He was only 12..still he knew his mother was very sick..she had been in bed for weeks..and his dad always looked so sad ..her birthday was coming up..and donnie had made up his mind..this year he would find and give her..the most specail gift..but what? every day after school he rode his bike down town..he spent what seemed to a young boy..forever looking through stores..and everyday the same thing, nothing quite specail enough..all he had was was 5 more days He had worked hard over the summer..mowing hards and helping friends..had saved up money..for a bike he wanted so very very bad..but right now it was not as important as it had seemed before As her birthday grew near, donnie felt more and more frustrated..still no specail gift..he didnt want to ask his dad for help..cause he wanted it to be from him alone.. His mothers birthday arrived..and he still had nothing..so he thought..then grabbed the jar of money he earned and ran in to his mothers bebroom and gave it to her..."Here Mom"..." Donnie what is this"..." my money I saved all summer"..."But son, you worked so hard for that..so you could get that bike you always wanted"..."I know mom..but I wanted to get you a specail gift. but could not find one..so here is my money..I love you more then a bike, I love you more the anything"..she handed the jar of money back to her son.."Donnie my sweet little boy,you keep the money.Get your bike. I will keep your love. For Love is the most specail gift".."Really mom"..he had the biggest smile on his face..They hugged for the longest time..he was truley happy, cause unknownly, he had given his mom, THE MOST SPECAIL GIFT..LOVE Submitted by marshall *********************************************************** |