Future History 5.3
Winter 2006
Dear Reader,
Mother nature is turning the world of science upside down. This past summer in North America the heat waves brought devastation and destruction to the living food supplies for animals. By mid_summer farmers were feeding their livestock ‘hay�?nbsp; since the farm animals had insufficient food on the ground. At the same time, monitors of sea life warned that the current trend of ocean depletion will bring death to more than 60% of marine life in the oceans of the world by 2050. On top of this the Antarctica ozone hole is increasing to the largest size ever recorded. Apart from the sensations of the new forecasts, the demographic profile of population increase with the changing climate, massive starvation may become rampant by the mid-21st century without technical breakthroughs of future science. Scientists have made sizable gains in what was once considered an impossible art—reconstructing the history of Earth’s atmosphere back into the dim past. They can now peer across more than a half billion years. The scientists have learned about the changing climate from ice cores, soil and rock which have revealed startling clues of fossilized plants and sea creatures. They have also gained insights from computer models that predict how phenomena like eroding rocks and erupting volcanoes have altered the planet’s environment.
At issue is whether the findings back the determined view of global warming. One side, exemplified by the UK’s Nicholas Stern Report, foresees a looming crisis of planetary heating and economic collapse if the world fails to immediately tackle climate change; the other, views temperature increase as more of a nuisance than a catastrophe. Few if any would deny ‘global warming�? The greater question is how hazardous will it be or is it part of a natural planetary cycle. Regardless of your own beliefs, the effects are still present.
According to UN records (2005), 1.2 of the 6.6 billion humans barely survive on less than one dollar per day. A tragic 2.9 billion humans live on less than two dollars per day. The tragedy continues with 800 million humans in the developing nations being illiterate, of which 538 million are women. This means that a large percentage of humanity’s “developing nations�?are disenfranchised from participating in the greater lifestyle many take for granted on mother earth.
A massive rethinking is ahead! The evolution of morals for global responsibility requires a major reverse in thinking regarding areas of energy, but also areas of consciousness. We are required to rethink our global ethics. We need to heed warnings that are showing us evidence of earlier civilizations that have come and gone on planet earth very quickly. We urgently need to put the “purpose of life�?back into focus and to rejoice in being conscious of helping ‘all life�? With this we gain the understanding that our planet is the house we have been given to care for within the Greater House of Many Mansions.
�?J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.
Message Update
The year 2006 stands as a cipher for more planetary change and greater fulfillment of The Keys. We could mention each area of the globe that needs our prayers, but among the changes not so often mentioned on the news is the serious drought in the Amazon. There are also other changes being brought on by declining winds over the Indian Ocean causing less rainfall to parts of Africa .
The central question is: to what end do we become afraid of change? To those who claim the airplane is going down, we must proclaim the Merkabah is going up. Global concerns go hand in hand with the transformation of space and time. Our sensitive relationship with all creatures, including humanity as well as other dimensional life forms, can never be without a certain degree of transcendence of the self. This is not a ‘make believe�?transcendence of our space and time, but that which brings forth the true gifts of Life.
Spiritual wisdom gives us the capacity to rise above personal suffering while we continue to care and have concern for our brothers and sisters. We can free ourselves from suffering because we were created with the ability to be in higher Unity with the Divine, but we must know in our heart of hearts that none other than the Divine can really fulfill our needs. For those who are living in fear or in turmoil within their lives: a basic God-orientation must come forth.
Fearlessness and serenity of mind go hand in hand. The dispelling of anxiety and the eradication of all sorts of fear are necessary preconditions for true serenity. We know that wherever spirituality has developed to its heights it has found the higher notion of internal serenity and peace �?but it comes through working with the “inner kingdom�?of Light. The intensity and interior depth of this commitment to the new life of Love, Peace and Harmony is in direct proportion to the intensity and interiority of one’s commitment to Christ-consciousness, reflecting the importance of one’s incarnation in the world.
At the same time we are mindful of those who sit in front of their TVs looking for the updates on the next chapter of the Apocalypse without so much as an effort to plant a victory garden or to do the ‘real work�?of helping in their own back yard. We must see that although most of us are still in the time of preparation, we must not be victims of ignorance. Now is the time to prepare ourselves by assisting others, so that the psyche remains positive when the specter of other storms and turmoils strikes. Think very seriously and always show the love of the Divine in your heart. Remember, the compassionate side as demonstrated by St. Francis of Assisi, REALLY WORKS.
The call to human and divine service together is a difficult path and challenges the old paradigms. And when you attempt to take the path, know that it may come in many ways that may create resistance from your peers in your profession, be it art, music, science or business. We urge you to respond to your higher, inner calling, which will lead to an ecumenical embrace of the fullness of the Godhead and a complete commitment to life. The call can also be understood as emerging from within the spiritual nature that is found beyond the dualistic mind.
We as Light bringers need to place this world of events and duality in harmony with the inner kingdom which is already connected to the coming of Christ and the cosmic Hierarchy, whether we see it as the Second Coming or the Understanding of our Cosmic Origins, for the mystery of our future is co-experiencing the understanding of our origins. In conclusion, it is important now that you: (1) plan agriculture strategies with friends, (2) be aware of cosmic events, (3) understand how your vocation is deeply rooted in the mystery of the cosmic Christ, the sacred scriptures of the larger tradition of the Divine Father and the Divine Mother, (4) always rejoice in new melodies [http://www.keysofenoch.org/html/music.html] and the power of the Language of Light as ways of using the teachings of Light effectively, and (5) watch for the signs of eschatology as they relate to planning for the “new heavens and the new earth.�?
May you be Blessed in all that you do �?
Dr. J.J. and D.E. Hurtak