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PPV : No Way Out 2/13/05
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 Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/8/2006 8:33 PM

Results 2/13/05 Live From Toronto, Canada

Promo's for the PPV are shown

Pyro Then Explodes!! as "Detective" plays

Tony: Welcome to SCWE/WCW No Way Out. The Final Pay Per View before Wrestlemania 2

Tenay: The SCWE Announcers are here as well but tonight is going to be a great night

Madden: It sure is and I can't wait for the EYOB Match

Tony: Well lets send things over to the SCWE Side which has the opening match

:Announcer Switch:

JR: We would also like to welcome you to No Way Out and we have several great matches for the SCWE Side

King: We sure do JR and right now we are going to be seeing one of those great matches right now

Miss Shannon: The Opening Contest of No Way Out is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Intercontinental Championship

"Just Close Your Eyes" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, Being accumpied by Jaime Lavelle, Representing Evolution X, From Edmond, Oklahoma weighing in at 242 Pounds, the "World's Greatest Athlete" Charlie Haas

King: Here comes the next IC Champion, I can feel it

JR: Maybe King but maybe not

"Perfect Strangers" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 240 Pounds, The SCWE Intercontinental Champion, The "Franchise" Shane Douglas

King: This is bizarro land

JR: No kidding, Shane Douglas is getting booed while Charlie Haas is getting cheered

SCWE Intercontinental Championship: Shane Douglas(C) vs Charlie Haas W/Jaime Lavelle
Referee Chad Patton shows off the IC Title to both men and then the crowd as he then calls for the bell while handing the title off to Miss Shannon. Charlie Haas and Shane Douglas jaw with each other as Charlie then does a motion that the IC Title is coming around his waste but Shane Douglas then turns his head slightly and then decks Haas with a right hand knocking him down. Charlie starts to get back up and Shane Douglas opens up on him with several jabs and Douglas knocks Haas down again with a right hand. Charlie rolls out to the floor to regroup as Shane Douglas then taunts in the ring as the Toronto Crowd boo's. Charlie Haas then gets on the apron to get back into the ring as Shane Douglas runs over and Charlie jumps back off the apron as Chad Patton then holds Shane back as Charlie gets back into the ring as Charlie and Shane then lock up with Shane shoving Charlie down to the mat and Charlie gets back up and locks up again as Shane Douglas backs Charlie Haas into the corner and Shane gives him a clean break but Charlie kicks Douglas in the gut and Charlie opens up on him with several right hands and Charlie then grabs Douglas and is about to go for a belly 2 belly but Shane Douglas head butts Charlie and Shane then hits a Belly 2 Belly of his own. Shane Douglas gets back up to his feet and picks up Charlie Haas who hits several right hands to the gut of Shane Douglas and Charlie goes behind Douglas and Charlie hits a German Suplex and holds on and hits a second one and Charlie goes for a third but Douglas elbows Charlie in the back of the head knocking him away as Charlie then turns back around and walks right into the Franchiser. Shane Douglas covers Charlie Haas for the 1--2--Jaime Lavelle gets on the apron and starts to enter the ring as Chad Patton stops the count and tries to get her out of the ring as Shane Douglas gets up and Shane Douglas tells Patton to get her up quicker as Charlie Haas gets up behind Shane Douglas and Charlie grabs him and Charlie connects with the Angle Slam. Charlie then covers Shane Douglas for the 1---2--2.6-shoulder up. Charlie Haas can't believe it but waits as Shane Douglas starts to get back up and Charlie hits a running knee to the side of Douglas's head knocking him back down as Shane Douglas starts to pull himself up in the ropes as Charlie Haas then attacks him again while he was getting back up and Charlie opens up on Shane Douglas with several right hands. Charlie Haas then kicks Douglas in the gut and Charlie delivers a snap suplex on Douglas who is grabbing his lower back as Charlie Haas waits for Douglas to get up and Charlie hits a German Suplex into a bridge pin for the 1---2--2.9-kick out. Charlie Haas can not believe it and Charlie gets up again and Charlie stomps away at Shane Douglas and kicks him in the ribs while Douglas was getting back up and Charlie grabs Douglas from behind and goes for another German but Douglas gets a mule kick which Chad Patton did not see as Charlie Haas is hurting as Shane Douglas turns around and Douglas kicks Charlie in the gut and Douglas hits a DDT on him. Shane Douglas then mounts Charlie Haas and opens up on him with several right hands. Shane then picks up Charlie once again and whips him off the ropes and Douglas puts his head down but Charlie stops and then kicks him in the face. Charlie then goes for a belly 2 belly again but Douglas fights back out of it and Douglas delivers a few elbows to the back of Charlie's head and Charlie lets go for Shane Douglas as Douglas kicks Charlie in the gut then and Shane Douglas sets him up for the Pittsburgh Plunge but Jaime Lavelle gets on the apron again as Shane Douglas lets go of Charlie Haas then and Shane Douglas pulls out a steel chain from his trunks and Douglas then waits as Charlie turns around right into a chain shot as Jaime Lavelle tells the referee to turn around be he doesn't as Douglas stashes the chain and Shane Douglas then goes over and grabs Jaime by her hair and Douglas forcefully kisses her as she is trying to pull off and Shane then shoves her off the apron as Douglas then picks up Charlie Haas and Douglas sets him up and hits the Pittsburgh Plunge on him for a 1---2---2.9-kick out. Shane Douglas can not believe it and Shane asks Chad Patton if he was sure and Shane Douglas then picks up Charlie again and Douglas sets him up for another one but Charlie out of no where counters into a bridge pin for a 1---2--2.7-shoulder up. Charlie Haas and Shane Douglas both get back up and both men exchange rights and lefts as Charlie then knees Douglas in the gut and Charlie Haas grabs Douglas and finally hits a Belly 2 Belly suplex on him and Charlie then flips over Douglas and Charlie tries to go for the Haas of Pain but Douglas trips him down and Shane Douglas rolls out to the floor to regroup. Shane Douglas is catching his breath as Charlie Haas comes out of nowhere and hits a baseball slide into Douglas's back knocking him into the barricade as Charlie Haas then goes outside to the floor and Charlie picks up Shane Douglas and Charlie gets a sick smile on his face as Charlie goes behind Douglas and Charlie is about to go for a German Suplex but Douglas elbows Charlie in the back of the head and Douglas turns around and goes to hit Haas but Charlie grabs him and hits a release belly 2 belly as Douglas smacks into the steel steps back first as the Crowd Chants Holy Shit. Charlie Haas gets back up from the move as he walks over to Shane Douglas who is hurting badly and Charlie rolls Shane Douglas back into the ring and Charlie says that's it and Charlie gets back into the ring and Charlie goes for the Haas of Pain again but Douglas is able to get into the ropes. Charlie Haas is growing frustrated and Charlie tries to pick up Douglas but Douglas delivers a right hand to Haas knocking him out cold as Douglas then hides his right hand and puts something in his trunks again as Shane Douglas covers Charlie for the 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Shane Douglas can not believe it and Douglas picks up Charlie Haas again and Shane sets him up for another Pittsburgh Plunge but Charlie counters into a small package for a 1--2--2.6-kick out. Charlie Haas gets back up and kicks Shane Douglas in the gut and Charlie then sets up Douglas for Pedigree and Charlie hits it. Charlie Haas then smiles as he goes for and locks in the Haas of Pain in the center of the ring as Shane Douglas has nowhere to go. Charlie is screaming at Shane to tap out but Douglas will not give it up but finally has no choice and does tap out.
Winner: Charlie Haas (SCWE IC)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and new SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Charlie Haas

JR: What a great match

King: It was a outstanding match and Charlie Haas has pulled it out

JR: I think that belly 2 belly on the floor did Shane Douglas in because he was not able to withstand the Haas of Pain which works over the Lower back


:Ric Flair is shown heading towards the E-X Locker Room when he is attacked from behind and hit in the back with a Sledgehammer as the Camera Zooms up to reveal Victoria:

Victoria: Tell Hunter when you see him that payback is coming to all of E-X

:Another Area Backstage: S.C.'s Locker Room

:The S.C. is shown getting ready:


JR: Well King we are still out here because we are going to see the SCWE Tag Team Championship's defended

King: Poor Ric Flair got snuck attacked by that evil Victoria

JR: Victoria promised to get revenge on all of E-X and started with Kurt Angle two weeks ago since he was E-X and now got Ric Flair tonight who we have learned is getting medical attention as we speak

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Tag Team Championship

"Sappy" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to thering, From Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey, weighing in at 232 Pounds, Diamond Dallas Page

JR: DDP has been a Tag Team Champion twice before

"Can You Dig It" hits, Crowd Chants You Suck

Miss Shannon: His partner, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 250 Pounds, Booker T

King: These people here are booing Booker and DDP

JR: This is odd but Booker T is also a former Tag Team Champion winning it twice in WCW and SCWE

:Mattitude Countdown Starts into "Line in the Sand", Crowd Cheers

XFact: Ryan Cage is dating Toronto's own Lindsay Stratus

XFact: Matt Hardy loves being in Toronto

Miss Shannon: There opponents, Representing Evolution X and being led to the ring by Lindsay Stratus, weighing in at a combined weight of 480 Pounds, The SCWE Tag Team Champions, Ryan Cage and Matt Hardy V1

JR: Matt Hardy and Ryan Cage have been Tag Team Champion for a while now

King: I think here in Toronto is Evolution X Country

JR: I think your right King and this is odd

SCWE Tag Team Championship: Matt Hardy V1 & Ryan Cage (C) W/Lindsay Stratus vs DDP & Booker T
Referee Jack Doan shows off the SCWE Tag Team Titles as he calls for the bell. Ryan Cage starts things off with Booker T as Ryan Cage tells Booker he owns him and Ryan then slaps Booker T across the face and Booker then comes back with several chops to Ryan's chest backing Ryan Cage up into the ropes. Booker then whips Ryan off the ropes and Booker hits a big backdrop on Ryan. Ryan gets back up while grabbing his back as Booker hits a few right hands to Cage and then whips him off the ropes and Booker hits a big side kick to Ryan knocking him down as Matt Hardy then comes in but gets nailed with a side kick as well from Booker T who then kicks Ryan Cage in the gut and bounces off the ropes but Lindsay grabs his foot and Booker trips and falls face first on the mat as Referee Jack Doan looks over at Lindsay and then ejects her from ringside. Lindsay is complaining as is Matt Hardy to Jack Doan but Ryan Cage attacks Booker from behind and Ryan knocks Booker in the corner and Ryan stomps away at Booker knocking him down in the corner and Ryan Cage starts to choke him with his boot as Lindsay finally leaves. Ryan Cage stops choking Booker T and then picks Booker up and Ryan head flips Booker T over and Ryan then goes up top but Booker T gets back up faster then Ryan thought and Booker catches Ryan up top and Booker then slams Ryan off the top rope. Booker T waits for him to get up and Booker hits a big clothesline and Booker then goes over and knocks Matt Hardy off the apron as well but Ryan Cage hits a RKO on him. Ryan Cage then covers Booker T for a 1---2--DDP breaks up the pin. DDP then picks up Ryan Cage and DDP hits a few uppercuts on Ryan Cage knocking him back into the ropes and DDP then clotheslines Ryan Cage over the top to the floor as Jack Doan orders DDP out of the ring. Ryan Cage gets back into the ring as does Matt Hardy as both men then start to put the boots to Booker T as DDP comes charging back over and knocks Ryan Cage out of the ring to the floor and DDP then leaps through the ropes into Ryan Cage as in the ring. Matt Hardy picks up Booker T and Matt Hardy slams him down. Matt Hardy then goes up top and hits the Mattitude leg drop and covers Booker T for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Matt Hardy can not believe it and Matt picks up Booker T and Matt sets him up for a Side Effect but Booker elbows Hardy in the head several times and Booker then grabs Hardy and goes for the Book End but Hardy elbows his way out of it and Matt Hardy kicks Booker in the gut and Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate but Booker counters that into a backslide pin for a 1---2--2.8-kick out. Ryan Cage then gets back into the ring and Cage attacks Booker T from behind as he pounds away until DDP gets into the ring and Page knocks down Hardy with a right hand and then Cage with another right hand. Jack Doan is trying to get peace with Ryan & DDP when Matt Hardy kicks Booker in the gut again and Matt Hardy connects with a Twist of Fate but Victoria Helmsley comes out of the crowd and gets into the ring and Victoria then catches Hardy with a kick to the gut and Victoria hits her own Pedigree on him and Victoria pulls Booker T on top as DDP knocks Ryan Cage to the floor as Jack Doan see's the pin and counts the 1---2--3.
Winners: Booker T & DDP (SCWE Tag Team)

Miss Shannon: Your winners and new SCWE Tag Team Champions, Booker T & DDP

JR: We got new Tag Team Champions

King: Victoria screwed Matt Hardy and Ryan Cage out of the titles

JR: E-X got a taste of there own medicine and Victoria is living up to her promise to make Evolution X pay


Maria: I am standing here with SCWE General Manager Kurt Angle. Kurt you asked me to be here so whats up?

Kurt Angle: Well you know Maria I just wanted to announce that tonight's SCWE Women's Title Match between Kelli Hardy and Victoria Helmsley will have no interference from Evolution X or anyone else because I dislike both ladies but in the interest of fairness I am banning everyone from ringside and if anyone does decide to journey to the ring then there will be hell to pay.

Maria: Back to you guys in the arena


Tony: Well SCWE GM Kurt Angle is laying down the law

Tenay: Yeah he is but right now we are going to get the WCW End of No Way Out started

Madden: What better way to get things started then with some Tag Team Action

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a Table's Match for the WCW Tag Team Championship

"Basham's Theme" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, Representing The Cabnet, weighing in at a combined weight of 502 Pounds, Doug & Danny, The Basham Brothers

Madden: Here comes JBL's Chief's of Staff

"Wake Up" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: Team #2 weighing in at a combined weight of 433 Pounds, Jerome Morris and Jamie Gunz

Tenay: Jerome Morris and Jamie Gunz are getting a golden chance to get some gold together

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 Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/8/2006 8:34 PM

Tony: Well we are weighing on the champs now

"Bombshell" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: Finally, From New York, New York weighing in at 515 Pounds, The WCW Tag Team Champions, Bubba Ray, & D-Von, The Dudley Boys

Tony: Here comes The Dudley's

Tenay: Arguably the greatest Tag Team in KSCWE History look to leave Toronto still champions

WCW Tag Team Championship: Table Match: Bubba Ray & D-Von Dudley(C) vs Doug & Danny Basham vs Jerome Morris & Jamie Gunz
Charles Robinson holds the Tag Titles and then rings for the bell. Bubba runs over and clotheslines Danny down. As Doug tries to get Bubba off of his brother D-Von runs over and Doug and D-Von start to exchange right hands. D-Von then knocks Doug down with a big right hand as Jerome runs over and hits a dropkick on D-Von. Jerome and D-Von get back up. Jerome tries to clothesline D-Von, but D-Von ducks and sends Jerome out to the floor. D-Von starts to smile as Jamie knocks him over the top rope. Then Doug gets back up and Doug and Jamie start to go at it. Bubba then gets on top of Danny and starts to open up on him. Doug sees this and whips Jamie into the corner. Doug then grabs Bubba and throws him out of the ring. Danny then gets up and Doug and Danny start to whip up on Jamie. Jerome then gets up as D-Von runs at him. D-Von then goes to hit him with a big right hand but Jerome ducks and pushes him over. Bubba then comes to and grabs Jerome and suplex's him onto the matted floor. D-von and Bubba start to lay the boot into Jerome, while back in the ring Doug is holding Jamie as Danny starts to punch him. Danny then goes for a big right hand but Jaime gets free and moves. Danny almost hits Doug and they both look at each other and laugh. Then Jamie comes running over and clothesline Doug, then Jamie gets back up and starts to open up on Danny. Danny and Jamie are exchanging blows as Doug starts to get back up. Doug goes to run after Jamie but bubba grabs his leg and pulls him out to the floor. Bubba then lays Doug on top of Jerome and him and D-Von continue to stomp on their opponents. Jamie and Danny see there partners getting beat up and stop fighting with each other. Bubba and D-Von are laughing as they turn around and Danny and Jamie hit them with cross bodies. Jamie and Danny then get up and start to go at it again. Jerome and Doug then get up and look at each other and then Jerome grabs bubba and rolls him back into the ring. Doug then whips D-Von into the guard rail.  Jerome then sets up Bubba for a Vertebreaker and hits it. Then Jerome hits a Lion Tamer on Bubba. Jerome then starts to taunt. Back on the floor Jamie and Danny continue to go at it until Jamie gets the upper hand and hits Danny knocking him back a bit. Jamie then sets up Danny for a Last Breath and hits it. Jamie then starts does a taunt and screams he is the best. Jamie then rolls Danny into the ring and then grabs a table. Doug is beating up on D-Von when he looks into the ring to see Jerome and Jamie setting up the table. Jamie and Jerome set up the table as Doug comes running into the ring. Doug hits Jerome from behind and then knocks Jamie down with a big right hand. Doug then picks Jerome up and hits a Reverse Neckbreaker on him. Doug then goes to go back to Jamie but Jamie takes out Doug's knee. D-Von is outside slowly trying to get to his feet, as Jamie and Jerome throw Bubba and Doug out of the ring. Jamie then climbs the top rope as Jerome is putting Danny on the table. D-Von is on the apron when Jamie calls of the Gunz Saul. Jamie goes for it as Jerome is taunting as D-Von gets into the ring and pushes the table out of the way. D-Von then turns around and hits Jerome with a big right hand and then hits Jerome with a Powerslam. Jerome is laid out as Jamie is rolling around in pain. D-Von then climbs the rope and is about to jump onto it as Danny rolls off. D-Von then jumps down and goes to put Danny back on as Doug pulls D-Von out to the floor. Bubba is laying on the ground as Doug starts to open up on D-Von. Then Doug hits D-Von with a big right hand. Doug then yells up to the ring for Danny to put someone on to the table. Doug goes to climb back up into the ring but D-Von grabs him and pulls him down. Bubba gets back up as D-von and Doug are exchanging blows. Bubba gets into the ring as Danny comes running and tries to hit Bubba with a clothesline but Bubba hits Danny with a big boot. Bubba then falls back down as him, Danny, Jamie, and Jerome lay there in the ring. Doug and D-Von are still going at it. They both hit big right hands on each other and knock each other out. Back in the ring Jamie is starting to get up as is Danny. Danny gets up before Jamie but Jerome gets up. Jamie is tumbling around a bit as Danny comes running at him. Jerome then kicks Danny in his stomach, from the side. Jamie starts to climb the top rope as Jerome puts Danny up on to the table. Jerome then throws Bubba out and then he falls back on to the ring. Jamie then calls for the Gunz Saul and hits it on Danny sending him threw the table. Charles Robinson then calls for the bell
Winners: Jerome Morris & Jamie Gunz (WCW Tag)

Penser: Your winners and new WCW Tag Team Champions, Jerome Morris & Jamie Gunz

Tenay: Jerome Morris and Jamie Gunz pick up the impressive victory tonight

Tony: All Six Men gave it there all and we got ourselves new Tag Team Champions

Madden: Damn and I wanted the Basham's to win tonight


:Eric Bischoff and Kurt Angle are shown shaking hands as Rue and Maria both walk up to the men:

Maria & Rue: Did you guys jut make a trade

:Kurt and Eric both chuckle:

Eric Bischoff: Yes we did

Kurt Angle: SCWE is very happy to announce that we have just acquired the greatest tag team in KSCWE History, The Dudley Boys

Eric Bischoff: And WCW is proud to reaquire Sara from SCWE but I think Kurt has a match to get ready for and I am going to head back to my office now to watch the rest of this great No Way Out card

:Maria & Rue start to walk off when Lacy Alexander and Shayn Flair spot them and Lacy and Shayn get in there face:

Lacy Alexander: The Lacy does not like how your looking at her

Shayn Flair: Yeah and this bitch is the one Scott was looking at funny earlier

Lacy Alexander: Which one

Shayn Flair: Maria

Maria: I didn't do anything honest I...

:Lacy then knocks Maria down with a right hand as Rue tries to run but Shayn grabs her by the hair and Shayn picks her up and slams her down:

Lacy Alexander: The Lacy thinks maybe we should have a little practice for our EYOB Match later on

:Just as Lacy is about to rip off Maria's shirt, Sara appears with a steel chair in hand:

Sara: The Sara thinks you shouldn't do that

:Shayn grabs Lacy's arm and pulls her away:

Lacy Alexander: The Lacy will get you another time

:Sara then tends to Maria & Rue:


JR: Well thank goodness for Sara for Maria

King: Damn her, I wanted to see Maria's puppies

JR: Well King up next we are going to see a Battle Royal for the SCWE European Championship

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is a over the top rope Battle Royal for the SCWE European Championship

"Black Scorpion" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: 1st making his way to the ring, David Flair

"Fight" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: The Next Participant from Canada, The Jackal

"Falling Apart" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Miss Shannon: The Third Participant, Also from Canada, Matt Matlock

"Basic Thuganomics" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: The Next Entrant, John Cena

"The Way It is" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: Now entering, Batista!!

"Assman" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: The Sixth Entrant, Billy Gunn

"UnStable" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Finally, Representing Evolution X, The SCWE European Champion, Jason Walker!!

JR: Seven Great Athletes all going for one prize the European Championsh

SCWE European Championship: Battle Royal: Jason Walker(C) vs Billy Gunn vs Batista vs John Cena vs David Flair vs Matt Matlock vs The Jackal
The Bell Sounds as Matlock, The Jackal, & David Flair all attack Batista as Billy Gunn & Jason Walker lock up and Gunn shoves Walker down while Batista shoves Matt Matlock down and then The Jackal and Batista grabs David Flair and sends him flying over the top rope to the floor. David Flair has been eliminated. Billy Gunn see's Flair gone and Billy then attacks Batista from behind but Batista turns around and knees Gunn in the gut and Batista picks up Gunn and hits a big Spinebuster on him as Jason Walker watches on. Matlock and Jackal then attack Batista again from behind and both men try to get Batista out but Batista knocks The Jackal down again and then Matlock as Billy Gunn then attacks Batista again as Matlock and Jackal get back up and also join in as does John Cena who was taking in the action. Jason Walker finally joins in as well as all 5 men get The Monster over the top to the floor. Batista has been eliminated. Batista is not happy and pounds on the mat before leaving as Matlock & The Jackal attack Cena while Gunn knocks down Jason Walker again. The Jackal meanwhile holds Cena as Matt Matlock backs up and goes to hit Cena but Cena moves as Matlock knocks The Jackal over the top to the floor. The Jackal has been eliminated. Matt Matlock tries to apologize but turns around right into the FU from John Cena. Billy Gunn and Jason Walker meanwhile are brawling it out across the ring as John Cena then goes over and hits Billy in the back as Jason Walker and John Cena then double team Billy Gunn in the corner as Jason tells John to get rid of him and Cena picks up Billy and tries to throw him out but Billy lands on the apron and Cena then tries to kick out Gunn and leans over to hit him but Jason Walker then dumps Cena over the top to the floor. John Cena has been eliminated. Jason Walker is gloating about eliminating Cena when Matt Matlock hits a big running clothesline knocking down Walker. Matt Matlock then picks up Jason Walker and sends him flying over the top but Jason skins the cat as Matlock does not see it and Jason is able to get himself back into the ring but during that, Matt Matlock went over and attacked Billy Gunn and Matt Matlock tries again to get Billy Gunn out but Billy is hanging on as Jason Walker sneaks up behind Matlock and Jason then turns him around and Jason hits a big clothesline sending Matlock over the top to the floor. Matt Matlock has been eliminated. Billy Gunn then kicks Jason in the gut and Billy hits the Fameasser on him. Billy Gunn smirks realizing the European Title is his as Billy picks up Jason Walker and Billy goes to eliminate him again but Jason ends up lowblowing Billy while he was going to do it and Jason then hits the Walk of Fate on Gunn. Jason Walker then picks up Billy Gunn and sends him over the top but Billy tries to skin the cat but Jason backs up and Jason then hits a baseball slide into Billy's back as he is trying to get back in causing Billy to let go of the ropes and hit the floor.
Winner: Jason Walker

Miss Shannon: Your winner and still SCWE European Champion, Jason Walker

King: Jason Walker is leaving Toronto still European Champion

JR: Billy Gunn put up a good showing tonight but Jason Walker lucks out and wins tonight's battle royal to retain his title

:Promo for Wrestlemania 2 Airs:

Tony: Well its time to see another WCW Match and this one is allso a battle royal but for the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion

Madden: Six of WCW's Best Divas all going for it

Tenay: We are going to see the debut of Christy Hemme in this match who has alot of potential from what I have been told plus another new Diva Joy Giovanni will be making her debut as well

Penser: The Following Contest is a Over the Top Rope Battle Royal for the WCW Women's Hardcore Championship

"I Stand Alone" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st, Joy Giovanni

"Hysteria" hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer

Penser: The Next Entrant, Charisma Adams

"Walk, Idiot, Walk" hits, Crowd Cheers Some more

Penser: The Third Entrant, Christy Hemme

"My Immortal" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The Fourth Entrant, Flame

"Foxy Lady" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The Fifth Entrant, Scarlett

"Alive" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: Finally, Representing The S.C., She is the WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Tara Rayge

Madden: Toronto loves Tara

Tenay: A great reaction for The S.C.'s Tara Rayge

WCW Women's Hardcore Championship: Tara Rayge(C) vs Charisma Adams vs Joy Giovanni vs Scarlett vs Christy Hemme vs Flame
 All the ladies start off by looking at one other. Charisma runs over to Joy and slaps her. Charisma then pulls her by her hair and tosses her across the ring. Charisma runs at her but Scarlett trips her. Scarlett gets on top of Charisma and slaps her. Scarlett gets up and waits for Charisma to get up. Charisma gets up and looks at Scarlett but Scarlett gives Charisma the Scarlett Kiss. Scarlett drags Charisma over to the ropes and stands her up. Scarlett clotheslines Charisma over the top rope. Charisma has been eliminated. Tara comes up behind Scarlett and attacks her. Tara slings Scarlett into the ropes and clotheslines her. Christy and Joy are exchanging words when Joy slaps Christy and goes for a Joy Superkick but Christy grabs Joys leg and pushes her down. Christy then waits for Joy to get up when Flame attacks her from behind. Christy and Flame both exchange slaps when Christy pushes Flame into the corner. Christy lets up and acts like shes going to walk away when she hits a spear. Christy concentrates on Joy and tells her to get up. Joy slowly gets up but Tara hits a head scissors on Joy. Tara drags Joy over to the ropes and lifts her up, then pushes her over the top rope. Joy Giovanni has been eliminated. Christy gives Tara a bitchy look as Tara laughs at her. Flame attacks Christy from behind again as Scarlett swings Tara around and slaps her. Flame pulls Christy's hair but Christy kicks Flame in the stomach. Christy shakes her head then gives Flame the Hemme Love. Christy gets on top of Flame and starts giving her a beating. Scarlett picks up Tara and goes for the Scarlett Kiss but Tara grabs her leg and pushes her away. Tara quickly pushes Scarlett down and puts her in the Sola-Nero. Scarlett yells in pain as Tara applies more pressure. Christy comes up and kicks Tara in the face and stomps on her a few times. Christy lets off and starts to go back to Flame. Flame gets up and is met by Christy via a spear. Christy clotheslines Flame over the top rope. Flame has been eliminated. Christy smiles at Flame when Scarlett comes and irish whips her into the rope then clotheslines her. Scarlett then slaps Christy on the back of the head, telling her to get up. Tara comes running at Scarlett but Scarlett trips her and then laughs at her. Tara gets up and slaps Scarlett, but Scarlett slaps back. Tara and Scarlett start exchanging blows when Christy gets up and attacks Scarlett from behind. Tara goes to slap Christy, but Christy counters and quickly hits the Hemme Love on Tara. Christy drags Tara over to the ropes and lifts her up. Christy is ready to eliminate Tara when Scarlett runs towards Christy. Christy hears Scarlett and quickly ducks while grabbing the ropes, sending Scarlett over the top rope. Scarlett has been eliminated. Christy waves bye to Scarlett, then picks up Tara and knock her down again. Christy then starts to kick Tara. Christy lifts up Tara again and goes to slap her again, but Tara quickly hits a Head Scissors on Christy. Tara gets on top of Christy and chokes her, then lets off. Tara gets off Christy and stalks her. Christy starts moving around when Tara walks over and slaps Christy in the back of the head. Tara drags Christy over the top rope and pushs her over but Christy is able to hang on. Tara goes back to the ring and starts celebrating. Christy gets back into the ring and stands there until Tara turns around. Christy hits the Hemme Love on Tara. Christy drags Tara over to the ropes when Tyson Tomko walks down the ramp. Christy sees Tyson and looks at him. Tyson looks at Christy and smiles. Christy is attacked by Tara from behind. Tara hits the Rayge Effect on Christy and drags her to the ropes. Tara throws Christy over the top rope as the ref calls for the bell
Winner: Tara Rayge

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Women's Hardcore Champion, Tara Rayge

Tenay: Tara Rayge is leaving Toronto still Women's Hardcore champion

:Flashback showing Chris Walker/Test Fued:

 Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/8/2006 8:34 PM

Madden: I am very impressed with Tara Rayge for winning that battle royal

Tenay: Well all the ladies put on a good showing but up next we are going to see the big House of Horror's Match

Tony: The House of Horror's Structure has been altered slightly now with majority of the cage having a top with a whole in the center for the participants to climb the rope ladder

Madden: I think Test is going to knock off Chris Walker and go on to Wrestlemania

Tony: Well there is only one way to find out

Penser: The Following Contest is the House of Horror's Match(Crowd Cheers) where the winner will go on to Wrestlemania 2 to challenge for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

"Holding Out for a Hero" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania weighing in at 195 Pounds, Chris Walker!!

Tony: Chris Walker is not getting a very good welcome here in Toronto

Tenay: The Walker's and Toronto just don't mix well

"This is a Test" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: His opponent, Representing The S.C., weighing in at 280 Pounds, From Right here in Toronto, Canada, TEST!!!

Madden: A Hero's welcome for Test

Tenay: Test is getting a great response from his hometown fans as Test will join Triple H as the only guys to enter two House of Horror Matches and this is only the Fourth one

House of Horror's: Chris Walker vs Test
The Bell Sounds as Chris Walker are  Test stare at one another and then look up at the rope ladder leading to the scafling with the Wrestlemania Flag and Test takes a sucker punch on Walker knocking him down as Chris starts to get back up, Test kicks walker in the ribs and Test then picks up Chris and Test rams him head first into the side of the Cage. Test then picks up Walker and slams him down with a Side walk slam. Test smirks as he gets back up and Test then waits for Chris to get up and Test goes for a Big Boot already but Chris ducks and Chris then opens up on Test with right hands and Chris then kicks Test in the gut and Chris goes for the Walk of Fate but Test hits Walker while going for it and Test then goes for the pumphandle slam but Walker sneaks out of it and Chris kicks Test in the gut and Chris has Test in position for the Walkerflip but Test ends up backdroping Walker down. Test then waits for Chris to get back up and Test goes for a Big Boot but Walker ducks again and Walker opens up on Test some more and Walker whips Test off the ropes and Walker jumps up and catches Test with a Walkacanrana. Chris then goes over to a corner pulls down a kendo stick and Chris then hits Test in the back as Test was getting back up. Chris then goes over to another corner and pulls down a trash can full of weapons and Chris dumps the trash can out and then sets it down as Walker hits Test again with the Kendo Stick and Walker then grabs Test and hits a Russian Leg Sweep onto the Trash can with pressure applied by the kendo stick. Test is hurting badly as Chris gets back up and Chris goes over to the weapons on the ground and Chris grabs steel plate and Chris then smashes it over Test's head as he was trying to get back up knocking Test out cold as Chris Walker then starts to climb up the rope ladder as Test is still down. Chris Walker reaches the top of the scaffling and grabs the Wrestlemania 2 Flag as Chris then gets ready to climb down but Sean Morley makes his way to the ring and Morley forces the referee to open the cage door as Sean Morley enters the cage as Chris Walker smirks and Walker then throws the flag down on top of the top of the Cage part and  Chris Walker starts to climb down and Walker eyes up the cage portion and Chris reaches across to grab it as Sean Morley realizes what Chris is doing and Sean Morley starts to shake the rope ladder as Chris is forced to hold on as Test is starting to come to as Scott Walker then makes his way out to the ring. Scott Walker doesn't enter the ring though and instead climbs up the side of the cage reaching the top and Scott Walker goes over by Chris and Scott gets Chris's hand and Scott tries to pull Chris over as Test realizes what is going on and Test orders the cage door opened and Test exits the cage and Test then starts to climb up the side of the cage as does Sean Morley who leaves the ring. Morley though grabs a slap jack from the ring before leaving. Scott gets Chris onto the top of the cage as Test gets to the top and Scott Walker goes over and greets Test with a right hand and Test and Walker exchange right hands as Sean Morley climbs up the side as well and Morley gets up behind Scott and Morley pulls out the slap jack and hits Scott right in the knee with it as Walker falls down grabbing his knee as Morley and Test laugh as Chris was starting his climb down the side with the flag and Chris see's what happened and Chris stops and then climbs back up!!. Chris Walker reaches the top as Test and Morley tell him how dumb he just was and Walker heads over near the whole on top and Walker throws the flag down into the ring as Test goes to leave but Walker charges hitting Test in the back and nearly knocking Test off the top!! Morley and Walker exchange right hands up top as Morley goes to hit Chris with the Slap Jack but Chris ducks and Chris kicks Morley in the gut and sets him up for hte Walkerflip and chris connects with it. Chris gets back up and walks right into a Big Boot though by Test as Test then starts to climb down the side of the cage as Chris is out cold and Sean Morley is out as well. Scott Walker crawls over and tries to get Chris back up and Chris finally starts to struggle up as Test hits the bottom and Chris goes over by the open hole and Chris jumps back onto the rope ladder!! Chris starts to climb down again as Test re-enters the ring and Walker then jumps off the ladder crashing on top of Test as both men are laid out. Scott Walker struggles up to his feet as does Sean Morley and Morley goes to hit Walker again but Walker blocks and Walker opens up on Morley backing him near the edge of the cage and Walker goes to knock Morley off but Morley kicks Walker in the knee taking him down. Sean Morley then picks up Scott and Morley is about to throw Scott off the cage when "Hemorrhage" hits as Morley looks on as does Test who is getting back up and Matt Walker makes his way to the ring as Sean Morley hurries down the side of the cage and Morley tries to block the door in but Matt Walker opens up on Morley with a right hand knocking him down and Matt Walker then picks up Sean Morley and drags him over and sets him up on the Spanish announce table as Scott Walker gets back up to his feet and Matt and Scott look at each other and Scott then leaps off the top of the Cage crashing through it and Morley with a Elbow!!!! Test is in the ring and Test looks on in total shock and Test is shaking his head and Matt Walker tells Test he is next as Test shakes his head but Test does not see Chris Walker who now has gotten a guitar from one of the corners and Chris smashes the guitar over Test's head as he turns around. Chris Walker then picks up the flag and orders the Cage door opened but Chris does not leave yet as Matt Walker then enters the cage as Jason Walker makes his way to the ringside area and checks on Scott Walker as paramedics rush out to tend to Scott and Sean Morley. Matt Walker enters the House of Horror's and Matt looks at Chris and Matt waits as Test struggles up and Matt kicks Test in the gut and Matt whips him into the corner and Matt Walker then charges in hitting a big Stinger splash on him. Matt Walker though then picks up Test and puts him up top backwards as Matt Walker climbs up top as well and in the process getting him in position for the SkyWalker and Matt then comes off the top rope hitting the move!!! Test is not moving as Chris Walker goes over to Test and picks him up and Matt tells him to do it and Chris sets up Test for the Walkerflip and Chris then hits it!! Matt and Chris both get up and look at each other and Matt picks up the Wrestlemania Flag and hands it to Chris as Chris walks over and the Cage door opens up as Matt and Chris exit the cage door for the win.
Winner: Chris Walker

Penser: Your winner and going to Wrestlemania 2, Chris Walker

Tony: Chris Walker is going to Wrestlemania!!

Madden: What the hell happened here

Tenay: We saw Scott Walker, Sean Morley, & Matt Walker all get involved and in the end Chris Walker leaves here the winner

Tony: Paramedics are tending to Sean Morley, Scott Walker, and Test who all seem to be injured in what looks like a car accident happened here


:Stephanie McMahon is shown talking to Christy Hemme:


Tony: We have learned that Christy Hemme is going to be Stephanie McMahon's partner tonight for the big Expose Your Opponents Breasts Match which will take place in a little while but up next is the WCW United States Championship Battle Royal

Tenay: Kevin Nash will not be taking part in the battle royal tonight due to an undisclosed injury that he apparantly has suffered. That is all the Infomoration we know as of right now

Penser: The Following Contest is a Over The Top Rope Battle Royal for the WCW United States Championship

"Word Up" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, JJ Stallion

Tony: JJ Stallion is looking to become a US Champion for the first time tonight

"I Get Around" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The Second Participant, Randy Orton

Madden: Randy Orton is trying to become the first 4x WCW US Champion

"Shoot to thrill" hits, Crowd Continues to Boo

Penser: The Third Entrant, The WCW Televison Champion, Brandon

Tony: Brandon looks to add double gold tonight

"Ministry Remix" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: The Fourth Participant, The Undertaker!!!

Tenay: The Undertaker is back!!

"Peep Show" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: The Fifth Entrant, Representing The S.C. and Residing from right here in Toronto, The "Problem Solver" Tyson Tomko

Madden: A Great reaction for Toronto's Favorite Adopted Son

"Holla If Ya Hear Me" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: The Sixth Entrant, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner

Tenay: Scott Steiner has to be the favorite here due to his track record and the simple fact he dominated in the Royal Rumble last month

Tony: These Canadian fans sure don't like him though

"Lance Storm Theme" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: The Final Entrant, Representing The S.C. and from Calgary Alberta, Canada, He is the WCW United States Champion, Lance Storm!!

Tenay: The trend with the Canadian Fans loving the S.C. continue's here

Madden: I think Lance Storm can win this thing

WCW United States Championship: Battle Royal: Lance Storm(C) vs Scott Steiner vs Brandon vs Randy Orton vs JJ Stallion vs The Undertaker vs Tyson Tomko
The Bell Sounds to start the match off as everyone goes right after Scott Steiner as Steiner knocks down JJ Stallion with a right hand and then Orton and Brandon. Steiner then clotheslines Lance Storm down. Scott Steiner then gets hit with a uppercut shot by The Undertaker. Taker then picks up Scott Steiner and shoves him back into the corner and Taker hits several right hands to him but Steiner grabs Taker and throws him back in the corner and Steiner opens up on Taker with right hands and chops until JJ & Orton attack Steiner again. Randy Orton gets shoved down by Steiner as Steiner picks up JJ Stallion and slams him down. Lance Storm then hits Steiner and knocks him down as Storm stomps away at Steiner but Brandon hits the Rush on Storm!! The Undertaker then grabs Brandon once he gets up though and Taker hits a big chokeslam on Brandon. Tyson Tomko who had been staying away from the action then hits a Big Boot out of nowhere knocking down The Undertaker but Randy Orton catches Tyson with the RKO afterwards. Orton is gloating as JJ Stallion kicks Orton in the gut and JJ hits the Finale on him. JJ Stallion then gets back up but Scott Steiner kicks him in the gut and Steiner hits the Freakliner on JJ Stallion and Steiner picks up JJ and Steiner tosses JJ over the top to the floor. JJ Stallion has been eliminated. Lance Storm then attacks Steiner and Storm tries to dump him but Steiner holds on to the top rope as Storm is still trying as Tyson Tomko gets back up and Tyson joins in on the attempt as does The Undertaker and Randy Orton as all four men try to get Scott Steiner over the top and finally do but Steiner lands on the apron as all four men try to get Steiner off and Brandon waits behind them and Randy Orton turns around first and Brandon hits the Rush on Orton taking him down. Brandon then opens up on Lance Storm knocking him down and Brandon takes down Tyson Tomko as well. The Undertaker then hits a big boot to Brandon knocking him down but Scott Steiner is able to get back into the ring. Taker picks up Brandon and Taker takes him over to the corner and Taker goes Old School on Brandon but before he can drop off Scott Steiner shoves Taker off the top to the floor. The Undertaker has been eliminated. The Undertaker is not happy as he sits back up on the floor as Scott Steiner flips him off but Tyson Tomko goes for a big Boot but Steiner ducks as Tyson straddles the top rope and Steiner hits a right hand on Tomko knocking him off the top rope to the apron as Brandon backs up and hits the Rush on him sending Tyson into the guard rail. Tyson Tomko has been eliminated. This leaves four men now as Randy Orton backs into one corner as does Lance Storm in another as Scott Steiner and Brandon look on. Lance Storm & Randy Orton then appear to make an alliance as Brandon tells Scott Steiner he wants Orton and Steiner shakes his head and Brandon and Orton lock up with Brandon shoving Orton down as Steiner and Storm lock up with Steiner shoving Storm down. Lance & Randy get back up to there feet as Scott Steiner opens up on Storm with several big chops while Brandon goes to hit Orton but Orton kicks Brandon south of the border and pokes him in the eyes and Orton then hits several uppercuts to him and Orton then goes for the RKO and connects with it. Randy Orton is gloating when Scott Steiner hits Orton from behind and Steiner then turns Orton around and hits a belly 2 belly suplex and Steiner does his trademark push ups as Orton rives in pain. Lance Storm is regrouping in the corner as Scott Steiner gets back up and Storm hits Steiner from behind. Lance Storm pounds away at him as Randy Orton gets back up and Orton joins in on the attack on Steiner as both men try to get Steiner out but Brandon gets back up but Brandon shockingly joins in as they get Steiner on the apron but Steiner gets back up and stands on the apron and Steiner knocks down Brandon with a right hand and then Storm as Orton tries to get Steiner but Steiner grabs Orton and Steiner sets Orton up and suplex's him from inside the ring to the floor as Steiner just drops him on the floor as Orton hits hard. Randy Orton has been eliminated. Brandon and Lance Storm though both get back up and both men hit Steiner before he can get the ropes back and Steiner hits the floor as well. Scott Steiner has been eliminated. This leaves Lance Storm and Brandon as Storm hits Brandon right off the go. Storm and Brandon exchange right hands as Brandon knocks down Storm and Brandon kicks Storm in the gut as he gets up and Brandon sets him up and Brandon goes for the Last Stop but Storm fights back while in the air but Brandon still manages to hit the move. Lance Storm is laid out as Brandon shakes the cobwebs out and Brandon picks up Lance Storm and Brandon signals its over as the Crowd Boo's but a mystery man wearing a Toronto Maple leafs jersey comes out of the crowd with a hat on and gets into the ring and hits a Spear on Brandon taking him down as the fan then removes the hat revealing Edge!!! Edge pounds away at Brandon as Lance Storm starts to get back up as Edge picks up Brandon as Lance Storm and Edge then throw Brandon over the top to the floor.
Winner: Lance Storm

Penser: Your winner and still WCW US Champion, Lance Storm

Madden: I told you Lance Storm would retain and by god he has done it

Tenay: Lance Storm is going to leave here tonight as US Champion thanks in large part to Edge who made his shocking return here

Tony: We haven't seen Edge since Armageddon

Madden: Well The S.C. are keeping there hold on the US and Women's Hardcore Title's

:Backstage: Evolution X's Locker Room

Triple H: What the hell were you doing out there?

Matt Walker: I had to do what was right for my family

Triple H: We are your family now damn it and we have a match tonight that you should be getting ready for instead of trying to be a damn hero

Matt Walker: Now listen here you son of a bitch, My family has the last name of Walker and the last time I looked your not a Walker and neither is any of your damn stooges

:Matt Hardy & Charlie Haas both get up and stand next to Triple H:

Matt Walker: Oh what now your going to sick them on me

Triple H: You do realize you are this close to making the biggest mistake of your life

Matt Walker: Really

Triple H: Yeah

Matt Walker: Well then lets get this over with then. You can take Evolution X and you can shove it straight up your ass

:Matt Walker then leaves the E-X Locker Room as Matt Hardy & Charlie Haas go to hit him but Triple H holds them back:

Triple H: Let the bastard go. He doesn't realize it yet but he is already a dead man

Matt Hardy V1: What about your match though because I will glady team up with you

Charlie Haas: Or I can team up with you

Triple H: Don't worry I got that covered already

:Another Area Backstage:

:Eric Bischoff is shown exiting the S.C.'s Locker Room with a pissed off look on his face:


JR: Well King up next we are going to see the SCWE Women's Xtreme Championship up next

King: This is great, more puppies!!

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Xtreme Championship

 Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/8/2006 8:35 PM

JR: Brish Cena is going to have her hands full in this match due to the fact she is facing two sisters

"Standing in the Rain" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From Los Angelos, California, Zoe Mason

King: Zoe Mason may be the younger sister of Stacy but I think she may have Stacy beat in looks!!

"Hotel" hits, Crowd Cheers

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, From Knoxville, Tennssee, Brish Cena

JR: Brish Cena seems to be caught right in the middle between the Mason sisters

"Everybody's Fool" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: Finally, From Los Angelos, California, She is the SCWE Women's Xtreme Champion, Stacy Mason

King: I think if you look up Xtreme or RAWCore in the Dictonary for girls you find Stacy Mason

JR: Stacy Mason does exile in these type of matches

SCWE Women's Xtreme Championship: Stacy Mason(C) vs Zoe Mason vs Brish Cena

Stacy Mason and Zoe Mason high five and run at Brish Cena. Zoe and Stacy go for a double clothesline on Brish but Brish ducks and hits a double dropkick to Zoe and Stacy. Brish rolls out the ring and grabs a trash can lid from beneath the ring. Brish slides into the ring with the trash can lid and runs at Stacy Mason. Brish nails Stacy Mason over the head with the trash can lid. Brish covers Stacy 1...2... Zoe pulls Brish off her sister. Zoe hits a stiff kick to Brish's gut and hits a sunset flip pin on Brish. 1...2.. Stacy kicks the back of Zoe's head reluctantly to break the pin. Zoe jumps to her feet holding her head she looks at Stacy and shouts 'What the hell are you doing?' Zoe and Stacy have words while Brish gets up and pushes Zoe into Stacy. Stacy falls out the ring through the middle rope and Brish gets Zoe in a school girl pin 1....2...2.9 the crowd thinks Brish has won but she just missed out. Brish gets up and kicks Zoe before hitting a leg drop to Zoe's chest. Brish jumps to her feet and pulls Zoe in front of the turnbuckle. Brish climbs the turnbuckle and sets up for a Moonsault but Stacy mason runs into the ring with a wooden stick, she smashes it across Brish's back. Brish holds her back tight, Brish manages to turn herself around and is hit with a frankenstiener. Stacy grabs Brish's hair and helps her to her feet. Zoe gets up and the sisters hit a hard double suplex on Brish. Stacy climbs the turnbuckle and launches off with a Broken dreams (Shooting Star press) She rolls off Brish holding her stomach. Zoe rolls Stacy out the ring and covers Brish 1...2... Stacy pulls Zoe out to mats with her. Stacy pushes Zoe and screams at her, Zoe pushes back and the two start to brawl. Stacy throws her sister into the ring barrier and kicks at her stomach. Stacy gets a trash can from under the ring and hits her sister with it. She turns around and is met by a baseball slide dropkick from Brish who is in the ring, the Trash can hits Stacy in the head. Stacy falls down on top of her sister and the ref classes this as a pin. He slides out the ring and starts it. Brish just gets there in time to stop the pin. Brish hits three forearm shots to Stacy's head and then hits the Brish Bomb to Stacy leaving her flat out on the mats. Brish shakes her head and is attacked from behind by Zoe. Zoe pushes Brish into the ring. Zoe climbs a turnbuckle and hits the Starburst (Moonsault) on Brish but Brish gets her knee up, Zoe rolls around holding her gut, Brish goes for a roll up pin 1...2..2.8 kick out by Zoe. Zoe rolls out the ring and gets the Women's Xtreme championship belt, Zoe rolls in and waits for Brish to turn around, Zoe runs at Brish with the belt, Brish ducks and the belt collides with Stacy Mason who has just got on the ring apron. Stacy flies off the ring apron to the floor. Brish goes for a roll up pin but Zoe counters it into a pin of her own and grabs Brish's tights 1...2...3
Winner: Zoe Mason (SCWE Women's Xtreme)

Miss Shannon: Your winner and new SCWE Women's Xtreme Champion, Zoe Mason

JR: What a great match by all three ladies

King: Zoe Mason though is the new SCWE Women's Xtreme Champion

JR: Well we are going to be sending things back over to the WCW Side but lets take a look back at the history for there next match

:History of Jackie Gayda/Trish Stratus Rivarly is shown:

Tony: Well both ladies have had quiet the rivalry and up next we are going to add yet another chaptor to it

Tenay: This match should be great like all the others

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Women's Championship

"The Way You Move" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making her way to the ring, From Cleveland, Ohio, Jackie Gayda

Tenay: Jackie is not getting a very warm reception from these Canadian Fans

Madden: Duh she is facing Toronto's own

"Time To Rock N Roll" hits, Crowd Goes Nuts

Penser: Her opponent, Representing The S.C., From Right Here in Toronto, She is the WCW Women's Champion, Trish Stratus!!

Tony: Trish despite if you like her or not has been very dominant as Women's Champion

Madden: A trend I think will continue since Trish has Jackie's number

Tenay: I like Jackie's chances here tonight

WCW Women's Championship: Trish Stratus(C) vs Jackie Gayda
Referee Charles Robinson calls for the bell to start the match as Trish Stratus and Jackie Gayda talk trash to each other and Trish tells Jackie that she still can't beat her and Trish then slaps Jackie across the face as Jackie backs up a little bit and Trish starts to laugh as Jackie then kicks Trish in the gut and Jackie then opens up on Trish with right hands knocking Trish back into the ropes and Jackie then kicks Trish in the gut knocking her through the ropes to the floor. Trish Stratus starts to get up as Jackie goes up top and Jackie comes off the top with a Crossbody landing on top of Trish taking her down. Both ladies are down as Charles Robinson starts his 10 count. 1-2-3-4-5-Both ladies start to get back up-6-7-8-Jackie rolls in the ring and then back out restarting the count. Jackie Gayda hits a right hand to Trish and Jackie then grabs Trish and rams her head off the steel steps and Jackie then rolls Trish back into the ring as Jackie goes up top again and Jackie comes off looking for a crossbody but Trish ducks as Jackie hits the mat hard and Jackie gets back up as Trish hits a Chick Kick in the back of Jackie's head. Trish covers Jackie very cocky for the 1---2--Jackie gets Trish with a crucifix pin for the  1---2--2.8-kick out. Trish Stratus gets back up as does Jackie and Trish goes to hit Jackie but Jackie ducks and Jackie then kicks Trish in the gut and Jackie hits a Modified Twist of Fate. Jackie then covers Trish for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Jackie then picks up Trish and Jackie whips Trish off the ropes but Trish hits a Lou Thez Press on the way back and Trish pounds away at Jackie with several right hands. Trish then gets off Jackie and Trish waits for Jackie to get up and Trish goes for another Chick Kick but Jackie grabs Trish's foot and swings Trish around and Jackie then kicks Trish in the gut and Jackie hits a devisting DDT on her. Jackie then drags Trish near the corner and Jackie goes up top and Jackie goes for a Moonsault but Trish rolls out of the way as Jackie hits the mat hard and Trish smirks realizing she got things well in hand and Trish kicks Jackie in the gut and Trish then goes for Stratusfaction but Jackie ends up backdropping Trish in the process. Jackie then gets backs up and Jackie pounds away at Trish as she gets back up and Jackie whips Trish off the ropes and Jackie hits a big powerslam on Trish. Jackie hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.5-shoulder up. Jackie can't believe it and Jackie picks up Trish again and Jackie whips Trish off the ropes again and Jackie then puts her head down for a backdrop but Trish stops and Trish kicks Jackie in the face and Trish then kicks Jackie in the gut and Trish then bulldogs Jackie down. Trish Stratus then picks up Jackie and whips her into the corner and Trish hits several side kicks to the ribs of Jackie as Jackie starts to fall in the corner but Trish then picks up Jackie and puts her up top and Trish backs up and then goes for the Stratusphere but Jackie grabs Trish and holds her still as Jackie then picks up Trish!! Jackie then hits a big top rope powerbomb on Trish. Jackie hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Jackie can't believe Trish kicked out and Jackie picks up Trish again and Jackie whips Trish into the corner and Jackie charges in but Trish gets her foot up in the face knocking down Jackie and Trish then pins her with her feet on the ropes for a 1---2--Charles Robinson notices Trish's feet on the ropes and stops the count as the crowd starts to boo. Charles Robinson and Trish get into an argument but Jackie rolls up Trish for a 1---2--2.9-kick out. Trish and Jackie both get up as Trish goes to hit Jackie but Jackie ducks and then gets Trish with a backslide pin for a 1---2--2.9-kick out. Both ladies get up again as Jackie kicks Trish in the gut and Jackie hits a Modified RKO on Trish. Jackie then goes up top and Jackie goes for another moonsault and this time connects. Jackie hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Jackie is starting to become frustrated but picks up Trish again and whips her off the ropes and Trish hits a Hurricanrana into a pin for the 1---2--2.9-kick out. Jackie then kicks Trish in the gut again and Jackie this time goes for the Perfect Plex but Trish blocks and then gets Jackie with a small package for a 1---2---2.5-kick out. Both ladies start to get back up as Jackie goes to hit Trish but Trish does the Matrix as Jackie then turns around as Trish is back up and Trish hits a Chick Kick to the face of Jackie. Trish falls on top of Jackie for the 1---2--2.8-shoulder up. Trish Stratus can't believe it now and Trish waits for Jackie to get up again and Trish connects with another Chick Kick to the back of Jackie's head and Trish rolls Jackie over and covers her again for a 1---2--2.9-shoulder up. Trish starts to scream at Charles Robinson as Trish then waits again for Jackie to get up and Trish goes for another Chick Kick but Jackie ducks and then rolls up Trish for a 1---2--2.9-kick out. Both ladies are slow to get up and they lock up as Jackie locks in a headlock but Trish sends Jackie off the ropes and Jackie goes for a clothesline on her way back but Trish does the Matrix again and Trish then hits a Chick Kick to Jackie yet again. Trish then picks up Jackie though and Trish goes for Stratusfaction and hits it. Trish covers Jackie for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Trish Stratus

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Women's Champion, Trish Stratus

Madden: Trish has done it again

Tenay: Both ladies put it all on the line here but Trish pulls it out in a great match

Tony: Jackie Gayda has nothing to be ashamed of

:Promo for Wrestlemania 2 Airs:

:History of JBL/Maven Fued is shown:

:Backstage: Evolution X's Locker Room

:Triple H is shown getting ready for his match as Charlie Haas and Matt Hardy are the only guys in the Locker Room when Christian walks into the Locker Room with Tyson Tomko:

Triple H: What do you want

Christian: Well I just wanted to make you an offer from one World Champion to another

Triple H: What's that

Christian: Well it seems you got a problem now with Matt Walker leaving so I just wanted to help you solve that problem by using my Problem Solver Tyson

Triple H: Don't you need him

Christian: I already solved my little Hulk Hogan problem so I am going to be having the night off

Triple H: Thanks but I already solved my own problem as well

Christian: Oh really. I guess great minds like ourselves think alike then and can take care of ourselves.

:Another Area Backstage: Kurt Angle's Locker Room

:Kurt Angle is shown finishing getting ready when Julianna Angle bursts into the Locker Room in tears:

Kurt Angle: Julez what are you doing here?

Julianne Angle: Kurt can you take me back to the hotel

Kurt Angle: What?

Julianne Angle: That asshole dumped me

Kurt Angle: Hunter dumped you? why?

Julianne Angle: I don't know, just out of the blue he did it and said he had his fun and he was done with me

Kurt Angle: I'll kill him

:Kurt starts to leave but Julianne grabs his arm:

Julianne Angle: Please Kurt just take me to the hotel

Kurt Angle: Julez let me get you a limo because I got a...

:Julianne starts to sob some more:

Kurt Angle: Fine hold on

:Kurt grabs his bag and heads out the door with Julianne for the Parking Lot:

:Evolution X's Locker Room is shown again:

:Triple H, Matt Hardy, and Charlie Haas are shown smiling:

Triple H: Operation No GM or Partner for Stevie was a Success

Matt Hardy V1: Julez deserves an Oscar for her performance there

Triple H: Alright guys lets finish getting ready for the match because with Kurt gone we run the show and I am going to get my match changed to a Three on One Handicap Match


Tony: Well guys up next we are going to see Maven and JBL do battle and hopefully settle there long standing rivarly

Tenay: These two men have been at each other's throats since JBL arrived

Madden: JBL got Maven right where he wants him in a Texas Bull Rope Match

Tony: This match is going to be a all out fight I believe

Penser: The Following Contest is a Texas Bull Rope Match(Crowd Cheers)

"Tough Enough" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From Charleston, Virginia weighing in at 220 Pounds, Maven!!

Tenay: These Canadian Fans dont like Maven either

Madden: Well Maven and Christian are not exactly friends plus Maven is engaged to the very woman who nearly beat Trish Stratus in the last match

"Longhorns" hits, Crowd is mixed as The Limo Pulls out

Penser: His opponent, From New York, New York weighing in at 290 Pounds, Being led to the ring by Orlando Jordan, John Bradshaw Layfield

Madden: JBL is going to make short work of Maven

Tenay: Why is Orlando Jordan out here?

Tony: You know JBL can't fight his own battles

Texas Bullrope Match: Maven vs JBL W/Orlando Jordan

JBL and Orlando are discussing something as Maven is warming up. Charles Robinson then calls both men over. He explains the rules and then orders the men to step away. Each man is then instructed to hold out their right hands as they are tied to the rope. Charles Robinson then signals for the bell. JBL and Maven then start to circle each other. They're trying to stare each other down but in doing so JBL takes his eye off of the rope and almost trips. As JBL is trying to keep balance Maven runs over and starts to open up on JBL. JBL is getting knocked back as Maven keeps pounding away on him. Maven then runs back to get momentum but JBL pulls on the rope and Maven falls to the ground. JBL then gets on top of Maven and starts to hammer away on him. JBL then gets up and picks Maven up. JBL then whips Maven into the corner and runs after him but Maven gets his foot up and catches JBL right in the mouth. As JBL is stumbling back Maven runs over and knocks JBL down. Maven then picks JBL up and then starts to open up on him. JBL then hits Maven with a right hand. The two men keep exchanging blows until JBL throws a big right hand and Maven ducks. Then Maven does a standing dropkick on JBL. Maven then gets up and starts to walk toward Maven. Orlando then hops up onto the apron but Maven sees him. Maven goes to run at him but JBL yanks on the rope and Maven's fist is stopped in mid air. Orlando then sticks his tongue out but Maven uses his left hand and he punches Orlando right in the mouth. JBL then pulls on the rope and Maven falls over. JBL then starts to drag Maven towards him. Maven is trying to stop himself as JBL keeps dragging him. Maven then turns around so that his feet are going towards JBL. Maven then puts his feet down and when JBL pulls Maven gets lifted up. Maven then starts to open up on JBL again. JBL is knocked onto the ropes as Maven comes running at JBL but JBL ducks and sends Maven over the ropes. JBL then starts to run to the other side of the ring. Maven is then dragged almost up into the ring but his feet get caught. JBL sees this and starts to pull the rope with all of his might. Maven's shoulder is starting to be pulled tight. Maven then starts to wiggle his feet free but JBL sees this and stops pulling. Maven then lands face first onto the mat. JBL runs over to Maven and picks him up. JBL then laughs a bit and hits Maven with a Big Boot. JBL then covers for the 1---2---2.6-kick out. JBL then gets back up. JBL gets over top of Maven and is about to pull him back up but Maven brings his legs up and pushes JBL out from over him with his feet. Maven gets back up as does JBL. Both men look at each other as JBL nods his head and he starts to talk to Charles Robinson. Maven and Charles looked confused. Maven starts to make his way to JBL as Orlando slides into the ring and hits Maven with a big right hand. Charles tries to look but JBL gets in front of him and keeps talking. Maven and Orlando are going at it. Maven gets the upper hand and then throws Orlando out of the ring. JBL looks behind him and sees this. JBL comes running at Maven and tries to hit the Clothesline From Hell on him but Maven ducks and JBL flies right into the corner. JBL is knocked out as Maven starts to drag JBL into the middle of the floor. Just then someone comes running from the stands but Maven sees them and goes to fight them but as Maven punches the mystery person ducks and then hits him with the Evenflow. The figure then takes off his hood to reveal himself as Raven. Raven then slides out of the ring as JBL is slowly making his way to Maven. JBL then covers Maven for the 1---2---3
Winner: JBL

Penser: Your winner, John Bradshaw Layfield

Tenay: What the hell is Raven doing here?

Tony: I don't know but JBL picks up the win thanks to Raven

:After JBL is released from the rope, Raven gets back into the ring and Raven ties the rope to the top rope as Raven then wraps the rope around Maven's neck and Raven tosses Maven over the top as Maven is then being choked while hanging over the top as Several Referee's come out and try to pull Raven off and get Maven free as finally Raven releases the rope and Maven hits the floor as Raven does his signiture taunt before rolling out to the floor and leaving through the crowd while screaming "What About Me, What About Raven!!"

Tenay: We need some help out here for Maven thanks to that horrible attack from Raven

Madden: I like Raven's attitude

:Promo for Wrestlemania 2 Airs:

 Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/8/2006 8:36 PM

JR: Well Kurt Angle has left the arena meaning the advertised match is not going to take part

King: Well I just got told through my head set that Mallory Maddox has changed the next match to a Handicap Match

JR: What do you mean King

King: I got told it will now be Stevie Richards facing Triple H, Matt Hardy, and Charlie Haas in a Three on One Handicap Match

JR: That isn't right

Miss Shannon: The Following Contest is a Handicap Match and is scheduled for one fall

King: See I told you

"Line in the Sand" hits, Crowd Rises to there feet and Cheers

Miss Shannon: 1st team #1 making there way to the ring weighing in at a combined weight of 720 Pounds, Evolution X Members Matt Hardy Version 1, The SCWE Intercontinental Champion, Charlie Haas and SCWE World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H!!!

JR: This is a damn set up

King: It's going to be fought under Toronado Rules meaning all three men can be in the ring at the same time

JR: That's not right

King: Well we are in Evolution X country, just listen to the response

"I'll Show You, You'll See" hits, Crowd Boo's

Miss Shannon: His opponent, From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 220 Pounds, The SCWE Xtreme Champion, Stevie Richards

JR: I hope Stevie Richards scores the upset of a lifetime and wins

King: It's not going to happen

Triple H, Matt Hardy V1, & Charlie Haas vs Stevie Richards
The Bell Sounds as Triple H tells Matt and Charlie to go on the sides of Stevie which they do and Triple H tells Stevie that payback is a major bitch but Stevie Richards then knocks down Hardy with a right hand then Haas as Triple H goes to hit Stevie but Stevie elbows the Game in the face and Stevie then kicks him in the gut and Stevie goes for the Stevie T already but Triple H picks up Stevie and rams him back into the corner as Triple H then drives his shoulders into the ribs of Stevie Richards several times as Triple H backs out of the corner as Stevie falls in the corner and Matt Hardy stomps away at Stevie Richards. Matt Hardy then picks up Stevie and holds him up as Charlie Haas delivers several chops to Richards and Triple H then gets in Stevie's face and slaps him across the face and tells Stevie this is payback for Victoria taking out Natch and costing E-X the Tag Team Title's and Triple H then hits a big right hand on Richards as Hardy lets go and Richards hits the mat. Triple H then mounts Stevie Richards and pounds away at him with several big right hands to him. Triple H then gets off Stevie as Matt Hardy and Charlie Haas stomp away at Stevie and Charlie Haas picks him up as Charlie then hits a Big German Suplex on Stevie as Matt Hardy then picks up Stevie Richards and Matt Hardy kicks him in the gut and Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Richards. Triple H then orders Matt & Charlie to pick him up which they do and Triple H kicks him in the gut and hits the Pedigree on him. Triple H then covers Stevie for the 1---2--2.9-Triple H gets off Stevie Richards. Triple H then goes outside to the floor and pulls out a Sledgehammer as Matt Hardy destracts Brian Hebner as Charlie holds Stevie Richards up as Triple H gets back into the ring and The Game hits Richards directly in the ribs with the Sledgehammer as Stevie falls down in extreme pain as Triple H throws the Sledgehammer out to the floor as Triple H tells Charlie to put him in the Haas of Pain which Charlie does as Stevie Richards starts to tap out immediately.
Winners: Triple H, Matt Hardy V1, & Charlie Haas

Miss Shannon: Your winners, Triple H, Matt Hardy, & Charlie Haas

JR: This was a damn shame

King: An impressive win for E-X

JR: Evolution X just exploted there power tonight and thats not a good thing

King: Stevie Richards need medical help

:Matt Hardy and Chalrie Haas hold Stevie up again as Triple H picks up the Sledgehammer and The Game hits Stevie in the ribs again with the Sledgehammer as Stevie falls down grabbing his ribs as Triple H drops it and taunts as Matt & Charlie clap:

JR: Stevie Richards need medical help now

King: I just recieved word JR that on Smackdown! this week Stevie Richards will defend the Xtreme Title against the monster Batista as booked by Mallory Maddox

JR: They are trying to kill Stevie Richards

:Video Promo for EYOB Match highlighting the history of the EYOB Match:

Tony: Well the next match is going to be the Expose Your Opponents Breast Match

Madden: YES

Tenay: Stephanie McMahon is the only diva of the four to have competed in this match before and she was victorious over Shantell Angle

Penser: The Following Contest is the Expose Your Opponents Breasts Match where the winning team will go on to Wrestlemania 2 to recieve a WCW Women's Championship Shot

"Holla If Ya Hear Me" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: 1st making there way to the ring, The Team of Shayn Flair and Lacy Alexander!!

Tony: Lacy and Shayn have to have the advantage due to there relationship

"Walk, Idiot, Walk" hits, Crowd Cheers

Penser: There opponents, 1st from Telemuco, California, Christy Hemme

Tenay: Christy Hemme is trying to do Double Duty tonight after coming up a bit short in the Women's Hardcore Battle Royal

"All Grown Up" hits, Crowd is mixed

Penser: Her partner, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Stephanie McMahon

Madden: I don't care what team loses but I hope its a draw because that way we got to see everyone topless!!

Tony: Of course you do Mark

EYOB: Lacy Alexander & Shayn Flair vs Stephanie McMahon & Christy Hemme
The Bell Sounds as Christy is still holding her ribs from her match earlier in the night as Stephanie and Lacy lock up with Lacy shoving down Stephanie and Shayn goes over and goes to lock up with Christy but instead kicks her in the ribs and Shayn shoves Christy back into the corner and Shayn delivers several big chops to Christy while Lacy delivers a right hand to Stephanie and Lacy whips Steph off the ropes but Steph hits a Lou Thez Press on the way back and Steph opens up on Lacy with right hands but Shayn hits Stephanie in the back knocking her off as Shayn then stomps away at Stephanie as Lacy gets up and joins in as Christy then attacks Shayn from behind and Christy clotheslines Shayn over the top to the floor and Christy ducks a clothesline from Lacy and Christy hits the Hemme Love on Lacy. Christy then goes for Lacy's shirt but Shayn Flair pulls her out of the ring but Christy then catipults herself over the ropes crashing on top of Shayn and Lacy. All three ladies are down as Stephanie rolls out to the floor and Stephanie picks up Shayn Flair and rams her into the steel steps and Stephanie then removes Shayn's shirt revealing Shayn's red bra. Christy meanwhile is getting up and Christy goes to hit Lacy but Lacy grabs her and picks her up in a bearhug as Christy can't escape as Lacy shakes her from side to side but Stephanie comes over and hits Lacy breaking the hold and Stephanie pounds away at Lacy as does Christy once she gets up and both ladies end up ripping Lacy's shirt off revealing lacy's red bra. Stephanie and Christy then look at each other and both go after Lacy's bra but Shayn Flair hits both ladies from behind and Shayn rams Christy face first into the ring post while Lacy hits a right hand knocking down Stephanie. Stephanie gets back up and gets kicked in the gut by Lacy who picks her up and slams her down on the floor. Lacy then grabs Stephanie shirt and rips it off revealing Stephanie's black bra while Shayn rips off Christy's shirt as well revealing Christy's pink bra. All 4 Ladies are now in there bra's as Lacy picks up Stephanie and rolls her back into the ring and Shayn picks up Christy and rolls her back into the ring. Lacy and Shayn get back into the ring as well but Christy and Steph both get up and Christy knocks down Shayn coming in and Stephanie catches Lacy with the RKO. Stephanie goes for Lacy's bra as does Christy for Shayn's but Shayn ends up yanking down's Christy's pants and knocks her down and rips them off revealing Christy's pink pair of panties as Stephanie still goes for Lacy's but Lacy pops up and picks up Stephanie and drives her into the corner as Stephanie is riving in pain as Lacy then rams her shoulders into Stephanie's gut several times. Shayn meanwhile goes for the Figure 4 and locks it in on Christy Hemme who is screaming out in pain. Lacy picks up Stephanie and bench presses her over her had and Lacy slams her down hard. Lacy then grabs Stephanie by her pants as Stephanie was trying to get away and Lacy tears them off revealing Stephanie's black pair of panties. Shayn Flair finally breaks the Figure 4 as Lacy picks up Christy who is hurting and Lacy hits the Freakliner on her as Shayn goes up top and Shayn hits the Bomb Flair on her as Lacy then grabs Christy's bra and unstraps it and is ready to pull it off when Stephanie hits Lacy from behind and Stephanie pounds away at Lacy knocking her into the ropes and Stephanie clotheslines Lacy over the top to the floor. Shayn Flair then goes to hit Stephanie but Stephanie ducks and Stephanie knocks down Shayn with a right hand and Stephanie grabs Shayn's bra and tries to get it off by standing over her but Shayn then out of desperation grabs Stephanie's panties and pulls them down!!!! Stephanie lets go of Shayn and pulls her panties back up as Shayn is able to get back up and Shayn kicks Stephanie in the gut and Shayn hits a DDT on her. Christy though spears Shayn down once she gets back up and Christy pounds away at her but Lacy picks up Christy from behind and Lacy turns Christy around and Lacy hits the Freakliner on her. Shayn then picks up Christy and holds her as Lacy rips off Christy's bra exposing her breasts as Shayn lets go and Lacy throws Christy out to the floor as Christy comes to and covers herself up and heads to the back. This now leaves Stephanie alone with Lacy and Shayn and Stephanie starts to get up and see's Christy leaving and Stephanie realizes she is all alone now and Stephanie tries to beg off but Lacy and Shayn both start to stomp away at Stephanie and Lacy picks up Stephanie and holds her as Shayn hits several chops to the chest of Stephanie and Shayn then grabs Stephanie's bra and rips it off revealing her breasts as well as Lacy lets go of Stephanie who covers herself up and rolls out of the ring.
Winners: Lacy Alexander & Shayn Flair

Penser: Your winners, Lacy Alexander and Shayn Flair

Tony: Lacy and Shayn are going to Wrestlemania to face Trish Stratus!!

Madden: We saw Christy's breasts plus Stephanie McMahon totally naked!!!! I loved this match

Tenay: Well Stephanie showed a little more then I am sure she wanted to this in match but Lacy and Shayn are heading to Wrestlemania

Madden: The only thing bad about this match is that Lacy and Shayn didnt show much skin

Tony: Well we are going to send it back over to SCWE for There Main Event now

:Video Highlights Showing Kelli Hardy/Victoria Helmsley Fued:

JR: Well King its time for the Main Event of the SCWE Side of things

King: We just saw some puppies but now I think we are going to see a Heavy Duty Cat Fight

Miss Shannon: The Main Event of the SCWE Side is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SCWE Women's Championship

"Don't Mess With" hits, Crowd is mixed

Miss Shannon: 1st making her way to the ring, From San Fernando, California, Victoria Helmsley

JR: Victoria is still technically married to Triple H so this will be a match where a sister faces her Sister-In-Law

Mattitude Countdown Starts into "Figured You Out", Crowd is mixed

KelliFact: Kelli always hated Victoria and thought Hunter was slumming with her

Miss Shannon: Her opponent, From Greenwich, Connecticut, Representing Evolution X, She is the SCWE Women's Champion, Kelli Hardy

King: I think Kelli Hardy is going to show Victoria a few things tonight

JR: Well Ring Rust may play a factor for Victoria

SCWE Women's Championship: Kelli Hardy(C) vs Victoria Helmsley
Referee Earl Hebner shows off the SCWE Women's Title before calling for the bell to start the match as Kelli talks trash to Victoria and Kelli then slaps Victoria across the face. Kelli then talks more trash to Victoria as Victoria grabs the side of her face and Victoria smacks her in the face again as Victoria backs up and Kelli starts to laugh at Victoria and mock her as Victoria then hits a right hand knocking down Kelli. Victoria then waits as Kelli starts to get up and Victoria hits a few more right hands to Kelli and Kelli backs up into the ropes as Victoria kicks Kelli in the gut and whips her off the ropes and Victoria grabs Kelli and hits a Tilt a whirl slam on her. Victoria then picks up Kelli and Victoria whips her off the ropes again and Victoria then hits a big powerslam on her. Kelli grabs her back as Victoria kicks her directly in the back and Victoria picks up Kelli again and slams her down and Victoria then stands next to Kelli with her back turned and Victoria hits a standing moonsault on Kelli and hooks the leg for a 1---2--2.5-kick out. Victoria then picks up Kelli and Victoria picks up Kelli and hits the Spiderwebs on her. Victoria covers Kelli again for a 1---2--2.8-kick out. Victoria shakes her head as Victoria picks up Kelli again and Victoria whips her off the ropes and Victoria puts her head down but Kelli stops and kicks Victoria in the shoulder and Kelli then grabs Victoria and Kelli goes for a Twist of Fate but Victoria counters into a backslide pin for a 1---2--2.7-kick out. Victoria then kicks Kelli in the gut as both ladies get up and Victoria goes for the Widow's Peak but Kelli backdrops Victoria before she can go for it. Kelli then waits for Victoria to get back up and Kelli hits a spinning chick kick to Victoria knocking her down. Kelli then picks up Victoria and Kelli goes for the Perfect Plex and hits it for a 1---2--2.9-kick out. Kelli is a little upset but kicks Victoria in the gut again and Kelli then goes for the Kelli bomb but Victoria sneaks down the back of Kelli for a roll up for a 1---2--kick out. Both ladies get back up as Kelli catches Victoria with a few right hands and Kelli kicks Victoria in the gut and Kelli goes for the Pedigree and hits it. Kelli rolls Victoria over and covers for the 1---2--2.9999999999-shoulder up. Kelli starts to argue with Earl Hebner saying she got 3. Victoria then grabs Kelli and rolls her up for a 1---2--2.6-kick  out. Both ladies get back up again as Kelli goes to hit  Victoria but Victoria does the Matrix move and Victoria then gets back to her feet and Victoria catches Kelli with a kick to the gut and Victoria hits a big snap suplex on Kelli. Kelli then gets up in the ropes as Victoria then hits a big clothesline knocking Kelli out to the floor. Victoria then grabs the ropes and catapults herself onto Kelli. Victoria then gets back up first and Victoria picks up Kelli and Victoria whips Kelli into the side of the guard rail. Victoria then picks up Kelli and drives her throat first down on the guard rail. Victoria then removes the padding off the floor and drags Kelli over and Victoria kicks Kelli in the gut and Victoria sets up Kelli for a Pedigree on the exposed concrete floor but "My Time" hits as Triple H starts to make his way to the ring with the SCWE World Title in hand as Victoria lets Kelli go and Victoria pulls out a Sledgehammer from under the ring and Victoria heads into the entry way and tells Triple H to come as Kelli rolls back into the ring on the 8 count and Earl Hebner hits 9 and then 10 and calls for the bell.
Winner: Kelli Hardy by Count Out

Miss Shannon: Your winner as a result of a count out and still SCWE Women's Champion, Kelli Hardy

JR: This isn't right King

King: Victoria took her eye of the ball and Kelli retained

:Triple H is smirking as Kelli gets her Women's Title and is waiting for Victoria to clear out before leaving but Triple H turns around to leave and walks right into a guitar shot from Matt Walker! "Bitch" then hits as Mallory Maddox walks out into the entry way with a microphone:

JR: Matt Walker just knocked out The Game with A Guitar Shot!!

Mallory Maddox: Now I know you are all wondering why I am out here but Kelli I want you to inform Hunter once he wakes up that right now I am making a new match and that is that you and your brother will face Victoria and Matt Walker in a Mixed Tag Match right now and if E-X gets involved they will be fired on the spot

King: That isn't fair

:Victoria is smiling as she heads back towards the ring as Matt Walker picks up the Game and drags him down to the ring and rolls him into the ring as Matt gets into the ring as Earl Hebner calls for the bell:

JR: We are going to see Triple H and Kelli Hardy taking on Victoria Helmsley and Matt Walker right now!!

King: Triple H isn't even awake

 Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/8/2006 8:36 PM
Triple H & Kelli Hardy vs Matt Walker & Victoria Helmsley
Matt Walker gets into the ring and waits for Triple H to get back up as The Game struggles up in the ropes and Kelli tries to warn him but The Game walks right into a kick to the gut by Matt Walker who then hits a DDT on him. Matt Walker picks up Triple H again and Matt whips him into the corner and Matt stomps away at him as Matt then tags out to Victoria as Triple H realizes what is going on and The Game is able to escape the corner and goes over and tags out to Kelli as Kelli comes in as Victoria goes to hit Triple H who ducks out to the floor as Kelli attacks Victoria from behind. Kelli pounds away at Victoria and Kelli turns Victoria around and goes for the Kelli Bomb and hits it this time. Kelli then picks up Victoria and sets her up for the Pedigree but Victoria trips Kelli down and Victoria then slingshots Kelli into her own corner as Kelli hits Triple H and Victoria then rolls up Kelli coming back for a 1--2--2.5-kick out. Just then Matt Hardy & Charlie Haas appear on the Titantron as Charlie & Matt have a hold of Mallory Maddox & Kaylee Walker as Matt Walker see's it and Matt jumps off the apron and heads towards the back as Victoria was also looking on and Kelli hits Victoria in the back knocking her down. Kelli then turns Victoria around and Kelli goes for another Twist of Fate but Victoria ends up hitting Kelli in the back and Victoria then picks up Kelli and hits the Widow's Peak!! Triple H then comes into the ring and The Game knocks down his wife from behind. Triple H then whips Victoria hard into the corner as Victoria falls down from the impact.  Triple H starts to smirk as Kelli rolls out to the apron as Triple H picks up his wife and Triple H says its over and The Game sets her up for a pedigree but Victoria ends up tripping Triple H down and Victoria flips over him for a bridge pin for the 1---2--3 as Kelli was a split second late for the save. Triple H is stunned as Victoria rolls out to the floor.
Winners: Matt Walker & Victoria Helmsley

Penser: Your winners, Matt Walker and Victoria Helmsley!!

JR: Victoria just pinned The SCWE World Champion!!

King: No thats not right, Triple H wasnt even legal

JR: It counted King and because of Triple H's arrogance it backfired

:Triple H and Kelli are both throwing a fit in the ring as Victoria smirks heading back up the entry way:

JR: Don't miss SCWE This week but we are out of time for the SCWE Side so lets send it back over to WCW for there Main Event


:Matt Walker is shown with Kaylee Walker and Mallory Maddox as Jason Walker is also in the picture:


Tony: Well guys its time for the Main Event of the evening

Tenay: Christian and Hulk Hogan are going to do battle here for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship in a match I have been looking forward to

Penser: The Main Event of the evening is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

"King of My World" hits, Crowd Gives a Standing Ovation

Penser: 1st making his way to the ring, From right here in Toronto, weighing in at 235 Pounds, The Leader of the S.C., The WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Christian!!!

Tony: I can barely hear myself due to this ovation

Madden: Welcome to Christianland

Tenay: Christian is getting a very warm welcome as the Skydome is rocking

"Real American" hits, Crowd Cheers but then turns to Boo's

:Eric Bischoff walks out into the entry way with a microphone:

Eric Bischoff: Now I know you are all expecting Hulk Hogan but unfortuantly The Hulkster could not be here tonight(Crowd Boo's) thanks to The S.C.(Crowd shuts up). Hulk and Kevin Nash were involved in a Minor Car Accident but one serious enough to keep them in the states and some foul play was invovled but as a result I have been forced to find a replacement for Christian to face so with that being said....Tyson Tomko how would you like to go for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship?

Madden: Thank god no Hogan but Tyson can't take the Title Shot

Tenay: Tyson Tomko being presented a gold chance here

:Christian gets a microphone and speaks:

Christian: Bischoff are you nuts, you know Tyson won't take the title shot right Tyson

:Christian looks at Tyson who is stairing at Christian's WCW World Title:

Christian: Tyson buddy come on now. Your my best friend, You don't want to do this

:Tyson then snatches the mic from Chrstian:

Eric Bischoff: Well Tyson are you in?

Tyson Tomko: No

:Christian lets out a sigh of relief:

Madden: I told you

Tony: I think Tyson was dumb there for turning it down

Eric Bischoff: Well then that leaves me no choice but to bring out your back up opponent then

"Eye of the Hurricane" hits, Crowd Boo's

Penser: His opponent, From Raliegh, North Carolina weighing in at 191 Pounds, The Hurricane

Tony: The Hurricane is back!!

Tenay: The Hurricane is going to challenge Christian for the WCW World Title

Madden: No this isnt fair, Christian couldnt prepare for him

Tenay: Can the Super Hero stop the King of Canada?

WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Christian(C) W/Tyson Tomko & Trish Stratus vs The Hurricane
Referee Nick Patrick calls for the bell as Christian and Hurricane lock up and Christian locks in a headlock but Hurricane sends Christian off the ropes and Christian and Hurricane collide with shoulder blocks. Both men stare at each other as they lock up again as Christian then backs Hurricane into the corner as Nick Patrick tries to force a clean break but Christian goes to do it but then goes for a cheap shot on Hurricane but Hurricane moves out of the corner and Hurricane then opens up on Christian who lands in the corner. Hurricane knocks Christian down in the corner and Hurricane then picks Christian back up and whips him off the ropes and Hurricane hits a big backdrop on Christian. Christian gets up near the ropes as Hurricane charges in looking to clothesline Christian over but Christian ducks down pulling the ropes down as Hurricane flies over the ropes to the floor. Hurricane is hurting on the floor as Christian talks to Nick Patrick as Hurricane gets up, Tyson Tomko hits a Big Boot to Hurricane taking him down. Tyson then picks up Hurricane and rams him back first into the ring post before slamming him down as Hurricane struggles back up, Trish goes for a Chick Kick on Hurricane but Hurricane catches Trish by her foot and swings her around and Hurricane then kisses Trish! but Christian hits a baseball slide into the back of Hurricane as Trish moves out of the way as Hurricane hits the guard rail. Tyson catches Trish before she falls on the ground as Christian gets on the floor and kicks away at Hurricane. Christian then picks up Hurricane and rolls him back into the ring as Christian checks on Trish before getting back into the ring. Christian goes to pick up The Hurricane but Hurricane hits Christian in the gut several times and Hurricane grabs Christian and gets him with a small package for a 1---2--2.6-kick out. Both men get back up as Christian goes to hit Hurricane but Hurricane ducks and Hurricane kicks Christian in the gut and Hurricane then hits a swinging neckbreaker on Christian. Hurricane then waits as Christian starts to get up and Hurricane hits a Shinning Wizard Kick on him. Hurricane covers Christian for a 1---2--2.7-kick out. Hurricane can't believe it and backs up and goes up top and Hurricane then comes off hitting a Blockbuster on Christian and Hurricane covers but Tyson Tomko gets on the apron detracting Nick Patrick as Hurricane gets up and goes over and knocks down Tyson off the apron as Trish hands Christian something as Trish then gets on the apron detracting Nick Patrick as well as Hurricane goes over to pick up Christian but Christian hits the Hurricane in the head with a hockey skate cutting the head of Hurricane wide open as Christian then throws the skate out as Hurricane is grabbing his head as Christian kicks Hurricane in the gut and Christian hits the UnPretettier on Hurricane and rolls him over for the 1---2--3.
Winner: Christian

Penser: Your winner and still WCW World Champion, Christian

Madden: Christian just retained his title

Tenay: The Hurricane had things going good for him but Christian used a Hockey Skate and that ended things as Paramedics are checking on Hurricane who needs to be taken to a medical facily fast to stop that bleeding

Tony: This is a sad way to end No Way Out but don't miss WCW Monday Nitro tomarrow night and hopefully we will have more on Hurricane's health, Good Night

:Christian poses with the WCW World Title as...

:No Way Out goes off the Air:

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