing his head as Hurricane comes in again but Lance Storm delivers a drop toe hold on Hurricane driving Hurricane's throat into the ropes. The Hurricane is grabbing his throat as Lance STorm gets back up and Lance Storm picks up The Hurricane and Storm delivers a few elbow shots to the lower back of the Hurricane before delivering a big russian leg sweep on Hurricane. Lance Storm then goes for the Sharpshooter but Hurricane kicks him back as The One Minute Warning goes up for the first period. The Hurriacane and Lance Storm both get back up and lock up wiht STorm getting a headlock but Hurricane sends Storm off the ropes and Hurricane hits a big dropkcik on Lance Storm. The Hurriacne then gets back up quickly and connects with the Shinning Wizard on Lance Storm as The Buzzer Sounds.

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: Now making his way to the ring, The Leader of the S.C. Christian

Madden: Here comes the King of Canada

Tenay: This is not good for Hurricane

The Hurricane see's Christian coming and The Hurricane waits by the door as Christian starts to come in and THe Hurricane delviers a few shots to Christian and The Hurricane grabs Christian by the head and rams him back into the cage. The Hurricane then pulls Christian into the ring and The Hurricane goes up top and The Hurricane comes off looking for another crossbody but Chrsitian ducked. Christian then waits for Hurricane to get back up and Christian kicks the leg out from under Hurricane. Christian then pounds away at Hurricane as Lance Storm gets back up and Lance Storm picks up Hurricane and holds him as Christian kicks away at his ribs. Christian then grabs Hurricane and sets him up as the one minute warning goes up. Christian is about to deliver the Unprettier but Hurricane ends up picking Christian and has him ready for the Vertebreaker but Lance Storm kicks Hurricane in the guts several times and Lance Storm then whips Hurricane into the corner after Christian was dropped. Lance Storm charges in but Hurricane meets him with a big boot and Hurricane then backs up to the top and Hurricane comes off hitting a double cothesline taking down both Christian & Lance Storm. Hurricane gets back up and Hurricane grabs Christian by the throat and then Lance Storm and is about to double chokeslam them but Christian and storm both kick Hurricane in the gut and they double suplex Hurricane sending Hurricane in between the two rings. The Buzzer Expires though

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: The Next Entry, Chris Walker!!!!!!!!!!!

Tenay: Here comes Chris Walker!!!

Madden: At least he got clothes on

Chris Walker runs to the ring and gets into the cage as Christian & Lance Storm are waiting as in Ring #2 for him and Chris Walker tells Lance & Christian he isnt coming as he helps Hurricane into the same ring as them and Lance Storm and Christian turn there backs to Chris Walker to gloat that he is afraid when Chris Walker backs up and charges over the ropes crashing from ring #1 into #2 taking down both Christian & Lance STorm after they turned around. Chris Walker pounds away at Lance Storm and and also on Christian as Chris grabs Lance and Chris sends Lance into the cage hard and Chris then backdrops Lance into Christian. Chris Walker then picks up Christian and whips him into the corner and Chris Walker clotheslines Christian down in the corner. Chris Walker then pulls his tights down and Chris backs up and delivers a Streakface to Christian!!!! Lance Storm tries to save Christian but Chris Walker ends up tripping lance between the ropes and Chris then takes the trunks off all together and Chris then goes between the ropes kicking STorm in the face and Chris Walker then springs up on the ropes and delivers the Face Full of panCAKE's to Lance STorm. Christian goes to hit Chris Walker but Chris Walker ends tripping Christian between the ropes and Chris Walker ends up doing the same thing to Christian and giving him a Face full panCAKE's!! Christian and Lance STorm are both freaked out and trying to get out of the cage to throw up as Chris Walker puts his tights back on and Chris Walker is about to go after them when the Buzzer Expires

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: The Next Entry, Representing The S.C., Tyson Tomko

Madden: Tyson Tomko is replacing Edge!!

Tenay: The WCW Hardcore Champion is stepping into War Games

Tyson Tomko gets into the cage as The Hurricane is back up and The Hurricane goes to hit Tyson coming in but Tyson knocks Hurricane down with a right hand as Chris Walker comes back into the first ring and Chris attacks Tyson as both men exchange right hands and Tyson kicks Chris in the gut and sends him into the corner and goes to hit him but Chris kicks him in the gut and Chris then slams Tyson's head off the turnbuckle several times and Chris Walker then whips Tyson off the ropes and delivers a big backdrop on him. Christian and Lance Storm finally re-enter the first ring and both men attack Chris Walker from behind as Lance Storm and Christian shove Chris into the corner and both men take turns at kicking away at him as Tyson Tomko lays out The Hurricane with a big boot. All three men now are putting the boots to Chris Walker in the corner as the Next Buzzer Sounds

"Slow Chemical" hits as pyro explodes as Kane makes his way to the ring as the crowd cheers

Penser: Making his way to the ring, Kane


Madden: S.C. WATCH OUT

Kane gets into the ring as The S.C. all head over back into ring #2 and all three go after him as Kane hits a big thrust knocking down Christian and right hand knocking Tyson back and Kane then knocks down Lance Storm with a right hand and Kane hits a clothesline on Tyson knocking him down. Christian gets back up and walks right into a Chokeslam from Kane and Kane then grabs Lance Storm and does the same thing to him and Tyson Tomko is also on the recieveing end of a Chokeslam. The Hurricane and Chris Walker are both getting back up as they get into Ring #2 and Chris Walker gets Lance Storm in the corner and works him over as does Hurricane with Tyson and Kane with Christian. This goes on until the Next Buzzer Sounds

"This is a Test" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: Finally making his way to the ring, Representing The S.C., Test

Tony: The Final S.C. member

Madden: Test owns Kane

Test slowly makes his way near the cage door as Kane makes his way back over near Test but Test starts up the steps into the ring but Test turns around shakes his head and Test walks away from the ring. Kane then goes outside the ropes and is about to exit when Test runs up and slams the cage door on Kane's head as Kane falls back into the ring and is grabbing his head as Test is gloating as Hurricane & Chris Walker come rushing to check on him. Test then walks around to the other side of the ring and gets in through there and Test gets in quickly as Christian, Lance Storm, & Tyson all regroup as they go into the first ring and attack Chris Walker & Hurricane. Test & Christian meanwhile put the boots to Kane. Tyson Tomko shoves Hurricane in the corner and Tyson delivers several knees to the guts of Hurricane as Lance Storm works over Chris Walker as the Final Buzzer Sounds

"St. Anger" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Finally, Mikey G

Tony: Here comes the final member of the team

:Bret Hart comes out pushing a stretcher which has Mikey G on it and Bret Hart shoves it into the side of the cage and unhooks Mikey G and drags him towards the cage and shoves him in:

Christian quickly puts the boots to the bloody Mikey G as Test shoves Christian away and Test then locks in a Camal clutch on Mikey G but Christian shoves Test off him and Test and Christian get in each other's faces as Tyson gets in between the two men. Lance Storm then grabs Mikey G and locks in the Maple Leaf as Referee Nick Patrick has no choice and calls for the bell
Winners: Christian, Test, Lance Storm, & Tyson Tomko

Penser: Your winners, Christian, Test, Lance Storm, & Tyson Tomko

Tenay: The S.C. has done it but Mikey G was already injured

Madden: I guess The S.C. Found Mikey backstage before the match

Tony: I think the turning point was before that when Test suckered Kane into the door and slammed it shut on Kane's head. Kane was taken out from that shot

:The S.C. continues to work over Kane, Chris Walker, Hurricane, & Mikey G as the Cage raises up:

Tenay: Somebody needs to get out here and stop this because you got 6 guys attacking four here

"Real American" hits as the Crowd Erupts



Madden: Oh No

:Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring as Petey Williams & Bret Hart go out to the floor and try to get the upper hand but Hogan knocks down Petey with a big right hand then one to Bret Hart as Hogan gets up on the apron and Hogan knocks down Lance Storm as he gets into the ring, Tyson Tomko goes for a Big Boot but Hogan ducks and Hogan then clotheslines Tyson over the top to the floor. Christian tells Test to get him but Test shoves Christian into a Hogan right hand as Test leaves the ring and Hogan whips Christian off the ropes and Hogan hits a Big Boot knocking down CHristian and Hogan bounces off the ropes and drops a Big Leg Drop on Christian and Hogan covers him as the Crowd Chants 1---2--3. Hogan then gets off Christian as Lance and Tyson pull him out to the floor as The S.C. retreats away as Hulk Hogan checks on Mikey G as Hurricane and Chris Walker get back up and Kane sits back up like nothing happened and Kane tells the S.C. to come back:



Tony: Hulk Hogan just came out here and cleared out the S.C. but there is some problems in the S.C. with Christian and Test I think

Madden: Just the heat of the moment guys

Tony: Mikey G is being tended to thankfully and I think Kane is just fine

:Promo for Friday Night Main Event:

JR: Well I am shocked to see Hulk Hogan's return

King: Thank god he isnt on Smackdown!

JR: I would have loved to seen Hulk Hogan here on Smackdown! but up next is The SCWE Women's Xtreme 10 Minute Inviational


Howard: The Following Contest is a Special 10 Minute Invitational for the SCWE Women's Xtreme Championship

"Wild Cat" hits, Crowd Boo's

Howard: The first two participants, From Jacksonville, Florida, Sable and Alexandria Michaels

"Hotel" hits, Crowd Cheers

Howard: The Next Participant, From Knoxville, Tennessee, Brish Cena

"RPM" hits, Crowd Cheers

Howard: The Fourth Participant, From Tacoma, Washington, Cynthia Diamond

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Howard: Finally, From Los Angelos, California, The SCWE Women's Xtreme Champion, Stacy Mason

JR: This is going to be a great match I think

SCWE Women's Xtreme Championship: 10 Minute Invitational: Stacy Mason(C) vs Brish Cena vs Cynthia Diamond vs Sable vs Alexandria Michaels
The bell rings and everybody is surrounding Stacy. Stacy is challenging them to fight to her and Brish goes to hit her but Stacy punches her across the face but Alexandria Michaels jumps on her back and takes her down. Sable & Cynthia also get into it as Cynthia begins to punch her in the face. Brish pulls Alex off of Stacy and throws her away. Then she picks up Stacy and delivers a DDT. She goes outside the ring and she comes back with a trash can lid. She hits first Cynthia off the head, then Sable but Alex dropkicks her down. Alex picks up the trash can lid and hits Stacy over the head with it. Then she covers Stacy 1.......2......Stacy kicks out. Alex goes outside the ring and she searches under the ring and comes up with a lead pipe. Sable and Cynthia are both back up now and Cynthia clotheslines Sable right into Alex who is on the ring apron and Sable falls on her causing her to drop the pipe. Cynthia knocks down Brish and delivers the Diamond Buffer to Stacy Mason and she covers Stacy 1.......2......3. Cynthia Diamond has won the title. Cynthia Diamond is the new Champion as she begins to retreat to the back with Brish in pursuit. Cynthia disappears behind the curtain and she waits for Brish and as Brish enters the backstage area Cynthia takes her out. Cynthia keeps walking but Alexandria and Cynthia enter the scene and deliver a double clothesline to her. Sable goes to cover Cynthia but Alex pulls her off and this causes Sable to deliver a huge right hand and she throws Alex right into Brish. Sable covers Cynthia 1......2......Cynthia kicks out. There is now 5 minutes remaining as Stacy Mason enters in. She throws Sable out of the way and bashes Cynthia's head against a nearby car. She is about to cover when Brish trips Stacy down and covers Cynthia for the 1.........2.......3. Brish Cena has won the title. Brish gets up proud of herself but she turns around and Alex jumps off a car delivering a huge crossbody and she hooks the leg, 1.........2.......Brish kicks out. Stacy tries at a chick kick but Brish ducks and spears Stacy down. She begins to pound away at her when Sable gets up and throws Brish off of Stacy and covers Brish but can't even get a 1. Alex comes over to help Sable out but instead sucker punches her in the gut and throws her head first into the wall. Alex picks up Brish and delivers a DDT to her onto the concrete floor. She goes to cover but Cynthia kicks her and covers, 1..........2.......3. Cynthia Diamond has won the title. Cynthia is once again the champion with 2 1/2 minutes remaining. Cynthia grabs the title and walks away with Stacy and Alex following. Alex shoves Stacy out of the way which mkes Stacy mad and Stacy delivers a Fisherman's Suplex. She goes into the other room where the room fills with smoke from a fire extinguisher. Stacy is whiping her eyes as Cynthia appears and knocks her over the head with the fire extinguisher. Brish unnoticingly walks into the room though and pushes Cynthia into the brick wall. Then Brish picks her up and delivers the Brish Bomb and covers for the 1.......2......3. Brish Cena has won the title. 30 seconds now remain as Sable quickly tries to take Brish out but Brish ducks and throws Sable on to the couch. Brish jumps on with her and they are fighting but Brish throws her from the couch and she goes crashing through the glass coffee table. 10 seconds left as Brish gets up but when she turns around Stacy Mason is on the bookshelf and Stacy delivers the Broken Dreams taking Brish out and covers for the 1...........2.......3 as time expires.
Winner: Stacy Mason(SCWE Women's Xtreme)

Howard: Your winner and New SCWE Women's Xtreme Champion, Stacy Mason

JR: Stacy Mason walked into this match champion and she is leaving as champion

King: Yeah but Brish Cena and Cynthia Diamond both had two title runs with the belt before Stacy Mason finally got it back


:Kurt Angle, Charlie Haas, & Stevie Richards are shown leaving Scott Hill's Office:

:Another Area Backstage:

:Raven is shown destroying things in a Locker Room over what happened to Shay earlier in the night when The Love Machine bursts into the room and attacks Raven. The Love Machine and Raven start to go at it until The Love Machine maces Raven in the face and The Love Machine then hits Raven in the back of the head with a Slap Jack. The Love Machine smiles as tells Raven that Smackdown! is his show and he just started to make sure everyone takes note of it:

:Video Package Airs announcing Stacy Keibler, Fake Steph, Dark Marine, JWin, and Sting have all be signed to Return for the Royal Rumble:

 Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 9:20 PM

Tony: How about that. Sting is coming back

Tenay: No word on what Brand he will be working for but Sting is returning for the Royal Rumble and thats huge

Madden: Yeah big deal

Tenay: I just got word that a big match has been signed for tomarrow's Nitro. It will see WCW Tag Team Champions Test and Christian defending those titles against The team of Chris Walker and The Hurricane

Tony: Plus I got word that Hulk Hogan is officially back now

Madden: Great.....

Penser: The Following Contest is a Over The Top Rope Battle Royal where the winner will be granted a WCW Television Championship Shot on Tomarrow Night's Nitro

"Falling" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, weighing in at 243 Pounds, From Las Vegas, Nevada, Chris Corruption

"It's all About the Benjmains" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The Second Particpant, From Orangeburg, South Carolina weighing in at 245 Pounds, Shelton Benjamin

"My Sacrafise" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The Third Participant, From Detroit, Michigan weighing in at 246 Pounds, The Mauler

"Figure 09" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser:The Fourth Participant, From Chicago, Illionis weighing in at 215 Pounds, Damien Rage

"Hitman" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: The Fifth Participant, From Calgary Alberta, Canada weighing in at 245 Pounds, Bret "Hitman" Hart

"Bombshell" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The Sixth and Seventh Participants, From New York, New York, Bubba Ray & D-Von, The Dudley Boys

"Home" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The Eight Participant, From Denver, Colardo weighing in at 185 Pounds, Jerome Morris

"Shoot to Thrill" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The Ninth Participant, From Knoxville, Tennessee, weighing in at 241 Pounds, Brandon

"Invasion" hits as Crowd Chants Goldberg

Penser: The Final Participant, From Atlanta, Georgia weighing in at 283 Pounds, Goldberg

Tony: This match is going to be great

Madden: My money is on Jerome Morris

Tenay: Goldberg is my pick

Tony: I would have to say Damien Rage in the upset

#1 Contender's Battle Royal: Shelton Benjamin vs Goldberg vs Bubba Ray Dudley vs D-Von Dudley vs Bret Hart vs Brandon vs The Mauler vs Chris Corruption vs Jerome Morris vs Damien Rage
All 10 men look around as the bell officially sounds. The Dudley's attack Shelton Benjamin as Brandon attacks Jerome Morris while Damien Rage & Bret Hart get into a fight. Goldberg & the Mauler both attack Chris Corruption double teaming him in a corner. Shelton Benjamin knocks down D-Von Dudley but Bubba ray Dudley clotheslines Shelton Benjamin into the corner and Bubba then tries to get Shelton out but Shelton chops Bubba in the head but Goldberg then waits and Goldberg charges and spears Bubba Ray Dudley. Goldberg then picks up Bubba Ray Dudley and delivers The Jackhammer on him. D-Von Dudley attacks Goldberg and goes to throw him out but Goldberg reverses sending D-Von Dudley over the top to the floor. D-Von Dudley has been eliminated. Goldberg then catches Shelton Benjamin with a big spinebuster. Goldberg gets back up but gets hit from Damien Rage and Bret Hart. Both men back Goldberg into the corner and start to double team him as The Mauler comes over and Mauler hits bret Hart and Damien Rage. Chris Corruption is able to get free and he attacks Brandon as Chris and Jerome now work together working over Brandon. Shelton Benjamin gets back up and Shelton Benjamin hits Goldberg again and gets Goldberg into the ropes and is trying to dump him out but Mauler saves Goldberg again but Bubba Ray Dudley comes charging and clotheslines Mauler over the top to the floor. The Mauler has been eliminted. Bubba Ray Dudley is gloating over that elimination when Shelton Benjamin goes to clothesline Bubba over but Bubba ends up backdroping Shelton over. Shelton Benjamin has been eliminated. Bubba Ray then hits a big elbow knocking down Goldberg. Bret Hart, Damien Rage, & Bubba Ray Dudley then make an agreement and all three men attack Goldberg as Jerome Morris & Chris Corruption soon join in on the five on one attack. The Five Men then get Goldberg over the top but Goldberg is still hanging on but Brandon comes over and kicks him out. Goldberg has been eliminated. Chris Corruption then dumps Jerome Morris over the top but Jerome Morris holds on and pulls himself back in as Corruption and Brandon start to go at it. Bret Hart & Damien Rage start to double team Bubba Ray Dudley as Jerome Morris gets back up and Jerome hits Corruption from behind and Jerome Morris then sends Corruption over the top to the floor and Jerome tells him to piss off. Chris Corruption has been eliminated. Jerome though turns around after tossing Corruption out and gets hit with the Rush from Brandon. Bubba Ray Dudley is still fighting for his life as Bubba ends up biting Damien Rage down and Brandon attacks Bret Hart and Brandon sends Bret Hart over the top to the floor. Bret Hart has been eliminated. Brandon then ends up clothesline Bubba Ray Dudley over the top to the floor. Bubba Ray Dudley has been eliminated. Damien Rage gets away as Brandon is on a roll as Jerome Morris gets back up and looks at Damien and Brandon. Damien & Jerome both go to attack Brandon but Brandon knocks down Jerome with a right hand and then a kick to the gut of Damien and brandon grabs Damien Rage and sends him into the ropes and Brandon hits a big powerslam on him. Brandon gets up though and walks into a cocky cutter. Jerome Morris is gloating as Damien Rage gets back up and hits the Raging Effects on JErome. Damien Rage then picks up Jerome Morris and goes to send him out but Jerome ends up holding on for dear life and Damien is trying to get him out when brandon gets up and Brandon dumps Damien Rage over the top unsuspectingly. Damien Rage has been eliminated. Jerome Morris gets back into the ring but Brandon picks him up and sends him back over but Jerome is trying to skin the cat but Brandon backs up and hits the Rush into the back of Jerome causing Jerome to hit the floor.
Winner: Brandon

Penser: Your winner, Brandon

Tony: Brandon who was making his return to  the ring just earned a WCW TV Title Shot tomarrow night on Nitro against Shantell Angle

Madden: Lucky guy

Tenay: I must say a great showing here by Bubba Ray Dudley, Bret Hart, Damien Rage, and Jerome Morris even though they did not win

"Holla If Ya Hear Me" hits as The Crowd is shocked

Tenay: Guys that's....

Madden: Big Poppa Pump's Music

:On the Armageddon Vision it says January 16th 2005...The Genetic Freaks Return....Holla If Ya Hear Us:

Tony: Scott Steiner and his freaks must returning for The Royal Rumble

Tenay: Yet another few Royal Rumble Entry's

:Video Promo for Jackie Gayda vs Scarlett:

Tony: Well up next we are going to see two diva's taking on each other in a #1  Contender's Match

Tenay: Jackie Gayda and Scarlett both have the chance to go to the Royal Rumble and face the WCW Women's Champion whoever it may be

Penser: The Following Contest is a #1 Contender's Match for the WCW Women's Championship

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring from London, England being accumpied to the ring by Twister X, Scarlett

Tenay: Scarlett was a two time SCWE Women's Champion and has looked great in WCW Thus far

"The Way You Move" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Her opponent, From Chattanooga Falls, Ohio, Jackie Gayda

Tenay: Jackie Gayda has also held the SCWE Women's Championship before not to meantion being a two time WCW Women's RAWCore Champion and a SCWE Women's RAWCore Champion

Tony: This should be a good match

#1 Contender's Match: Jackie Gayda vs Scarlett W/Twister X
The Bell Sounds as both diva's shake hands before locking up with Scarlett locking in a headlock and Scarlett then flips Jackie over to the mat taking her down. Scarlett applies pressure as Jackie reaches up and grabs Scarlett's head and pulls it down as Jackie locks her legs around Scarlett but Scarlett quickly gets out of the hold. Both people get back up to there feet and the two ladies then lock up again with Jackie shoving Scarlett into the corner. Jackie and Scarlett then lock up again and Jackie backs Scarlett into the corner and Jackie lets Scarlett up and Jackie delivers several chops to the chest of Scarlett. Jackie then grabs Scarlett and hip tosses her down. Jackie then clotheslines Scarlett down again. Jackie picks up Scarlett and whips her off the ropes and Jackie hits a big backdrop on her. Jackie then waits for Scarlett to get up and Jackie dropkicks Scarelett down again as Scarlett rolls out to the floor to regroup. Twister X is telling Scarlett something when Jackie Gayda hits a baseball slide into the back of Scarlett knocking her into Twister X. Jackie Gayda then gets on the floor and Jackie grabs Scarlett and Jackie rolls Scarlett back into the ring and Jackie Gayda goes to get back in but Twister X grabs her foot and Jackie turns around and kicks Twister in the face but Scarlett is back up and hits the Scarlett kiss on Jackie as she was getting back into the ring knocking Jackie back out to the floor. Jackie Gayda is out cold as Scarlett rolls out to the floor and picks up Jackie and rolls her back into the ring. Scarlett then gets back into the ring and pulls Jackie into position and Scarlett goes up top and goes for a Split Leg Moonsault but Jackie moves out of the way somehow. Both diva's are down as Referee Mike Posey starts a 10 Count. 1--2--3--4--5--6--7--Both ladies start to move--8---9-Both ladies some how get back up and Jackie and Scarlett both start to exchange right hands back and forth. Jackie then gets hit in the gut by Scarlett who goes for the Scarlett Stunner but Jackie ends up countering into a backslide pin for the 1---2---3 as Scarlett and Twister X are both stunned by it.
Winner: Jackie Gayda

Penser: Your winner, Jackie Gayda

Tenay: Jackie Gayda is going to the Royal Rumble to face the Women's Champion

Tony: Jackie Gayda countered the Stunner into a backslide and got the 3

Madden: Scarlett is shocked and so am I

:Video Preview for WCW World Championship Match:

Tony: Well its time for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Madden: Randy Orton finally becomes World Champion tonight

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship(Crowd Goes Nuts)

"I get around" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, The Challenger, Being accumpied to the ring by Stephanie McMahon, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

Tenay: Here comes Randy Orton who is trying to achieve his "destiny" tonight

Madden: Darn it Stephanie is dressed

Tony: Stephanie McMahon was streaking apparantly before although thanks to our camera crews not being too good backstage nobody got a good shot of anything

"Tough Enough Theme" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: His opponent, From Charleston, Viriginia weighing in at 220 Pounds, He is the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Maven!!

Tony: Maven has been SCWE World Champion and has done very good as WCW World Champion

Madden: Maven is just the sacrafise for Randy Orton to beat

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Maven(C) vs Randy Orton W/Stephanie McMahon
Referee Nick Patrick holds up the WCW World Title as both Orton and Maven are face to face and Orton is talking all kinds of trash and Orton then slaps Maven across the face and Orton smirks as Maven then opens up on Orton with rights and lefts backing Orton up into hte ropes and Maven then clotheslines Orton over the top to the floor. Randy Orton is not happy as Stephanie McMahon tries to calm him down. Maven though goes up top and Maven leaps down but Orton shoves Stephanie in the way as Maven takes out Stephanie McMahon. Orton then attacks Maven with right hands and Orton grabs Maven and rams him head first into the ring post and then sends him crashing into the steel steps. Orton looks over to Stephanie who is still down and Orton shrugs as he goes to work on Maven kicking away at him. ORton then pciks up Maven and rolls him into the ring. Randy Orton goes up top and Orton connects with a cross body as soon as Maven gets up but Maven ends up rolling on top of Orton for a 1---2--2.9-kick out. Orton rolls out to the floor after the near fall and Orton seems to be catching his composure and Orton then gets back into the ring as he and Maven lock up with Orton locking in a headlock but Maven sends Orton off the ropes and Maven jumps down as Orton goes over top and Maven then gets back up and ends up going for a hip toss but Orton blocks and Orton ends up grabing Maven and driving him back into his knee. Maven is grabbing his neck as Orton is gloating and Orton then drops a knee to the face of Maven and Orton drives the knee into the throat of Maven as Nick Patrick starts to count 1-2-3-4-ORton stops and then does it again 1-2-3-4-Orton stops again as Nick Patrick threatens to DQ him. Randy Orton then gets back up to his feet and is calling for an RKO as Maven gets up. Orton grabs Maven and goes for the RKO but Maven ends up grabbing ORton and backdroping him. Maven then gets back up as does Orton and both men start to exchange chops but Maven gets the upper hand delivers a boot to the gut of Orton and Maven then DDT's Orton. Maven gets back up and then delivers a dropkick on Orton knocking him back down. Orton rolls out to the floor again and Orton then goes over and checks on Stephanie McMahon who is getting back up. Maven though comes outside and Maven attacks Orton from behind and Maven then slams Orton's face off the guard rail and Maven then goes to do it again but Orton does a mule kick to Maven and Orton turns around and hits a big upper cut on Maven and Orton then rolls Maven back into the ring. Orton then goes up top again and Orton goes for a missile dropkick but Maven moves as Orton wipes out. Maven then gets back up and Maven kicks Orton in the gut and Maven hits a RKO!!! Maven then goes up top and waits as Orton is getting back up and Maven goes for a missile dropkick but Orton saw it coming and pulled Nick Patrick in the way as Maven took him out. Orton then connects with an RKO as Maven got back up. Orton though realizes Nick Patrick is laid out as Stephanie McMahon slides in a Steel Chair when "Line in the Sand" hits as Evolution X makes there way out to the ring. Stephanie McMahon quickly gets onto the other side of the ring as Randy Orton is smiling as Triple H starts to clap as he and E-X get into the ring. Triple H walks up to Orton and hugs him as Matt & Jason Walker start to put the boots to Maven and pick him up as Matt Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Maven. They then pick him up again as Ryan Cage hits his own RKO on Maven. Kelli Helmsley slides the WCW world title into the ring as Triple H picks it up and puts it around Randy's waste and tells him that he is going to be champion very soon but Triple H tells Randy he wants to do a Pedigree and RAndy tells him it would be an honor to see a Pedigree when Triple H then kicks Maven who is being held and The Game hits a Pedigree. Triple H tells Orton to cover but Matt Hardy & Matt Walker then attack Orton from behind. Jason Walker, Ryan Cage, Matt Walker, & Matt Hardy are all putting the boots to Orton as Kelli Helmsley, Lindsay Stratus, Mallory Maddox, & Julianne Angle attack Stephanie McMahon. The Four Male E-X members then hold Orton as Triple H tells him that this wasnt going to happen until she opened her mouth as Triple H points to Stephanie and Triple H then kicks Orton in the gut and delivers a Pedigree onto the Steel Chair. Matt Hardy and Matt Walker then put Maven onto the now busted open Orton as E-X gets out of the ring as Jason Walker wakes up Nick Patrick to make the 1-----------2------------3.
Winner: Maven

Penser: Your winner and still WCW World Heavyweight Champion Maven

Madden: I am in shock

Tenay: Evolution X just struck and boy did they strike

Madden: Randy Orton was going to be WCW World Champion but Randy's own hero just turned his back and screwed him over

Tony: You could hear Triple H say it was Stephanie's fault and we know Stephanie did threaten E-X to stay away from Randy

:Video Preview for WCW Women's Championship Match:

 Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 9:21 PM

Tony: I am still shocked at what we just saw

Tenay: Me too but

Madden: Stephanie McMahon in a sense by opening her mouth to E-X pissed them off and boy did Randy Orton pay. His dreams of being WCW World Champion were dashed

Penser: The WCW Main Event of Armageddon is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Women's Championship(Crowd Cheers)

Tenay: Here we go guys

"Time To Rock N Roll" hits, Crowd Chants USA

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, Being accumpied by The "Problem Solver" Tyson Tomko, She is representing The S.C., She is the WCW Women's Champion, Trish Stratus!!!

Madden: Some Stratusfaction is always guranteed

Tenay: Trish Stratus has been very dominant since regaining the WCW Women's Title

"Strip Tease" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Her opponent, Making her Return, From Brookly, New York, Dawn Marie!!!

Tenay: Dawn Marie is the original KSCWE Diva and is a former 3x SCWE Women's Champion and is a former WCW Women's Champion

Madden: This my friends is goign to be a great match

WCW Women's Championship: Trish Stratus(C) W/Tyson Tomko vs Dawn Marie
Referee Charles Robinson holds up the WCW Women's Championship as both Dawn and Trish look at it and Trish slaps Dawn across the face and Trish then shoves Dawn back into the ropes but Dawn responds with a slap of her own to trish and Dawn then picks up Trish and drops her down and Dawn gets on top of Trish and is pounding away at her and bangs her head off the mat several times before picking Trish up and Dawn then hair tosses Trish down to the mat. Trish then gets back up as Dawn charges and Dawn hits a swinging neckbreaker on Trish. Dawn then covers Trish for a 1 count. Dawn Marie then waits as Trish gets back up and Dawn hits several chops and then grabs Trish and Dawn delivers a snap suplex on her. Trish gets back up grabbing her back as Dawn then kicks Trish in the gut and Dawn picks up Trish looking for the Devine valley driver but Trish gets out of it and Trish then connects with a Chick kick to Dawn. Trish then covers Dawn for a 1--2--kick out. Trish Stratus then picks up Dawn and Trish whips Dawn into the corner and Trish hits several side kicks to the ribs of Dawn before Trish puts Dawn up top and Trish backs up and then charges in and goes for the Stratusphere and Trish hits it. Trish then gets back up as Dawn is slow to get and Trish waits and Trish goes for another Chick Kick but Dawn ducks and Dawn grabs Trish and Dawn hits the Devine Valley Driver on Trish. Dawn then covers Trish for the 1---2---2.9-Trish gets her shoulder up. Dawn can't believe it and Dawn then picks up Trish again and is about to hit another Devine Valley Driver but Tyson Tomko gets on the apron destracting the referee as Christian hits the ring and Christian hits Dawn Marie!! Lance Storm, Petey Williams, & Bret Hart also come out to the ring as Christian picks up Dawn and hits the Unprettier on her down hard as Tyson gets off the apron and Christian rolls out to the floor. Trish Stratus then covers Dawn Marie for a 1---2--"Eye of The Tiger" then hits over the PA as Charles Robinson stops counting to see what is going on and Trish gets off Dawn. Much to everyone's suprise. Hulk Hogan, Chris Walker, Rico, & The Hurricane make there way to the ring as The S.C. moves to the other side of the ring.

Tenay: Hulk Hogan is leading members of the WCW Roster to the ring

Madden: This isn't fair

Tony: It isn't fair that the S.C. is trying to help Trish

Trish Stratus is complaining to Charles Robinson to get rid of everyone but Charles Robinson refuses as Dawn Marie then grabs Trish and rolls her up for a 1---2--2.9-kick out. Trish gets back up and Dawn grabs her and sets her up for the Devine Valley Driver but Trish escapes and kicks Dawn in the gut and Trish goes for the Stratusfaction but Dawn shoves Trish into the corner and Dawn then grabs Trish and hits the Devine Valley Driver again. Dawn covers Trish for the 1---2--2.9-Christian yanks Dawn off Trish. This causes Hogan, Walker, Hurricane, & Rico to attack The S.C. on the floor as them end up getting into Ring #2 and brawling. Tyson Tomko though is the only guy not fighting with anyone as Charles Robinson is trying to restore order but Tyson gets into the ring and Tyson takes out Dawn with a big boot to the face but Maven then hits the ring and Maven ends up hitting a big cltohesline on Tomko knocking him over the top to the area between the two rings as Charles Robinson calls for the bell.
No Contest

Tony: This match has just been thrown out

Tenay: That is the best decision because all hell has just broken loose

:Tara Rayge hits the ring and attacks Dawn Marie as she was getting up which brings out Jackie Gayda who attacks Tara and Trish. All hell has broken loose as everyone is brawling as several referee's come out. Chris Walker and The Hurricane both hit clotheslines knocking Lance Storm and Bret Hart out to the floor and Rico hits a clothesline on Petey sending him over the top to the floor. Dawn Marie clotheslines Tara Rayge over the top to the floor while Jackie does the same to Trish Stratus. Maven clotheslines Tyson Tomko out to the floor and Hogan opens up on Christian and whips him off the ropes but Lance Storm pulls him out to the floor saving him from another big boot as The S.C. retreats again:

Madden: This is not right

Tenay: The S.C. is retreating again

:Hulk Hogan is about to leave when Maven, Chris Walker, Rico, & Hurricane stop him as Dawn Marie, Jackie Gayda, & Torrie Wilson who had just come to the ring get into Ring #2 as well and Chris Walker and Maven signal for something as "Real American" hits as Hulk Hogan gets back into the ring and rips off his shirt and starts to pose but Hogan then tells everyone else to join as Maven, Rico, Chris Walker, & Hurricane join in with the posing as The Crowd Goes Nuts:

Tony: Guys Its official. Hulkamania is back and its Running Wild all over again

Madden: This is sickening

Tenay: I think its great Mark, Look at this. You got five great WCW Superstars all having a great time and The Locker Room seems to have finally united to combat the S.C.

Tony: Well thats it from us. We hope you have enjoyed the WCW Portion of Armageddon and we will see you tomarrow Night for Nitro

:Promo for The Royal Rumble Airs:

JR: Well King its nearly time for the Big War games Main Event

King: This is going to be great

JR: Well before we get to it lets take a look back at some of the better times in Evolution X

:Video Preview for SCWE War Games Followed by History of E-X Airs with this song playing....

This used to be my playground [used to be]
This used to be my childhood dream
This used to be the place I ran to
Whenever I was in need
Of a friend
Why did it have to end
And why do they always say
Don't look back
Keep your head held high
Don't ask them why
Because life is short
And before you know
You're feeling old
And your heart is breaking
Don't hold on to the past
Well that's too much to ask
Live and learn
Well the years they flew
And we never knew
We were foolish then
We would never tire
And that little fire
Is still alive in me
It will never go away
Can't say goodbye to yesterday [can't say goodbye]
No regrets
But I wish that you
Were here with me
Well then there's hope yet
I can see your face
In our secret place
You're not just a memory
Say goodbye to yesterday [the dream]
Those are words I'll never say [I'll never say]
used to be my playground [used to be]
This used to be our pride and joy
This used to be the place we ran to
That no one in the world could dare destroy
This used to be our playground [used to be]
This used to be our childhood dream
This used to be the place we ran to
I wish you were standing here with me
This used to be our playground [used to be]
This used to be our childhood dream
This used to be the place we ran to
The best things in life are always free
Wishing you were here with me

Howard: The Main Event of Armageddon is WAR GAMES and The SCWE World Heavyweight, SCWE Intercontinental, SCWE Tag Team, SCWE Women's & SCWE Xtreme Championships are on the line as well as the SCWE Contracts of Kurt Angle, Victoria, and Charlie Haas(Crowd Cheers)

JR: Thats a new stipulation King

King: That must have just been added and thats a big stipulation. Nearly every title is on the line

"Man in the Box" hits, Crowd Cheers

Howard: 1st making his way to the ring, From Short Hills, New Jersey weighign in at 237 Pounds, Raven

JR: Raven is the only guy here with nothing to lose really

"Bodies" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Howard: His partners, 1st From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, The Xtreme Champion, Stevie Richards, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, The Sheriff of SCWE, Kurt Angle, and From Edmond, Oklahoma weighing in at 242 Pounds, The "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

King: Well I think it's disgraceful that these guys are wearing E-X gear and using E-X's old music

JR: They have a right since they were E-X

"All The Things She Said" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts but starts to boo

JR: What the hell? Where is Victoria at?

King: I don't know JR but hey at least its her husband right

Howard: There opponents, First being led to the ring by the Owner of KSCWE, Scott Hill, From Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 265 Pounds, The SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H!!!

King: Here comes the Game

:Scott Hill gets a microphone:

Scott Hill: I got some bad news because Victoria is not here(Crowd Boo's) meaning the SCWE Women's Championship will not be on the line and Kelli Helmsley is also out of this match making it a Four on Four War Games Match

King: There is your explantion JR

Mattitude Countdown Starts into "Line in The Sand" hits, Crowd Boo's

XFact: E-X is going to have total control over Charlie Haas and Kurt Angle after tonight

XFact: E-X looks foward to regaining control of the Xtreme title

Howard: His partners, 1st From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighign in at 210 Pounds, The SCWE Intercontinental Champion, The "Real Deal, No Gimmicks Needed" Matt Walker, Plus weighing in at a combined weight of 480 Pounds, The SCWE Tag Team Champions, Matt Hardy Version 1 and The "World's Greatest Wrestler" Ryan Cage!!!

JR: Everyone got something to gain or lose tonight

King: E-X could lose all there gold or Charlie Haas and Kurt Angle could be forced back into E-X as slaves basically

 Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/7/2006 9:21 PM
War Games: SCWE World Heavyweight Championship, SCWE Intercontinental Championship, SCWE Tag Team Championship, SCWE Xtreme Championship: Triple H(C), Matt Walker(C), Matt Hardy V1(C), & Ryan Cage(C) vs Charlie Haas, Kurt Angle, Stevie Richards(C), & Raven
Stevie Richards gets into the cage first as does Ryan Cage. Ryan Cage and Stevie Richards are both in Cage #1 as the bell sounds. Ryan Cage locks up with Stevie Richards as Ryan backs Stevie up into the corner and Ryan knee's stevie in the gut but Stevie then reverses and gets Ryan in the corner and Stevie delivers several big chops to the chest of him. Stevie then hip tosses Ryan down to the mat. Stevie then waits as Ryan gets back up and Stevie hits a big shoulder block on Ryan again knocking him down. Stevie then stomps away at Ryan and drops an elbow on him. Stevie then starts to choke Ryan but Stevie stops and picks up Ryan Cage and then runs with him and rams him into the side of the cage as Ryan bounces off the cage to the mat. Stevie then picks up Ryan again and does the same thing on the opposite side as ryan falls again. Stevie then picks up Ryan and does it to the final side as Ryan is laid out on the mat and seems to be out cold. Three minutes have now passed as only two minutes remain in the intial period as a Referee now does a coin toss as Kurt Angle & Triple H are over there. Triple H starts to smirk as he goes back and tells the Matt's about it. Meanwhile in the ring. Stevie Richards picks up Ryan Cage and starts to grind his face against The Steel as Ryan is busted open already. Stevie then delivers a big Stevie plex on Ryan Cage as the One Minute Warning hits. Stevie Richards then picks up Ryan Cage and takes him into Ring #2 and Stevie sets ryan up in the corner and Stevie delivers the Shattered Dreams to Ryan Cage as The Buzzer sounds. Matt Walker is the next guy into the match as he enters ring #1. Matt Walker goes right into ring #2 as Stevie attacks him coming in and Stevies goes to whip Walker off the ropes but Walker reverses sending Stevie off and Walker then locks in a Sleeper Hold on Stevie on his way back. Stevie is trying to get out but Matt Walker holds on as he gets Stevie down on the mat as Stevie Richards is slowly starting to go to sleep as Ryan Cage is regrouping as the one minute warning sounds. Stevie Richards starts to get a second wind as he delivers an elbow to the gut of Walker as Walker starts to get back up as Stevie delivers several elbows to the gut and whips him off the ropes and Stevie then locks in a sleeper hold but Ryan Cage quickly attacks Stevie. Ryan Cage then grabs Stevie and holds him as Matt Walker delivers several right hands to Stevie as the Buzzer Sounds. Kurt Angle is the next guy into the cage as Kurt Angle delivers a right hand knocking down Matt Walker and then one on Ryan Cage. Matt Walker gets back up and kurt grabs him and delivers a belly 2 belly release suplex and Kurt Angle then gets hit by Ryan Cage but Stevie Richards hits Ryan Cage knocking him back into a corner as Kurt Angle gets Matt Walker in a corner and Angle pounds away on Walker while Stevie does the same thing to Ryan Cage. Stevie Richards then whips Ryan Cage across the ring into another corner as Kurt Angle then pulls Matt Walker out of the corner and whips him into Ryan Cage as Stevie Richards then charges in hitting a big splash onto Walker and Ryan Cage as Matt Walker comes out of the corner into a Kurt Angle belly 2 belly suplex and Stevie Richards backdrops Ryan Cage. Kurt Angle then picks up Matt Walker but Walker lowblows Kurt Angle as Ryan Cage does the same thing to Stevie Richards. Walker and Ryan both deliver a right hand knocking down Angle and Richards as Ryan Cage retreats back into Ring #1 as does Matt Walker as The One Minute Warning Sounds. Stevie Richards is the first guy up and goes over towards ring #1 but Walker cuts him off between the rings and Walker knocks down Richards and Walker gets inbetween the rings and stands on Stevie's head driving it between the rings until Kurt Angle comes over and hits Walker down, Walker then rolls back into ring #1 as Kurt Angle gets in between the rings as Ryan Cage runs over but Angle blocks Ryan and Angle grabs Ryan and Angle suplex's Ryan Cage from ring #1 to Ring #2. The Buzzer Sounds as Matt Hardy V1 is the next guy into the ring. Matt Hardy quickly rushes in and Matt Hardy attacks Kurt Angle who has come into ring #1 and Hardy and Angle start to exchange rights and lefts but Matt Walker attacks Angle as well as Hardy & Walker get Angle into the corner and stomp away at him but Stevie Richards comes over and hits Walker but Ryan Cage returns to ring #1 as well and Ryan Cage throws Stevie back through the ropes and follows him over to #2. Matt Walker & Matt Hardy whip Kurt Angle off the ropes but Kurt hits a double clothesline taking both men down. In Ring #2. Ryan Cage has Stevie Richards in the corner and Ryan Cage is delivering several big chops to him and Ryan Cage then puts stevie up top and climbs up and Ryan Cage delivers a Top Rope Superplex on him as both men are hurting from the move. In Ring #1. Kurt Angle picks up Matt Walker and throws him over the ropes getting him stuck between the ropes and cage and Angle smashes Walker's head back in the cage but Matt Hardy attacks Angle as The One Minute Warning hits. Matt Hardy turns Angle around and Hardy goes for the Side Effect but Angle elbows Hardy in the back of hte head and Angle shoves Haryd into Matt Walker who was coming back into the ring and Angle grabs Hardy and hits a big german suplex and holds on for a second german suplex and then a third german suplex. Kurt Angle then is about to do a 4th but Matt Walker attacks Angle. Matt Walker then grabs Angle and delivers a big DDT on him as The Buzzer Sounds. Raven is the next guy in and Raven comes in and delivers a high knee to the face of Ryan Cage who was getting back up. Raven then picks up Ryan Cage and Raven hits a Evenflow DDT on him. Raven then goes over to ring #1 but Matt Walker attackas him coming in but Raven lowblows Walker and whips him into the corner where Raven charges in driving his knee into the gut of Walker knocking Walker down and Raven backs up and charges in driving his knee to Walker's face and Raven backs up again but Matt Hardy turns Raven around and kicks him in the gut and Hardy goes for a Twist of Fate but Raven delivers a lowblow to Hardy and Raven goes for the Raven effect but Hardy shoves him back into a clubbing blow by Matt Walker. Matt Hardy and Matt Walker then both put the boots to Raven until Kurt Angle starts to get up as Matt Hardy goes to work on Angle while Walker pounds away on Raven and Stevie Richards works over Ryan Cage as the one minute warning hits. Matt Hardy picks up Angle and Hardy goes for a Twist of Fate but Angle grabs Hardy as he is turned around and Angle hits an Angle Slam. Matt Walker then hits Angle but Raven gets back up and attacks Walker as Raven and Angle double team Walker as the buzzer sounds. Triple H comes into the ring as Kurt Angle meets him but The Game delivers a right hand knocking down Angle and Raven goes to hit Triple H but The Game kicks Raven in the gut and Triple H shoves Raven in the corner and The Game pounds away with big right hands on Raven but Stevie Richards comes into ring #1 and charges at Triple H looking for a cheap shot but The Game moves as Stevie hits Ravne knocking him down and The Game then hits a big spinebuster on Richards. Triple H gets up gloating but Angle grabs The game and turns him around and Angle opens up on Triple H but Matt Walker attacks Kurt from behind. Triple H and Matt Walker then whip Kurt off the ropes as Triple H hits a high knee to the face of Kurt Angle as The One Minute warning hits. Triple H then picks up Kurt Angle as Matt Hardy & Matt Walker holds him as The Game kicks him in the gut and Triple H delivers a Pedigree on him. E-X all then headas over to Ring #2 and is waiting for the buzzer to sound which it does as Charlie Haas comes into the ring. Ryan Cage and Matt Hardy attack him coming into the ring and pull him into the ring as all 4 E-X members start to work him over in the corner but Raven comes over itno the ring and Raven charges in and attacks Ryan Cage. Raven and Ryan Cage start to go at it as Stevie Richards comes over as well and attacks Matt Hardy. Richards & Hardy are brawling as Kurt Angle grabs Walker and throws him back into first ring as does Raven with Ryan Cage. Triple H attacks Stevie Richards from behind but that allows Charlie Haas to get up and Charlie pokes The Game in the eyes as he gets up and Charlie turns Triple H around and Charlie hits a big release german suplex. Meanwhile Ryan Cage goes for the RKO but Raven shoves Ryan off the ropes and Raven kicks him in the gut and hits the Evenflow DDT on him. Matt Walker has Angle in position and Walker is about to go for the Pittfall but Angle counters into the Angle Slam and Angle then puts down his straps. Matt Hardy attacks Charlie Haas as Triple H gets up and Triple H looks for the Pedigree but Charlie ends up backdroping Triple H down and hits Hardy back as Stevie Richards turns him around and Stevie connets with the Stevie T on Hardy. Triple H gets backs up and Charlie Haas hits a Angle Slam like move on the game and Charlie then locks in the Haas of Pain as The Game screams out. Meanwhile Kurt Angle locks in the Angle Lock on Matt Walker and Angle falls to the mat and wraps his legs around Walker applying even more pressure and making sure Walker can't move as Stevie Richards locks in a Figure 4 on Matt Hardy and Raven pounds away on Ryan Cage in the corner. Scott Hill is screaming on the floor for them to not tap out as Scott orders the cage door to be opened as Earl Hebner refuses so Scott Hill knocks Earl out cold and is unlocking the door when Triple H taps out.
Winners: Charlie Haas(SCWE World), Kurt Angle(SCWE IC), Stevie Richards & Raven(SCWE Tag)

Howard: Your winners and New SCWE Tag Team Champions, Raven & Stevie Richards, SCWE Intercontinental Champion Kurt Angle and THE NEW SCWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION CHARLIE HAAS


King: This isn't right JR

JR: Charlie Haas has made Triple H tap out and IS THE NEW WORLD CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Evil Empire by god is DEAD but we are out of time. Don't Miss Smackdown This Tuesday because ITS A NEW ERA!!!!! GOOD NIGHT

:The Scene ends with Kurt Angle & Stevie Richards holding Charlie Haas on there shoulders as Charlie Haas holds the SCWE World Title proudly as Jason Walker, Scott Hill, & The Ladies of E-X help the boys to the back:

:Armageddon Goes off the Air:

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