Moon Phases
Just as the phases of the Moon affect Nature, so too do they influence magickal workings. If you are trying to attain a certain result, it is advised to perform the ritual during the phase of the Moon associated with what you are aiming to achieve. The different phases have different properties, and can lend energies to your magickal workings. The Moon is your clock and your calendar for working magick. Raymond Buckland, Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft, p. 161
New Moon The new moon is a time of beginnings. It is a period of controlled energies and growth. Divination is particularly powerful at this time as well. It is a time of personal growth and healing.
Waxing Moon This is a good time for constructive magick. This is magick that is for increase. If something is already in progress, magick at this time will influence it. The Waxing Moon is associated with the Maiden, so workings that may require influence of this aspect of the Goddess.
Full Moon The Full Moon is a time for workings that require great force. The Full Moon can be cojured for 7 days - 3 days prior, the night of the Full moon, and the 3 days following. Sometimes the effects of cojuring done on the Full Moon take one full lunary cycle to take hold and come to completion. At this time, the other planes can be influenced. The subconscious spheres of influence are at their most acrive and receptive as well. The Full Moon symbolizes the Mother aspect of the Goddess. It is also a time of great psychic energies, though the energies here are very different from those which surround the New Moon.
Waning Moon This is a good time for destructive magick. This is magick that is concerned with the ending of things, such as bad habits, ways of life, or negative emotions. It is also a timefor banishing and rejecting things in our lives we no longer wish to have around us. The Waning Moon represents the Crone aspect of the goddess.
Dark of the Moon The Dark of the Moon occurs over the 3 days before the New Moon. At this time, the moon cannot be seen at all. At this time, no magick should be performed. This allows you to give yourself a break. Meditations and vision questing may be performed at this time, but not for specific purposes. Hecate rules this time of the cycle. So if you require her assistance, this is when you should perform ritual to attain it.