Aftershave Formulas
Soothing-Cooling Aftershave Gel (inspired by Kelly Reno's recipe)
1/2 cup Aloe Vera gel (the commercial stuff)
1 oz. witch hazel extract
1 tsp. glycerin
5-10 drops fragrance oil, if desired
Mix the f.o. with the witch hazel. Add the glycerin and aloe gel, bottle.
4 oz. grain alcohol
4 oz. distilled water
1 tsp. glycerin
approx. 1 tsp. e.o./f.o.
Mix the scent blend with the alcohol, add the glycerin. Slowly add the water, mixing well. Steep 3 weeks and bottle. Note: if grain alcohol is unavailable, substitute 8 oz. strong vodka and omit the water entirely.
Aftershave Balm
(from a 19th century formulary)
1/8 oz. quince seed, crushed
5 grains borax (1 grain=approx.1 large pinch)
1/2 oz. glycerin
1/2 oz. alcohol
1/4 oz. distilled water
7 oz. witch hazel extract
60 drops tincture of benzoin
Macerate the quince in the witch hazel and glycerin for 12 hours. Filter. Mix water and alcohol and dissolve borax in it. Add to quince-gel. Add drop by drop, the benzoin and shake well. If desired, add approx. 20 to 30
drops e.o./f.o. Bottle.